FEATURED LETTER On IT’S COMPLICATED with ALEX: “My Mom’s dating a new guy” Hi Alex! Good afternoon to you and your listeners! I am 25 yrs old. My parents separated and parted ways when I was 13. My Tatay is 50 yrs old and he has a new family now while my Nanay is 48 yrs old and she hasn’t been with anyone since she and tatay got separated. I live on my own here in Manila while my Nanay lives in our hometown somewhere in the south about 3-4 hr ride away from me and I’m not able to go there to visit her frequently these days but my brother, who’s 20 yrs old still lives with her. I was chatting with my brother few days ago, and she told me that she found out our Nanay is sort of seeing someone. I was initially happy for her, and excited that she met someone. But then he gave me the rest of the details… the guy my nanay is dating is 22 yrs old and they’ve been together for more than a month already and the guy is planning to live with her! Apparently, she has been secretly dating this guy that he met online!! And my brother just found out about it coz someone told him that they saw our nanay with that guy so he confronted her. And she said she’s afraid to tell us because she’s scared that we might judge her. Anyway, I will admit that me and my bro did not react well. I didn’t like the age difference. I keep on telling myself that my mom is old enough to make her own decisions and well, mistakes. But the more I think about it, the angrier I got. Yes, the age difference bothers me, but not nearly as much as her planning on living with him in our home without telling us about it first hand! Tapos living In pa with my younger brother? Is she out of her mind? I’m not really sure what to ask here, Alex. All I know is that I’m really mad and upset. I’m not sure how to talk to her without yelling or getting angry… she still does not know that I know about her boyfriend. I know I can’t avoid the topic for very long so I just wanna know what do you think, what your listeners think I should do? Thanks! – WorriedDaughter ~ You know what, I don’t blame you for feeling the way you do. But please hear your Mom’s side first then tell her about your concern about the age difference and her decision for them to live together with your brother…. Hopefully she will understand where you’re coming from. If she is still insisting on moving in with this man, unfortunately there’s not much you can do, but at least you’ve made your concerns known. She will learn eventually when the relationship comes crashing down on her. :/ But what do you guys think? Any advice?
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 05:17:34 +0000

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