FEATURED LETTER on IT’S COMPLICATED with ALEX “Trying to move - TopicsExpress


FEATURED LETTER on IT’S COMPLICATED with ALEX “Trying to move on” Hi dj alex! It’s me again... If you remember I was the one who wrote to you 5 months ago with the topic you named “ACCIDENTALLY IN LOVE”. I decided to write again because after all the advices you gave to me before, STILL, I can’t find the way to get out of this stupid feelings of mine To recall the story, I was the one who fell inlove with my officemate, but unfortunately, I’m a married person. Actually I tried to follow some of the advice that you and other listeners said. I tried not to talk to him most of the time, not to text him, or even say “hi” and look at him whenever we met at work. But it only gave me so much pain, don’t know WHY... Isn’t maybe because I “love” him? I know, I know it’s NOT RIGHT.. And I know anybody who will know something about like this story will have the same reactions.. of course they will say “BETTER TO STOP IT”..Yeah I really know what to do, and what’s the difference from right to wrong. I mean, I know I should STOP this. But Alex, I don’t know why I can’t I just wanna be with him and I miss him if I didn’t see him even for just a day. We still hang out sometimes, but he’s still in a relationship with his girlfriend, and I know that..We both cheated our partners and that’s the most stupid thing we did.. Maybe one of the reasons why I want him is because now I can’t see or even feel from my husband the same love that he used to showed me before. Before he was so sweet and very caring to me, but now he is so cold to me. He doesn’t even care for me unlike before. He doesn’t want to listen whenever I tell him my problems. He is not interested for what I want to tell him. He just wants to spend his time with his barkadas. Dj alex, why its too easy for us to give an advice to other people if they have a problem, thus, how come it’s too hard for us to do when it comes to ourselves. Ang hirap talaga kapag nagmahal ka sa maling panahon at maling pagkakataon :’( Any advice will be highly appreciated.. Thank you so much for reading my letter. More power & God Speed! Nicole Dennise ~Aww I know it’s gonna be hard to move on most especially if you guys kept on seeing each other. Sadly one of you has to leave or resign if you really wanna forget about him and move on. I also suggest working things out with your husband, spice things up! And do other stuff that will make you happy, do you have kids? Give them your love and energy or find another hobby (not hubby ha! :P). Goodluck… how about you guys what do you think?
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 04:57:07 +0000

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