FEATURES CHARACTERISTICS Students should be learning to: PLOT - TopicsExpress


FEATURES CHARACTERISTICS Students should be learning to: PLOT CHARACTERISTIC Sequence of action. Plots include introduction, problem, climax or crisis, resolution and conclusion. People, animals, and imaginary characters in a narrative. Readers can usually identify with one or more and relate the character` experiences in the story to their personal experiences. Understand how narratives begin, develop and end; understand the point of view; retell the story; see how the plot is affected by the characters. Name and define major and minor characters; describe the ways they talk, act and move, saying what they fear; explore how the characters are conveyed; explain how the personalities of the characters affect the plot. SETTING Places or situation where narrative takes place. Setting can have a powerful effect on the theme in the narrative and on the reader`s emotions. Describing setting, using a list of adjectives; understand the relationship of the setting to the plot, theme and character development; understand how setting in conveyed; appreciate the importance of setting in their own writing. THEME The subject or message the writing is attempting to communicate, themes can be conveyed in an obvious way or :between the lines” Recognize the author’s message; relate the theme of the story to their own beliefs and culture; compare themes from different books; discuss themes in their own writing. 2.1.4 Writing Achievement Achievement concerns with what someone has actually learned whereas aptitude is the potential for learning something. There are achievement test measuring a wide variety of academic skills at the all age levels. (psychaudit/glossary.htm). It can be concluded that achievement is a success in reaching particular goal status or standard, especially by effort, skill, courage, etc. While writing is not as simple as many people think because it is easier to speak than to write, that is way writing is not easy for students, because writing is a complex subject that involves organization of thoughts, the usage of English language and imagination. (Young and savage (1982)). From both the quotation above, it can be assumed that writing as the last of the four language skills is a complex activity because it requires many components in order to achieve a good result. Thereby, Writing Achievement is an effort in learning foreign language skills, especially writing by using method, in this case, the method that will be used is CTL Approach, so that, students can improve and expand their writing achievement successfully. 2.2 Conceptual Framework Contextual teaching and Learning is intended to build knowledge and skills in meaningful ways by engaging students in real life. CTL has seven components, namely Constructivism, Questioning, Inquiry, Learning Community, Modeling, Reflection and Authentic assessment. CTL can begin with a simulated real problem. Students use critical thinking skills and a systemic approach to inquiry the problem or issue. Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach which is as the best way to facilitate students and to overcome student`s complication in narrative and create effective learning in a class. By using CTL, student` are able to produce narrative writing through seventh components of CTL. In order words, CTL can assist students to compose an engaging writing which caused by the power focused on students. It means that teachers should fulfill the strategy rather than providing information or knowledge. Meanwhile, the students will create or construct knowledge as they attempt to bring meaning to their experience. For instance, students asked to write their experience or a story about them that ever been happened. It can be provoked by Contracting, Acquiring, Sharing, Understanding and Reflecting knowledge. As the result, CTL will reveal integrated and attractive learning. Ultimately, students should become Lifelong Learners are able to seek out, analyze and use information. To do so, students should become more aware how the process information, apply problem-solving strategies and use background knowledge. CTL experiences should allow for trial and error; provide time and structure for reflection; and provide adequate support to assist students to move from Dependent to Independent Learning. For CTL to be effective, all of components should be present as strategies in teaching and learning process. Above all, for CTL be successful for all students, the strategies should be applicate but there is significant strategies which are supported in teaching and learning process, namely Modeling and Questioning. In learning experiences, there is a model whish could be imitate. For instance, teacher conveys a sample of narrative by demonstrating experience based on the topic. In CTL approach, teacher is not only, a model, similarly, students could be participated as the model. A students can be also a model which is illustrated the narrative or experiences, thereby, students are able to construct the narrative lightly. Meanwhile, Questioning is worthwhile strategy which can be impetus for learning, guiding, and assessing students` knowledge. In productive learning, Questioning is essential for discovering information, checking students` comprehension and focusing students` attention on something that is expected by teacher. CHAPTER III THE RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design The research design used an experimental research. There were two groups, namely control group and experimental group. The experimental group was the group which received treatment using Contextual Teaching and learning Approach. The design was as follow : Table 3.1 Research Design Group Types Treatment Types Experimental group Pre – test Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach Post – test Control group Pre – test Without Contextual teaching and Learning Approach Post – test 3.2 Population and Sample 3.2.1 Population According to Arikunto (1998:120) said : if the subject or population less than 100, it is better for the researcher took all of the population and research called population research. But, if the number of population more than 100, the research can take 10%-15% or 20%-25% based on the quality of the researcher, limitation of the time, personnel and fund, searching area. Population of this research will be taken from the grade VIII students at MTs AL MA`SHUM Sidodadi. There are two parallel class, the first class VIII-1 comprised 35 students, the seconds class VIII-2 consist of 35 students. In conclusion there are totaling 70 students of grade VIII at MTs AL MA`SHUM Sidodadi. 3.2.2 Sample To intensify the study and to control the internal validity of the result of the research. The population previously mentioned was assigned into two groups. In this stage Grade VIII-1 and VIII-2 were selected due to many similarities the classes have. The research focused on the class which divided into two classes. One classes taught by Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach is called experimental group while the other was not taught by Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach is called control group. This research in taking the sample the researcher uses random sampling, and the one is lottery. 15 students of VIII-1 class are as the experimental group and 15 students of VIII-2 class are the control group. 3.3 The Instrument of Collecting Data Denim (2004) states that instrumentation is a process of selecting or developing measurement devices and methods appropriate to a given evaluation problem. The relevant instrument is needed in order to obtain the required data. This study will do a Test to collect the data by applying List of Questions according to the topic to facilitate the students in creating narrative writing. 3.4 Scoring the Test In scoring the test, there are several composition focusing on a list of criteria. Compositions can be compared to a set standard and teachers can diagnose to determine needed instruction. The teacher evaluates the student`s work, automatically tries to find out the incorrect grammatical form as a main indicator to judge whether students` writing is regarded excellent, good, fair or even poor. The writing teacher almost never concern with the other parts of criteria of writing as shown by the content, organization vocabulary choice or even mechanism. There are a number of criteria to determine how well the students writing (Ruland, Gordon, in Writing Placement Test, 1987), they are : 1. CONTENT 27 – 30 Very good to excellent Clear main idea, thorough the development of main idea, detailed and substantive, all material is relevant to the main idea. 22 - 26 Average to good Limited development of the main idea, most of the material is related to the main idea, lack of detailed and support. 17 – 21 Poor to fair The main idea is unclear or nonexistent, little substance, inadequate support of any main idea. 13 – 16 Very poor Unrelated ideas, not supporting any one main idea, not enough to evaluate. 2. ORGANIZATION 22 – 25 Very good to excellent Well-organized with introduction, body and conclusion for an essay, appropriate opening, body and conclusion for a letter, logical sequencing, cohesive, well-paragraph with topic sentence, expressing only one main idea. 17 – 21 Average to good Paragraph, but not always logically or choppy, loosely organized but main idea stands out. 12 – 16 Poor to fair Idea confusing and disconnected, lack logical sequencing or development, paragraph unclear, or non-existent. 7 – 11 Very poor No paragraphing or organization or not enough to evaluate. 3. VOCABULARY 13 – 15 Very good to excellent Sophisticate range, effective word or idiom choice and usage, appropriate register. 9 – 12 Average to good Adequate range, occasional errors of word or idiom form, choice and usage. 4 – 8 Poor to fair Limited range, frequent errors of word or idiom form, choice and usage. 1 – 3 Very poor Little knowledge of English vocabulary, idioms, not enough to evaluate. 4. GRAMMATICAL STRUCTURE 13 – 15 Very good to excellent Effective complex instruction, few errors of agreement, tense and number. 9 – 12 Average to good Effective but simple construction, minor problem in complex construction, several errors or agreement, tense, article, preposition, pronoun but meaning seldom obscured. 4 – 8 Poor to fair Major problem in simple construction, frequent errors of negation, agreement, tense, number, word order, article, pronoun, preposition and fragment, meaning sometimes obscured. 1 – 3 Very poor Virtually to mastery sentence construction rules, dominated by errors, obscured meaning, and not enough to evaluate. 5. COMMUNICATIVE ABILITY 13 – 15 Very good to excellent Fluent expression or easy to read, immediate comprehension of implied and explicit meaning. 9 – 12 Average to good Fairly to easy to read, explicit meaning is usually unclear. 4 – 8 Poor to fair Not fluent, meaning can be understood more than one, show signs of often being direct translation. 1 – 3 Very poor Does not communicate 3.5 The Research Procedure Table 3.5 Teaching Procedure Teaching Procedure Experimental group Control Group Pre – test 1) The teacher gave brainstorming to the students (ask them to give their opinion about the topic). 2) The teacher asked the students to create narrative paragraph about “HOLIDAY”. 3) After the time was out, the papers collected. Pre – test 1) The teacher gave brainstorming to the students (ask them to give their opinion about the topic). 2) The teacher asked the students to create narrative paragraph about “HOLIDAY”. 1) After the time was out, the papers collected. Teaching Presentation (Treatment) 1) The teacher gave a narrative text and asked them to give respond on the text to determine the type of the text. 2) The teacher asked the students about their experience in their holiday orally. 3) The students gave their opinion about narrative with their own words. (Constructivism). 4) The students found the building narrative and students asked the teacher to assist them in solving the problem. (Inquiry). 5) The teacher asked the students about the conclusion of problem solving orally. (Questioning). 6) The student divided into small group, each group consisted of 4 persons which combined with low and higher intelligence in order they can share their knowledge each other. (Learning Community). 7) The teacher asked one of the students to describe about “Vocation’ (Modeling). 8) Each group discussed with their own group. They could share each other about what tenses that they should use in their writing or what steps which are used. (Reflection). 9) The students read their narrative writing in front of the class. (Authentic Assessment). Teaching Presentation 1) The teacher gave a narrative text from the students` book. 2) The teacher asked students to read the text and did the task. 3) The teacher gave explanation about narrative briefly after students did the task. 4) The teacher asked students to understand about the step of writing narrative. 5) The teacher gave the time for students to explain their difficulties and teacher tried to find the nest solution. 6) The teacher asked the students to create narrative writing about “My Holiday”. 7) One of the students read their writing in front of the class.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 09:06:37 +0000

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