FEEDING ON THE WRONG MEAL (Pls read this, even if you are - TopicsExpress


FEEDING ON THE WRONG MEAL (Pls read this, even if you are busy) I saw a picture of a child sucking the breast of a plastic image. In the picture, the child prefers the image’s chocolate breasts to that of his mothers breasts which are only milk. The chocolate breasts of the image look shiny, yummy, freely available at anytime and may be sweeter than the milky breasts of his mum. Definitely the child is attracted to the image’s breasts, but the truth is that he can suck the plastic breasts from morning till evening, he will never get any liquid or nutrition from it, because it is just a plastic image. The same thing is applicable in our spiritual feedings; the type of messages and teachings you feed on matter, they determine the kind of Christian you become. The Bible says in 1 Peter 2:2 …as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, 3 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious. The sincere and pure milk of the word of God is the type of messages and Bible teachings that will bring the godly sorrow from you, which will bring genuine repentance in you and help you to grow and be fruitful in the Spirit and prepare you for the rapture. But out there in most churches today are image’s chocolate- breasts types of messages by modern preachers. They are called motivational messages, prosperity messages, keys to success, unlimited breakthrough, blessed without measure, waves of glory, unspeakable joy of miracles, business enlargement, financial outstanding, blessing at all rounds, total deliverance from household problems, etc. Such messages sound sweet, nice, yummy, cool motivating but they are earthly centered and will never help you grow to holiness and righteous living, they can’t help you to overcome sin, and they can’t prepare you for the rapture; rather they only make you care about this world and how to possess more earthly stuffs and eventually land in hell fire. Some churches today rarely talk about rapture, about the second coming of Jesus and the Great Tribulation, they don’t care to warn you against the danger of sin and hell fire; but they keep psyching you up with sweet and nice messages of blessings, prosperity, breakthrough, unlimited success, earthly glory, new miracles and favour; then you feel high and scream, “huuu, aaahhhh, yeahhhhhh” you feel comfortable in your sins, now you are even confident in your sin since they have ordained you minister or worker in the church. (To God, you may just be a worker of iniquity.) They don’t care how godly and pure you are, they only care for your financial, career and material well being. They tell you what you want to hear, not what you need to hear. They psych you up, motivate you, and tell you to keep on dancing, but to where? They focus on your financial, material progress than your spiritual progress; it’s majorly about prosperity than purity. Such messages may be sweet, calming and lovely to you by your lovely preachers, G.Os or Bishops, but the bad news is that they are poison to your soul. Because they want to lure and psych you, they tell you half truth of sweet, lazy aspect that will cost you no self-discipline, just claim and cash! They tell you grace without truth, faith without work, justification without godliness, heaven without holiness, power without purity, and God’s promises without godly relationship. They say, “You should know your rights in Christ, you have authority, all promises for you…” But they rarely challenge you to your responsibility to live blameless life of holiness, to deny sin and self as a child of God. Don’t be deceived by the chocolate, sugarcoated, motivating messages that cannot produce godliness and holiness in your life. ENOUGH OF THIS END TIME DECEPTION IN YOUR LIFE, THEY CAN KEEP DECEIVING OTHERS, BUT YOU MUST REFUSE TO BE SPIRITUALLY STUPID. Seek for the sincere and pure word of God, and be prepared, for the KING can come any moment from now. Are you prepared to meet Him?
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 02:27:14 +0000

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