FEEL FREE TO PASS THIS ONTO YOUR TIOGA FRIENDS. Ok, so heres whats up. I dont know who else in Tioga is sick and tired of this totally unacceptable internet service that seems to be always in and out all the time. I myself am paying for the 10Down/1 UP connection that is costing me upwards of $100+ because Im forced to carry a home telephone line that Is obsolete in my eyes and I never use. On top of that $50+ for the actual internet service. Since the 6th of August my service has been in and out, on and off every 20 minutes or so. On the 8th I received a service cal and a brand spankin shiny new router for what im told is the one used for fiber. They came back a second time that day also to troubleshoot and of course it worked when they walked out of the house and reassured me it was fine. ON A FRIDAY NO LESS. It wasnt 15 minutes later it was out again. NCC wont receive payment from me for the 2 weeks that this service has not been fully functional and reliable. I understand that this (is what ive been told by NCC) copper system thats outdated and overloaded cant handle anymore bandwidth than 10D/1U. Well, currently im going to assume that it just cant handle anything. I say this because at most 80 % of the tie I am only getting betweek 6-8 on a good day. One of the technicians at NCC forced 12Down onto my line so that I can atleast maintain a 10Down which is still not working. NCC is pushing the limits of the current copper system with (what im told) no plans to implement Fiber in the Tioga area for another 1.5 years (summer of 2016-17) timespan. The reasoning behind that is Im told that the rural areas are more important. REALLY? with all the growth in the Tioga area alone to just residential they dont find it important? Secondly, im also told that all the new construction in Tioga already HAS fiber. Which happens to be only about 500 ft. from my residence. To put it bluntly, I am sick and tired of paying way to much for underrated, underperforming internet speed and reliability. This has just gone too far. They are pushing substandard service onto the people in Tioga, buying time. In the meanwhile taking more money than this service is worth. I personally have heard from many others about the service in this area. The plain fact that NCC has a monopoly on this area and continues to provide substandard service should give anyone a hint that your just getting screwed. THERE IS better service, better internet, faster speeds available in this area and mere feet from your home in most cases. Yet you will have to put up with this garbage for another 2 and a half years maybe more. Im guessing more. If your one of those people who rely on speed and reliability in your internet service, please pick up your phone and voice your opinion to NCC that Tioga needs this better more reliable service NOW, and not 3 years from now. I myself have been biting my tongue, and taking the beating waiting for an improvement but not anymore. Im only going to make one more call to NCC next week and its going to be me voicing my opinion of this outrageous service. I urge YOU also to voice your opinion, and be heard. Just make a call and urge them to put Tioga on the TOP of the list for fiber. You wont regret it. Everyones suggestion, or complaint to them counts. HAVE A GREAT DAY! (Or a better one anyway) :)
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 01:59:32 +0000

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