FELICITATIONS TO THE NEWLY ELECTED (NANS) NATIONAL EXECUTIVES. On behalf of my humble self (Comrade Kassim Abubakar Gamawa) a.k.a (Aluta Doctor) I, hereby enunciate my congratulatory message to the largest association and students movement Nigeria and Africa at large for holding 27th national annual convention which took place in Delta state. All praise, kudos and thanks be to Almighty God, who in his power spared our lives to see the end of Ayefeles prolong tenure. Firstly, let me start by congratulating and appreciating the effort of all NANS stakeholders, NANS Convention Planning Committee (CPC), NANS Zone D Coordinator, all SUG Presidents across the nation, out-going EXCOS, Delta state University, Delta state Governor, all security personnels, all NANS aspirants, election observers and all other bodies responsible for their tremendious effort toward conducting ever successful, free and fairly convention. And i say kudos to you all. Similaly, I would like to use this medium to congratulate the entire newly elected leadership of National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), especially those the most deservable and victorious ones (Comrade Tijjani Usman Shehu) of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria who was emerged as new NANS President and (Comrade Ali Wali) of ABU, as new National Secretary General and (Comrade Roys Ochai) of the University of Jos, as new NANS Senate President. You all really deserved. Secondly, once again i wish to felicitate the out-going president and his excos toward their immensely effort of uniting and keeping this beloved association intack. Because anybody who rule bulky and largest association like NANS he must to be congratulated and deserved indepatigable #bossa. Though (Ayefele) and his cabals have been sold our remaining right, even last two weeks they made a profitable business in Villa where they collect huge amount of coins with the name of Nigerian students. Therefore, I would also like to advice and draw the attention of in-coming leaders of this great and prestigious association. Do not follow the feet step of your preducessors by politicalizing NANS in given awards or endorsement of support to political officers. Just concentrate in your stipulated duties i.e protecting and depending the interest and dignity of Nigerian students. Like what we all know, being a leader is not a common task. So you have to prepared enough because there are more challenges ahead you, although i knew you are excellent but you have to put more pressure by double your effort. Conclusively, I pray may Allah guide you, give you wisdom and courage to rule NANS intact and may he give you ability to depend the interest of your followers. Congratulations once more again wish you a successful and achievable tenure ahead and wishes a journey mercy to all our dogged and gallant comrades from Delta State to our various destinations. Thanks! Aluta-Continua! Victoria-Aserta!! Long-Life NANS! Long-Life NAPS!! Long-Life NANC!!! Long-Life FRN!!! SIGNED: COMRADE KASSIM ABUBAKAR GAMAWA, Bauchi State. (Sardaunan Gamji) & (SSA to the NANS & NAPS). 07068854446.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 13:51:05 +0000

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