FELLOW YES SUPPORTERS, Weve been subjected to lies, - TopicsExpress


FELLOW YES SUPPORTERS, Weve been subjected to lies, intimidation, bullying and scare tactics. These misguided factions represent a minority in Scotland. They are trying every trick in the book to goad us in to reacting, anger us into lashing back. They are trying to drown out our voices and scare us into submission. To make us look like the perpetrators of disharmony. We must not let them. Let’s stand together and respond in a way that will silence their evil. To do so we need only demonstrate three things – PEACE, RESPECT & HONOUR Their behaviour could spoil everything we have achieved so far, and everything we will achieve as an Independent Nation. There is no advantage in us showing up at their rallies with Yes banners. There is no advantage in shouting or worse, fighting back. There is no advantage in retaliation of any kind. “This is our time,” he said, and our First Minister is right, it is our time, a crucial time. The world is watching us, let’s show them what Scots are really made of and how people with truly Brave Hearts behave. We have everything to gain by standing together in PEACE. Our voices will be louder if we respond with RESPECT. We will prevail if we behave with HONOUR. It’s time to stand together now. It’s time to hold hands in solidarity and refuse to let anyone spoil this moment in our history. It’s time to show the world that Scotland’s people are peaceful and honourable. It’s time to reveal our inner #McGhandi. When they shout as us - #McGhandi When they tell lies about us - #McGhandi When they protest against us - #McGhandi If you agree, please share your own personal statement of Peace, Respect and Honour with the hash-tag #McGhandi. Share it on Facebook, on Twitter, and in comments on social media. There are millions of us, here is Scotland and around the world. We can do this and we can do it together, the right way. Do it now. Here’s my statement - Farage, UKIP, BNP, Britain First, Orange Order, Better Together – LISTEN UP – Your tactics won’t work. I stand for Scotland, for Peace, with Respect, and with my Honour intact. #McGhandi Now please, share yours. Please folks, when you share this and make your statement PLEASE type in the hash-tag #McGhandi Tabitha Mudaliar #McGhandi for Scotland Scotlands Big Yes/No? Debate. David Milligan Lvss, David McGuinness RE, Derek Mair, Derek Stewart Macpherson, Friseal MacFhearghais, Peadar ODochartaigh, Tanne Campbell Vss, Shirley Munro, Debs Macdonald, Norma Gallacher, Gordon S. Kerman, Evelyn R McCulloch.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 09:55:59 +0000

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