FEMME FATALE Shameless TEMPTRESS. She came to my room last - TopicsExpress


FEMME FATALE Shameless TEMPTRESS. She came to my room last night clad in a hemless KEMPT DRESS. “It’s almost midnight,” she texted. “The library must be closed. So, when you get to your room, please LET ME KNOW. I don’t study from the library anymore. I’ve decided that until my exams begin, I’ll be studying from my room; on my TERMINAL. “I’ve just got to my room,” I lied. “I’m so tired and sleepy.” Can I see you TOMORROW? “I’m sorry,” she replied. “I wish I could wait even for a second. There’s something of you I desperately need to BORROW. Incensed, I responded. “If you’ll still insist on coming, please HURRY.” “I hope you don’t come early,” she mocked. “PS: the crimson tide has completely cleared; the coast is safe. So you won’t need to WORRY.” “I’m downstairs,” she informed. “ I’ll be by your door in a jiffy. So if you can, please open UP. Because it was very cold, I imagined that she wore a long dress, thick leggings and was probably shrouded in a chitenge WRAP. I pushed my chair back and stood up; fumbled in my pockets for keys; walked to the door and opened it. Wow! She was already THERE. Scantily dressed: Conspicuously wide hips; slender waist; protruding pair of cheek bums, and the swollen twin of breasts on her chest each shaped like a PEAR. Still shocked, I stepped aside to give her WAY. The trail of scent that sped after her as she whooshed past me seemed to have emanated from a fairly expensive SPRAY. Once comfortably ensconced on my BED, she took a deep breath and unashamedly SAID: “I want you to have your way with me, STEVE; I want you to do to me what coward Adam was too coy to do to naked EVE.” “The occupation of my body to you, I freely LEASE. Devoid of all encumbrances, I give you the authority to do with it as you PLEASE.” “Is it an offer or is it an invitation to TREAT?” I struggled to come to a consensus on this as she held the base of her left boob to deliberately expose an erect TIT. She stood up as she spoke and reduced the distance between us to merely an INCH. I stood catatonically with every part of my body appearing not to even as much as FLINCH. The shaft of light emitted from the study lamp made the complexion of her makeupless face GLOW. I could now feel the anatomy of my body responsible for instigating the process of procreation gradually beginning to unravel and GROW. With the distance between us now shut to a spaceless slit, she asked if my roommate was AROUND. As she spoke, I got a whiff of her mintish breath and noticed for the first time that her eyes ARE ROUND. She lifted her right hand and clasped my chin between her forefinger and THUMB. Apparently, that was all she needed to do to shut down all my defenses and make my entire body go NUMB. 45 minutes later, I was down on my knees with my elbows both propped on the edge of my bed and my face buried in my PALMS. “The Lord has heard my petition; the Lord has accepted my prayer,” I avowed, “according to chapter 6 verse 9 of PSALMS.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 13:01:45 +0000

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