FERGUSON RIOTS - Over 2,200 National Guard Troops Deployed in - TopicsExpress


FERGUSON RIOTS - Over 2,200 National Guard Troops Deployed in Ferguson Gov. Jay Nixon of Missouri ordered more National Guard troops into the embattled city of Ferguson on Tuesday to keep order on the second night after a grand jury decided not to indict a white police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager. “The violence we saw in areas of Ferguson last night is unacceptable,” the governor said in announcing that the National Guard presence would be upped from 700 troops Monday to 2,200 on Tuesday. Last night, criminals intent on lawlessness and destruction, terrorized this community, Nixon said at an afternoon news conference. I am deeply saddened for the people of Ferguson who woke up to see parts of their community in ruins. No one should have to live like this, no one deserves this. We must do better and we will. On Monday night, 21 fires were set and at least 12 buildings were burned, police reported looting, and gunfire broke out repeatedly, officials said. The civil unrest followed the grand jury’s decision not to charge Officer Darren Wilson, who shot and killed 18-year-old Michael Brown on Aug. 9. At a press conference with local clergy on Tuesday afternoon, Ferguson Mayor James Knowles III said he was disappointed with the delayed use of the National Guard on Monday night. After thanking the police and state troopers who did help protect the city, Knowles said, unfortunately the national guard was not deployed in enough time to save all of our businesses. He added, The decision not to deploy the National Guard was deeply disturbing. Military veterans have penned a letter to National Guard troops urging them not to fight against protesters in Ferguson, but to join them in protests against police instead. The National guard was drafted into Ferguson early this morning following a flurry of rioting and looting in the wake of a grand jury decision not to indict police officer Darren Wilson. Despite reports prior to the decision that the troops were on hand to help deal with the aftermath, they were only seen arriving after much of the trouble had died down for the night. The Georgia National Guard is set to purchase riot gear in a sign that authorities could be following in the footsteps of the Atlanta Police Department by preparing for civil unrest in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting verdict. According to a solicitation posted on FedBizOpps, the Georgia National Guard is looking to obtain 560 expandable riot batons as well as the same quantity of face shields. The deadline for companies to respond to the notice is today. national guard troops ferguson community uprising protest riot riots law law and order fire burn family business business destruction neighborhood anger wake up elderly scared fear police police officer jury court protection protect safety states usa u.s. america united states peace war ww3 world war 3 pain future control collapse poverty humanity 2014 2015 game games entertainment news media survival prepper prepare american dream u.s. army burning cctv surveillance security secure trending trendy elite nwo agenda military industrial complex big brother illuminati false flag attack Agent Provocateur anonymous black panther sheeple black friday sales walmart riot bilderberg obama alex jones infowars gerald celente david icle jsnip4 g4t demcad rawdogletard we are change coast to coast am louis farrakhan As the chaos in Ferguson, Missouri, last night reached fever pitch, President Obama took to the airwaves urging peace and calm. “I join Michael’s parents in asking anyone that protests this decision to do so peacefully,” the president begged. “Hurting others or destroying property is not the answer,” Obama said quoting the father of slain teen Michael Brown. “No matter what the grand jury decides I do not want my son’s death to be in vain.” Unfortunately, activists witnessing the violence and chaos unfold didn’t think the president’s words added anything of significance to the protests, and they took to Twitter to voice their disgust. CNN reporter Sara Sidner was hit in the head with a rock while broadcasting outside of a burning building on West Florissant avenue. National Guard and police failed to protect businesses targeted by rioters during last night’s chaos, leading to charges that the Obama administration issued a stand down order. Earlier this morning, Missouri Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder made the stunning claim, telling Fox News, “Is the reason that the National Guard was not in there because the Obama Administration and the Holder Justice Department leaned on you to keep them out? I cannot imagine any other reason why the governor who mobilized the National Guard would not have them in there to stop this.”
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 15:58:49 +0000

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