FERMENTING CLASSES Greetings fellow Foragers & seekers of - TopicsExpress


FERMENTING CLASSES Greetings fellow Foragers & seekers of Splendid health, As we home in & batten down the hatches............throw on those extra layers before walking out the door, ask the question will I need the brolly today?............its all pointing toward the obvious.....WINTER is here! However you receive this rather dramatic season we know there is no avoiding the desire for more warmth, nurturing foods, snuggling in front of a fire, good movie or beloved book & the inevitable exposure to sniffs & snivels. The other thing that is difficult to avoid are the many reminders (marketing) to get your FLU SHOT............the ONLY way to protect ourselves & others from the latest lurgy going around??? OR is it??? Someone like myself who chooses to encourage HEALTHY IMMUNITY based on lifestyle choices over VACCINATED, so-called IMMUNITY based on a serum from a syringe is left with the questions; am I shirking my responsibility as a fellow citizen? and am I at risk of a life-threatening situation without vaccinating? This can often leave one feeling challenged & often vulnerable in searching for the answer. If I was to believe everything the media told me I would be feeling rather fearful in my unprotected state & certainly an outsider compared with main stream choices. Both of which I am not. If you really do your research you will understand that TRUE IMMUNITY is worth far more & serves us every moment of our lives. TRUE IMMUNITY is achieved by keeping systems in check through keeping fit & active, eating REAL food.( LOCAL, ORGANIC, SEASONAL food) - restful sleep, loving relationships, expressing your creativity, barefoot walking etc etc. Whether you choose to be high raw, paleo, macro, vego, ayurvedic.....................the most important thing to understand is that food not only offers you nourishment but it also offers you PROTECTION. Good immunity gives you strong defenses against pathogens, toxins, parasites, stress etc etc, its active & alive......always balancing, combating, eliminating, storing, destroying etc foreign invaders. Where would we be without it.........??? In a bubble. We have heard of people like this. I have in fact met a woman whos daughter was struck down in her 20s with a complete IMMUNE COLLAPSE. She now exists in a single room without visitors (except her mother), vulnerable to any contamination which could quickly lead to sickness & death. She has NO IMMUNITY. It is too much to fathom really................but more & more stress is being placed on our IMMUNE SYSTEMS everyday due to industrialization & the accelerated pace toward this artificial existence. Believe me you will not find TRUE IMMUNITY in a serum from a syringe. Mother Nature is far more advanced than what we can create in a laboratory. The best approach is to understand how best to work & support what is already given................our miraculous, precise, forever regulating human bodies. MISSING KEYS: Its easy to nail some missing keys in our lives. We all know what they are for ourselves. Things such as late nights, bad habits, that Yoga class you keep putting off, buying your nutri-bullet or blender as a motivation to get started Here are some missing keys that are not so obvious, but for over 6 years I have brought them up in my RAW FOOD CLASSES. 1. OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS (getting enough & in the right ratio) 2. WALKING BAREFOOT &/or SLEEPING ON A GROUNDING SHEET 3. GREENS (baseline for good health) 4. ADAPTOGENIC HERBS (Maca Root, Reishi, Goji Berries, Tulsi, Chaga, Rhodiola, Licorice root, Ginseng etc) these are our IMMUNO-MODULATORS. 5. EATING YOUR FRIENDLY MICRO-FLORA. PROBIOTIC RICH FOOD daily. Todays email is to remind you of these & give you the opportunity to learn how create & bring one of these very important often MISSING KEYS into your lives. HOW TO CREATE YOUR VERY OWN PROBIOTIC RICH FOODS. I will be offering 3 FERMENTED FOOD CLASSES in July focusing on how to FERMENT jars & jars of veggies as well as the very popular drink KEFIR. HEALTHY GUT FLORA is a huge part of the puzzle making up a whopping 80% of our IMMUNE FUNCTION when it is in balance. Having a daily dose of properly fermented foods with strong strains of micro-flora is one of the most powerful things we can do for ourselves & offer to our families. Not only that, you can rebuild your health from some of the most injurious conditions simply through the addition of a variety of these powerful MICRO-WARRIORS. I LOVE TEACHING. It is an absolute pleasure & thrill to meet everyone who turns up to the classes. My passion for practical knowledge to take back our power & health is what motivates me to run these classes. All of us are linked to loved ones, all of us care for someone. Sometimes we are more motivated to take care of others & put our own needs on the back burner...........if this is your motivation to start learning then awesome....................believe me it will rub off!! Creating jars of fermented vegies or KEFIR are totally do-able, economical & one of the most powerful superfoods you & your loved ones can consume. By coming to a class I demonstrate from start to finish what is involved..............you sit, watch, taste, ask questions & leave in a totally different space than when you arrived. Ready to give it a go. Here are the details for the classes being offered in July. If you are keen to attend simply email back with your interest to attend & I will respond with a WELCOME EMAIL giving you all remaining details for your class. If you would like further information regarding the classes please either email with your questions or phone Remedy 0428 073 473 HOW TO FERMENT YOUR OWN VEGGIES DATE: Sunday July 13th & 27th TIME: 11am - 2pm WHERE: City location (details given upon booking) INVESTMENT: $95.00 For more information please phone; 0428 073 473 HOW TO MAKE COCONUT KEFIR & COCONUT YOGHURT DATE: Sunday July 20th TIME: 11am 2pm WHERE: City location (details given upon booking) INVESTMENT: $95.00 WHAT DO I RECEIVE FROM THE CLASS?: A comprehensive demonstration of the process of CULTURING VEGETABLES from start to finish. We shred, mix, pack jars, taste the finished product, trouble shoot. We take a look at jars that are in the middle of their fermenting process & answer ALL of your questions. In the KEFIR/YOGHURT CLASS we crack nuts (of the coconut variety lol), strain, blend, taste etc, as well as discuss the options of whether we can use cartoned coconut water instead of cracking nuts:) You will receive RECIPE SHEETS & RESOURCE SHEETS from the days demonstrations as well as a delicious SEAWEED FLAX-CRACKER, loaded with avocado & cultured veggies. MY INTENTION is that everyone leaves inspired & confident to go home & launch into chopping & stuffing sterile jars & THEN after 7-10 days experience the joy of eating their very own CULTURED CREATIONS or indeed wake up to the most amazing breakfast yoghurt of refreshing KEFIR BEVERAGE. SO EXCITING. Following these classes in July I am considering running a VERY FOCUSED RAW FOOD CLASS..............(yes I know I said that I wouldnt be teaching anymore)..............these are nothing like the RAW FOOD CLASSES of the past. I will be teaching 3 RECIPES ONLY. Some of you may find this rather amusing that Remedy can be so incredibly succinct. Believe me it is not easy LOL. Three STAPLES that I feel give you heaps of versatility & options................best of all keep for months, are delicious & of course nutritious, no matter whether you are RAW or not. The 3 RECIPES are as follows; 1. REMEDYS SEAWEED FLAX CRACKERS 2. REMEDYS RAW RELISH 3. REMEDYS STOCK POWDER I will let you know dates down the track. For now if you are interested please let me know:))) FYI: The MARKET SHED ON HOLLAND ST. each Sunday morning from 9am - 2pm is amazing! Behind the IGA on Gilbert st. in the city. Lots of yummy RAW, PALEO ingredients & ready made foods. Stall holders need to meet high ORGANIC STANDARDS with a major preference for locally sourced ingredients. Its real, wonderful atmosphere, music & most of all delicious food. Consider coming along & treat yourself to breakfast................there will be something there guaranteed to suit your desires. They have set our the most wonderful arrangement of tables for everyone to sit at, come & check it out. Barry Beach of BEACH ORGANICS fame is there each Sunday as well another of my favorite people JO STUTLEY with her selection of the most amazing AYURVEDIC ingredients. You will find Jo in the very back left hand corner of the shed selling everything from the freshest organic spices, pulses, rainwater grown BASMATI, coconut oil, hand-harvested Tasmanian Kombu & Wakame, B.D TEMPEH hand made in Melbourne etc etc AS WELL AS THAT................ for those of you who are addicted to my RAW ALMOND BUTTER................ and miss it terribly, good news. You can pick up your tubs at Jos shop each Sunday. I might see you there:)) Well thats a wrap folks..................except for this most precious clip that I encourage each of you to open up & watch. Puts EVERYTHING into perspective. Indigenous wisdom. nextworldtv/page/23225.html From my community of wondrous flora to yours, In Joy, Remedy xx remedybliss@gmail
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 21:29:04 +0000

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