FF: I OWN YOU- A DESIRE TO MAKE YOU MINE Sum more days passed by - TopicsExpress


FF: I OWN YOU- A DESIRE TO MAKE YOU MINE Sum more days passed by and khsuhi’s bump grew little more and arnav tried his best to give his time to his wife and bbay though he hardly could do that .. ... in other hand khushi was just loose her temper in no time she used to shout at everytime for no reason .. everyone came near her would be her target she didn’t even spare her darling husband ..though nopone but his husband could only calm her down and make her normal .. but sumtime he too get irritated by her’s mood swings ……. it’s evening and khsuhi was pacing around the room ….. waiting for arnav to cum back as he was out of town … and was cuming back to delhi after one day …. He wasn’t supposed to go but there was no option left for him as it was really important for him …. So he had to left leaving his wife back alone at raizada mansion though maria was there with her in these one day … though .she didn’t get any problem staying with her but she was hell iriitataed that for whole one day she lived without seing her husband…. .. khsuhi was pacing around the room and was just looking at clock ..and was restlessly pacing around room she stopped pacing and stompped her feet in disgust and then place her hans on her waist … and then said .. khushi: inhe to koi parwa hi nahi hai…. Inha his wife and baby is waiting for him andfd there he didn’t think to return home !! I mean kya zarurat thi ….. airport se direct office jaane ki ? pehle the left me alone for whole towo day .. and now…. Lautne do … dikhati hoon !! ( she said while frowning in anger) she walk toward the bed ..and sat on the bed … she was feeling dam bore … whereas she send maria back to home … as she have exams tomorrow ..and hp was out for bringing vegetables so hence she was all alone at the home …. She was getting hell pissed of by her husband as he was late ……… she sat on the bed feeling little tiredness … she rest her head on the headboard and then started raeding sum pregenccy books …. And while raeding it she dozed off *************************** Her sleep get broke up when suddenlyshe felt darkness all over her surrounding …. She lazily opened her eyes taking an yawn .. and find blackness all infront of her … she jerked up sat on the bed and heart get swallowed down realizing the darkness around her she look around she couldn’t see anything except balck and she realize that it’ current fault .. khushi clutched her ring in fear and then images of that night whena sumone entered their house and try to be initiate with her’s ….flashes over her mind and she gulped and called arnav’s name to check if she is back or not … Khushi: arnav !! baby !!! arnav !!! are you back ??? ( but there was no answer so it’s sure arnav wasn’t yet back … her’s facilal expression soon changed into a fear one ! and she clutched her ring tightly by one hand and get down while clutching her tummy with the other… khushi gulped and closed her eyes and prays” hey devimayia yeh light achanak kaise chali gayi . humari raksha karna” she prays clutching her tummy she didn’t know why but she was getting sum negetaive vibes today the fear was shrinking her from inside .. she just walk toward the closet to find sum candle but then she saw sum shadow passing by from the pool;side …. She turned and looked at poolside and gulped ..and took sum step toward the French door to look who was there …… Khushi(stammered) kaun hai ?? kaun hai ?? . She opened the French door and peeped out to lo look if any one was there … but there was none .. she stepped out of the frenchdoor to the pollside and roamed her eyes here and there to find if there was anyone or not but then ..she sighed a relief ..seeing no one .. she turned around to leave ….. but then she again feel that sumone behind her … she turned but again there wasnoone … she gulped and said .. Khushi: ( clutching the edge of dupptta) kaun hai unha ? who’s there? Baby if it’s you just cum out it’s really not funny … Khushi’ ( face turned white in fear and she gulped) who is there who is there / ( she said gulping she walk toward the pool and then look a shadow paased by ..and she again gulped and thought to walk down to get some help … Khsuhi gulped and then entered her room she was about to walk out … when she was pinned by some one against the door … her eyes getten wider … seing sumone close to her ..and it was so dark that she could hardly see his face … but she was sure that it wasn’t arnav …. She started struggling at his touch .. Khsuhi: choro choro .. leave !! leave !! who are you ! what you want ……… ( tears started rolling down her cheeks) Man : ( pressing himself more on her)arehh arehh chill !!!! itni bechaini .. Khushi: just saty away stay away from .. who are you ? what you want from me ? leave me ( tears rolling down her cheeks) khsuhI; arnav !! ( she screamed in faer) when the man pressed his hand over her mouth to made her mouth to shut … Man : sshhh itna chillao mat.. don’t shout so much it pricks in ear !!!( he removed his hand making khushi go all numb Khushi: ( tears rolled down her cheeks) anhhhh … kya chhahte ho who are you leave me !! kya bigar meine tumhara.. Man : kaha tah na !! ki you didn’t but your husband did ..and for your husband deds you have to suffer !! the man lend down and tries to force on her but khushi gathered sum courage and pushed him with all her’s strenghth and rushed out of the room forgetting that running is not good for her’s pregenancy .. tears were rolling down her cheeks and she was running l like anything in faer and she started running toward the stair case and started running down the stair but suddenly sh looses her baclance r .. she was about to slip when a strong pair of arms ctached her ...and she could feel the known touch and she knew who the person was and she threw herself on him snaking her arms around his neck him and started crying on his shoulder ………. Arnav : khushi!! ( he said caressing her hair) Arnav : (pulling back) khushi!!! Khsuhi: ar….n…avv ( she said while sobbing and clutching her coller and digging her face in his chest … she was literrly shivering with fear… arnav pulled her back from the hug … and pulled her chin up to made her afce .. Arnav : khushi kya hua … baby ?? what happened ?? kya hau ??? Khsuhi: ( pointing his finger toward the upstair) woh .. who … there !! there !! Arnav : kya hai unha ….( looked toward upstairs) khsuhI: baby .. he .. he …. !!! he … ( she stammered with fear ..) tries ….. arnav don’t go !!! … baby where were you !! … don’t leave me .. he !! he !! ( she stammered and hug him tightly) arnav : ( pulling back and cupped her cheeks) sshh …I ma here and kuch anhi hau .. kuch nahi .. stopstop 1!!( he made her stood up and he rushed toward their room to find who the person was …. He barged in the room and looked here and there … to find but there was no one … arnav turned and walked out of the room ***************************** As he stepped out of the room he was shocked to see the sight infront of him …. Khushi was about to enter their room when sumone clutch her wrist and pinned her against the near by wall……….before she could scream he placed his hand over her mouth and didn’t let her to scream and that’s when arnav walk out he saw khushi being closing to sumother person ..and his blood automatically boiuled up …. He clenched his fist ..and just rushed to khushi …and pulled her from him .. khushi stood behind him clutching his shirt from the back Khushi: ar..nn..avv!! ( arnav passed aglance to her and then clutched the man’s coller and started punching him on his afce .. Arnav : how dare you to touch my wife !! ( he punched her again) Man : ( consuming himself) before qwestioning me y don’t you qwestioned your wife !! ( he said and pushed him before arnav could catch hold of her … he fled away through the frenchdoor ……. Due to the darkness aranv couldn’t se his face …….. but sure … arnav was fuming in anger seeing sumone being close to his wife … Khsuhi: b…a..b..yy!! ( she said in teary tone) Arnav turned and looked at khushi but before khushi could say anything arnav clutched her wrist and darg her with him toward their room … after entering their room …arnav spunned and pinned her against the wall and twist her han behind her back and khsuhi was just staring at him … though there was darkness but she could feel his rage ….. and anger .. Khuhi: ar…. ( Before she could say further arnav held her nape and smacked her lips by his’s…he took her lowerlips and started sucking it … khushi was all numb ..and arnav brutually biting her on her lips .. just wanting to entering her mouth … she let out a gasp and arnav entered her mouth and started kissing her brutually ……leaving his marks all over her ……… khushi could closed her eyes feeling the pain she just wrap her arems around him pulling him more on her .. Arnav : ( pulling back from the kiss) kaun tha who khushi who was e ??? and how dare he to touch you dammit? ( he saidin rage) how dare you to let him cum close to you and our baby !! Khushi: ar….n…avv !! ( she said while tears rolled down her cheeks but before she could say further … arnav again pulled her in a long and yet passioniate kiss and then made her way to the bed … and came top of her …….. *************************** Khushi was cuddling arnav more and was resting hier haed on his chest .. while arnav was just pulling her close in his embrace by her waist .. khuhsi was not feeling well after their love make session ….. becoz this time aranv was realy wild during their love making he literally forced himself on her … but later he just cal down thinking about their baby …….. Khushi: ( looking at him and cuddling him) arnav ..i ..i swear …. ( arnav look at him while khuhsi just touches her tummy and said) I swear on our bbay … trust me ….. I didn’t did naything …I didn’t cross my limits I … I ..didnt ..( she gulps) Arnav : ( pulling her close to him and put his index finger over her lips) sshhhhh !! did I say anything …… ( khushi nodded a no) then you don’t need to give any explanation .. and I trust you khushi ……..so now ..stop !!! ( he said and kissed her forehead)and now tell me everything from the first .. Khushi narrates him each and everything from the beginning and arnav just clenched his fisat in anger … Khushi: ( sobs) baby . that man want to harm you that’s why he want to Arnav : ( just shocked and looked at her but didn’t say anything and mask himself with a smirk) is it so easy ..to mess with me !! aur u think I would let nayone to harm you and our baby ( he said touching her’s tummy whereas khushi shakes her head in a no and aranv pulled her in a hug ) *************************** Nish’s eyes opened wider seeing the man infront of her nad was lending over her .. ….. she started shivering …. And her lips started quivering in fear .. the man sqweezed her cheeks and before nisha could shout ..she took the whiskey bottle which he was carrying in his hand he forced the bottle on her mouth nad making her forcefully drink it … nisha was literarly shivering….. and was started throwing her legs.. over him but the man clutched her wrist and pinned her hand on the bed and get top of her and pressed himself on her … The man : sshh baby kya hua ?? it’s a.s ..ARJUN SINGHANIA bhul gayi mujhe ( he said making seductive move on her’s face in which nisha flinched turned her face I on the othersiden Irritation and tears started rolling down her eyes the man turned her face by sqweezing her cheek nad made her look at him) The man : arey kya hua baby .. didn’t like my touch haan ? jab mere sath raat guzari thi ? when you became naked infront of me tab kya hua tah ? now you feel irritated by my touch …??? Haan ?? Nisha was about to scream but the man again stuffed alchahol on her’s Man : chup !! ekdam chup!! Zaada chilla mat !! tera bahi nahi anewala tujhko bachane samjhi .. nisha singh raizada !! ( nisha look at him with widening eyes) Man : kyu ? what you thought kit era bhai tujhe mujhse bacha lega ? haan ??? ( he said with aevilisah smirk) while nisha’s tears rolled down her cheeks) Man: ( sqweezing her cheek) u know for this u are only responsible .. tumhari hi galti hai …. Jiske liye you are suffering …….. Man: sabse bari galti ki tumne mujhe man karke .. I just ask you to get a sign from your brother … par tu ek simple sign nahi karwa saki apne bhai se …..agar karwa laati then aj nahi tu mujhe khoti nahi apna bachha nahi tera yeh haal hota .. ( he said pushing her with aforce ************************** Arnav was in his sleep when he heard sumone waking up .. Khushi: baby uthiye nah!! Baby uthiye nah!! Arnav : ( flinched and still closing his eyes ) hmmm kya hai ? Khushi: baby getup !! uthiye nah!! Uthiye !! ( she said shakening arnav) Arnav : ( flinched and opened his eyes but in sleepy mood) kya hai khushi ..itni raat ko kyu parishan kar rahi ho?? Khushi: parishan ??? baby am I disturbing ( she started crying) now you feel disturb by me hai na … yes!! Now you feel get disturbed by me .. mein toh sirf parishani hoon … nah!! ( sobs) Arnav : ( looked at khsuhi while taking a yawn) plzz don’t start it now!! Itni raat ko suru mat ho jao!! Khsuhi: what ?what ???.. now even I had the right to cry !! (she sobs) hey devi mayia now no one cares for me !! kisi aurki choro mere khud ki pati ko hi meri parwa nahi … ( sobs) hey devi mayia.. Arnav : ( flinched while palcing the pillow on his ear) kyu tumhare devi mayiaaa ko itne raat ko parishaan kar rahi ho ..let her sleep … and even me too !! ( he said and turned on the otherside) Khsuhi: ( frowned) haan haan ( sobs) soyiee na .. meine kab mana kiya…. When I stop you !!!.. you sleep!! Meine kab mana kiya … soyie .. soyie (she wipes her tears) meine apse pyar karke saadi kit hi …. Par aaap …. Haan ?? aapko mere se zaada apki nind pyari hai ..soyie soyie.. merihi mtati mari gayi thi ki mein apsepyar kar bethi ….. ( it’s my mistake that I fell in love with you) (she wipes her tear) meri mati mari gayi ….. ( she said while sobbing and aranv’s sleep get disturbed by her blabbering arnav turned and sat up on the bed and said while pissing off) Arnav : kya problem hai ?? problem kya hai tumhe ?? itni raat ko kyu tang kar rahi ho ?? why the hell are you disturbing at this late night haan ( he said in alittle loud voice and khsuhi looka t him and keep silence for a while and then pouted her mouth … and then her eyes welled up and her tears started rollingdown her cheeks she wipe her tears with the back of her palm and arnav sighed Khsuhi: soyie …na meine kab mana kiya apko you sleep !!! meine hi galti kit hi apse pyar karke sadi karke … hummhh!! ( she sobs) Arnav : ( sighing) kya chaiye kya ??? bolo what you want ? Khsuhi: I want to go for a drive !! let me take for adrive .. Arnav : what the ? ( he said frowning) do uhave any idea what the time is ?? people used to sleep at this time not to go for drive .. Khushi: anhi mujhe aabhi jana hai abs ( she threw her hands on the air) Arnav : ( calming his temper which is raising by now) baby people used to sleepa t this time itne raat ko bahar nahi jaate .. Khushi: kyu nahi jaate ? why cant I go .. muje aab jana hai bas aur aap jab man kare tab ghar se niklal jaate ho derbe raat ghar laut te ho then ?? wen I craving to go out you cant take me ummhhhhh ( she said sobbing) galti ki meine apse pyar karke …. Galti ki meine .. Arnav : ohh god plzz save me from this girl !! Khsuhi: haan haan now you to escape from me ……… nah haan haan ?? I know I know !!!( She sobbing ) you cant eant even fulfill asmall wish of your pregnant wife ( she said pouting) Arnav : plzz not now khushi promise I will take you tomoorow .. pakka now sleep and let me sleep too ..and I am really tired khushi soplzz stop of what you upto …. Let’s sleep .. ( he said and lied and turned his faceon the otherside for sleep) khushi: nahi mujhe abhi chalna hai chaliye nah.. plzz ( she said wakening up) Arnav : baby um really tired belive me … sone do …plzz sone do ( he said while turning his face on her back) Khsuhi: thik hai you sleep …. I wont disturb you .. Arnav: hmm that’s like my good girl… Khsuhi: you don’t wanna take me … I don’t disturb you .. ( pause) then um going by my own ( she said walking down of the bed and then pick his car keys from the table) aur haan um taking your s.u.v… Arnav : ( opened his eyes with a jerk and gave awhat the look) what the ? Khsuhi: ( raised her eyebrow) anhh um going by own and um atking your s.u.v ( she said showing his car key infront of himand wiggled her eyebrow with aevilish smile) you know how um in driving ? agar apke car ko kuch hogaya den don’t balme me…..( he said giving raising her shoulder little bit and giving up her hands) Arnav : ( got down of the bed) what the ?????? khushi why the hell you always end up disturbing my sleep at nights .. aur keep my car keys ( He said in aloud tone) Khsuhi: I wont disturb you any further …. aur apke liye mere se zaada apki car important hai? (she sobs) what evewr I am taking your car … aur I want to drive your s.u.v….. mein bhi dekhu kaisa lagta hai arnav singh raizada ki s.u.v cahalakar ? Arnav : keep the keys !!! ( he shout) Khsuhi: y are you scolding me meine galti ki ..apse pyar karke … love marriage karke bhi meri yeh halalt …… ( sobs) ( she sobs) who whatever I am leaving goo( she said wearing her sleepers and was about to walk out of the room when arnav stopped him from the back .. Arnav : wait !! Khushi: kya hai u sleep na … ( Turning back) goodnight!! Arnav : ( sighed) I am cuming with you !!! … ( a small face crept on her face and arnav palced his aplm infront of her’s and khushi gave the car key) chalo … Khsuhi: (hugged him) I love you baby you are the best . lets go … she said and clutched his wrist and darg him out with her ************************** FF: I OWN YOU- A DESIRE TO MAKE YOU MINE Sum more days passed by and khsuhi’s bump grew little more and arnav tried his best to give his time to his wife and bbay though he hardly could do that .. ... in other hand khushi was just loose her temper in no time she used to shout at everytime for no reason .. everyone came near her would be her target she didn’t even spare her darling husband ..though nopone but his husband could only calm her down and make her normal .. but sumtime he too get irritated by her’s mood swings ……. it’s evening and khsuhi was pacing around the room ….. waiting for arnav to cum back as he was out of town … and was cuming back to delhi after one day …. He wasn’t supposed to go but there was no option left for him as it was really important for him …. So he had to left leaving his wife back alone at raizada mansion though maria was there with her in these one day … though .she didn’t get any problem staying with her but she was hell iriitataed that for whole one day she lived without seing her husband…. .. khsuhi was pacing around the room and was just looking at clock ..and was restlessly pacing around room she stopped pacing and stompped her feet in disgust and then place her hans on her waist … and then said .. khushi: inhe to koi parwa hi nahi hai…. Inha his wife and baby is waiting for him andfd there he didn’t think to return home !! I mean kya zarurat thi ….. airport se direct office jaane ki ? pehle the left me alone for whole towo day .. and now…. Lautne do … dikhati hoon !! ( she said while frowning in anger) she walk toward the bed ..and sat on the bed … she was feeling dam bore … whereas she send maria back to home … as she have exams tomorrow ..and hp was out for bringing vegetables so hence she was all alone at the home …. She was getting hell pissed of by her husband as he was late ……… she sat on the bed feeling little tiredness … she rest her head on the headboard and then started raeding sum pregenccy books …. And while raeding it she dozed off *************************** Her sleep get broke up when suddenlyshe felt darkness all over her surrounding …. She lazily opened her eyes taking an yawn .. and find blackness all infront of her … she jerked up sat on the bed and heart get swallowed down realizing the darkness around her she look around she couldn’t see anything except balck and she realize that it’ current fault .. khushi clutched her ring in fear and then images of that night whena sumone entered their house and try to be initiate with her’s ….flashes over her mind and she gulped and called arnav’s name to check if she is back or not … Khushi: arnav !! baby !!! arnav !!! are you back ??? ( but there was no answer so it’s sure arnav wasn’t yet back … her’s facilal expression soon changed into a fear one ! and she clutched her ring tightly by one hand and get down while clutching her tummy with the other… khushi gulped and closed her eyes and prays” hey devimayia yeh light achanak kaise chali gayi . humari raksha karna” she prays clutching her tummy she didn’t know why but she was getting sum negetaive vibes today the fear was shrinking her from inside .. she just walk toward the closet to find sum candle but then she saw sum shadow passing by from the pool;side …. She turned and looked at poolside and gulped ..and took sum step toward the French door to look who was there …… Khushi(stammered) kaun hai ?? kaun hai ?? . She opened the French door and peeped out to lo look if any one was there … but there was none .. she stepped out of the frenchdoor to the pollside and roamed her eyes here and there to find if there was anyone or not but then ..she sighed a relief ..seeing no one .. she turned around to leave ….. but then she again feel that sumone behind her … she turned but again there wasnoone … she gulped and said .. Khushi: ( clutching the edge of dupptta) kaun hai unha ? who’s there? Baby if it’s you just cum out it’s really not funny … Khushi’ ( face turned white in fear and she gulped) who is there who is there / ( she said gulping she walk toward the pool and then look a shadow paased by ..and she again gulped and thought to walk down to get some help … Khsuhi gulped and then entered her room she was about to walk out … when she was pinned by some one against the door … her eyes getten wider … seing sumone close to her ..and it was so dark that she could hardly see his face … but she was sure that it wasn’t arnav …. She started struggling at his touch .. Khsuhi: choro choro .. leave !! leave !! who are you ! what you want ……… ( tears started rolling down her cheeks) Man : ( pressing himself more on her)arehh arehh chill !!!! itni bechaini .. Khushi: just saty away stay away from .. who are you ? what you want from me ? leave me ( tears rolling down her cheeks) khsuhI; arnav !! ( she screamed in faer) when the man pressed his hand over her mouth to made her mouth to shut … Man : sshhh itna chillao mat.. don’t shout so much it pricks in ear !!!( he removed his hand making khushi go all numb Khushi: ( tears rolled down her cheeks) anhhhh … kya chhahte ho who are you leave me !! kya bigar meine tumhara.. Man : kaha tah na !! ki you didn’t but your husband did ..and for your husband deds you have to suffer !! the man lend down and tries to force on her but khushi gathered sum courage and pushed him with all her’s strenghth and rushed out of the room forgetting that running is not good for her’s pregenancy .. tears were rolling down her cheeks and she was running l like anything in faer and she started running toward the stair case and started running down the stair but suddenly sh looses her baclance r .. she was about to slip when a strong pair of arms ctached her ...and she could feel the known touch and she knew who the person was and she threw herself on him snaking her arms around his neck him and started crying on his shoulder ………. Arnav : khushi!! ( he said caressing her hair) Arnav : (pulling back) khushi!!! Khsuhi: ar….n…avv ( she said while sobbing and clutching her coller and digging her face in his chest … she was literrly shivering with fear… arnav pulled her back from the hug … and pulled her chin up to made her afce .. Arnav : khushi kya hua … baby ?? what happened ?? kya hau ??? Khsuhi: ( pointing his finger toward the upstair) woh .. who … there !! there !! Arnav : kya hai unha ….( looked toward upstairs) khsuhI: baby .. he .. he …. !!! he … ( she stammered with fear ..) tries ….. arnav don’t go !!! … baby where were you !! … don’t leave me .. he !! he !! ( she stammered and hug him tightly) arnav : ( pulling back and cupped her cheeks) sshh …I ma here and kuch anhi hau .. kuch nahi .. stopstop 1!!( he made her stood up and he rushed toward their room to find who the person was …. He barged in the room and looked here and there … to find but there was no one … arnav turned and walked out of the room ***************************** As he stepped out of the room he was shocked to see the sight infront of him …. Khushi was about to enter their room when sumone clutch her wrist and pinned her against the near by wall……….before she could scream he placed his hand over her mouth and didn’t let her to scream and that’s when arnav walk out he saw khushi being closing to sumother person ..and his blood automatically boiuled up …. He clenched his fist ..and just rushed to khushi …and pulled her from him .. khushi stood behind him clutching his shirt from the back Khushi: ar..nn..avv!! ( arnav passed aglance to her and then clutched the man’s coller and started punching him on his afce .. Arnav : how dare you to touch my wife !! ( he punched her again) Man : ( consuming himself) before qwestioning me y don’t you qwestioned your wife !! ( he said and pushed him before arnav could catch hold of her … he fled away through the frenchdoor ……. Due to the darkness aranv couldn’t se his face …….. but sure … arnav was fuming in anger seeing sumone being close to his wife … Khsuhi: b…a..b..yy!! ( she said in teary tone) Arnav turned and looked at khushi but before khushi could say anything arnav clutched her wrist and darg her with him toward their room … after entering their room …arnav spunned and pinned her against the wall and twist her han behind her back and khsuhi was just staring at him … though there was darkness but she could feel his rage ….. and anger .. Khuhi: ar…. ( Before she could say further arnav held her nape and smacked her lips by his’s…he took her lowerlips and started sucking it … khushi was all numb ..and arnav brutually biting her on her lips .. just wanting to entering her mouth … she let out a gasp and arnav entered her mouth and started kissing her brutually ……leaving his marks all over her ……… khushi could closed her eyes feeling the pain she just wrap her arems around him pulling him more on her .. Arnav : ( pulling back from the kiss) kaun tha who khushi who was e ??? and how dare he to touch you dammit? ( he saidin rage) how dare you to let him cum close to you and our baby !! Khushi: ar….n…avv !! ( she said while tears rolled down her cheeks but before she could say further … arnav again pulled her in a long and yet passioniate kiss and then made her way to the bed … and came top of her …….. *************************** Khushi was cuddling arnav more and was resting hier haed on his chest .. while arnav was just pulling her close in his embrace by her waist .. khuhsi was not feeling well after their love make session ….. becoz this time aranv was realy wild during their love making he literally forced himself on her … but later he just cal down thinking about their baby …….. Khushi: ( looking at him and cuddling him) arnav ..i ..i swear …. ( arnav look at him while khuhsi just touches her tummy and said) I swear on our bbay … trust me ….. I didn’t did naything …I didn’t cross my limits I … I ..didnt ..( she gulps) Arnav : ( pulling her close to him and put his index finger over her lips) sshhhhh !! did I say anything …… ( khushi nodded a no) then you don’t need to give any explanation .. and I trust you khushi ……..so now ..stop !!! ( he said and kissed her forehead)and now tell me everything from the first .. Khushi narrates him each and everything from the beginning and arnav just clenched his fisat in anger … Khushi: ( sobs) baby . that man want to harm you that’s why he want to Arnav : ( just shocked and looked at her but didn’t say anything and mask himself with a smirk) is it so easy ..to mess with me !! aur u think I would let nayone to harm you and our baby ( he said touching her’s tummy whereas khushi shakes her head in a no and aranv pulled her in a hug ) *************************** Nish’s eyes opened wider seeing the man infront of her nad was lending over her .. ….. she started shivering …. And her lips started quivering in fear .. the man sqweezed her cheeks and before nisha could shout ..she took the whiskey bottle which he was carrying in his hand he forced the bottle on her mouth nad making her forcefully drink it … nisha was literarly shivering….. and was started throwing her legs.. over him but the man clutched her wrist and pinned her hand on the bed and get top of her and pressed himself on her … The man : sshh baby kya hua ?? it’s a.s ..ARJUN SINGHANIA bhul gayi mujhe ( he said making seductive move on her’s face in which nisha flinched turned her face I on the othersiden Irritation and tears started rolling down her eyes the man turned her face by sqweezing her cheek nad made her look at him) The man : arey kya hua baby .. didn’t like my touch haan ? jab mere sath raat guzari thi ? when you became naked infront of me tab kya hua tah ? now you feel irritated by my touch …??? Haan ?? Nisha was about to scream but the man again stuffed alchahol on her’s Man : chup !! ekdam chup!! Zaada chilla mat !! tera bahi nahi anewala tujhko bachane samjhi .. nisha singh raizada !! ( nisha look at him with widening eyes) Man : kyu ? what you thought kit era bhai tujhe mujhse bacha lega ? haan ??? ( he said with aevilisah smirk) while nisha’s tears rolled down her cheeks) Man: ( sqweezing her cheek) u know for this u are only responsible .. tumhari hi galti hai …. Jiske liye you are suffering …….. Man: sabse bari galti ki tumne mujhe man karke .. I just ask you to get a sign from your brother … par tu ek simple sign nahi karwa saki apne bhai se …..agar karwa laati then aj nahi tu mujhe khoti nahi apna bachha nahi tera yeh haal hota .. ( he said pushing her with aforce ************************** Arnav was in his sleep when he heard sumone waking up .. Khushi: baby uthiye nah!! Baby uthiye nah!! Arnav : ( flinched and still closing his eyes ) hmmm kya hai ? Khushi: baby getup !! uthiye nah!! Uthiye !! ( she said shakening arnav) Arnav : ( flinched and opened his eyes but in sleepy mood) kya hai khushi ..itni raat ko kyu parishan kar rahi ho?? Khushi: parishan ??? baby am I disturbing ( she started crying) now you feel disturb by me hai na … yes!! Now you feel get disturbed by me .. mein toh sirf parishani hoon … nah!! ( sobs) Arnav : ( looked at khsuhi while taking a yawn) plzz don’t start it now!! Itni raat ko suru mat ho jao!! Khsuhi: what ?what ???.. now even I had the right to cry !! (she sobs) hey devi mayia now no one cares for me !! kisi aurki choro mere khud ki pati ko hi meri parwa nahi … ( sobs) hey devi mayia.. Arnav : ( flinched while palcing the pillow on his ear) kyu tumhare devi mayiaaa ko itne raat ko parishaan kar rahi ho ..let her sleep … and even me too !! ( he said and turned on the otherside) Khsuhi: ( frowned) haan haan ( sobs) soyiee na .. meine kab mana kiya…. When I stop you !!!.. you sleep!! Meine kab mana kiya … soyie .. soyie (she wipes her tears) meine apse pyar karke saadi kit hi …. Par aaap …. Haan ?? aapko mere se zaada apki nind pyari hai ..soyie soyie.. merihi mtati mari gayi thi ki mein apsepyar kar bethi ….. ( it’s my mistake that I fell in love with you) (she wipes her tear) meri mati mari gayi ….. ( she said while sobbing and aranv’s sleep get disturbed by her blabbering arnav turned and sat up on the bed and said while pissing off) Arnav : kya problem hai ?? problem kya hai tumhe ?? itni raat ko kyu tang kar rahi ho ?? why the hell are you disturbing at this late night haan ( he said in alittle loud voice and khsuhi looka t him and keep silence for a while and then pouted her mouth … and then her eyes welled up and her tears started rollingdown her cheeks she wipe her tears with the back of her palm and arnav sighed Khsuhi: soyie …na meine kab mana kiya apko you sleep !!! meine hi galti kit hi apse pyar karke sadi karke … hummhh!! ( she sobs) Arnav : ( sighing) kya chaiye kya ??? bolo what you want ? Khsuhi: I want to go for a drive !! let me take for adrive .. Arnav : what the ? ( he said frowning) do uhave any idea what the time is ?? people used to sleep at this time not to go for drive .. Khushi: anhi mujhe aabhi jana hai abs ( she threw her hands on the air) Arnav : ( calming his temper which is raising by now) baby people used to sleepa t this time itne raat ko bahar nahi jaate .. Khushi: kyu nahi jaate ? why cant I go .. muje aab jana hai bas aur aap jab man kare tab ghar se niklal jaate ho derbe raat ghar laut te ho then ?? wen I craving to go out you cant take me ummhhhhh ( she said sobbing) galti ki meine apse pyar karke …. Galti ki meine .. Arnav : ohh god plzz save me from this girl !! Khsuhi: haan haan now you to escape from me ……… nah haan haan ?? I know I know !!!( She sobbing ) you cant eant even fulfill asmall wish of your pregnant wife ( she said pouting) Arnav : plzz not now khushi promise I will take you tomoorow .. pakka now sleep and let me sleep too ..and I am really tired khushi soplzz stop of what you upto …. Let’s sleep .. ( he said and lied and turned his faceon the otherside for sleep) khushi: nahi mujhe abhi chalna hai chaliye nah.. plzz ( she said wakening up) Arnav : baby um really tired belive me … sone do …plzz sone do ( he said while turning his face on her back) Khsuhi: thik hai you sleep …. I wont disturb you .. Arnav: hmm that’s like my good girl… Khsuhi: you don’t wanna take me … I don’t disturb you .. ( pause) then um going by my own ( she said walking down of the bed and then pick his car keys from the table) aur haan um taking your s.u.v… Arnav : ( opened his eyes with a jerk and gave awhat the look) what the ? Khsuhi: ( raised her eyebrow) anhh um going by own and um atking your s.u.v ( she said showing his car key infront of himand wiggled her eyebrow with aevilish smile) you know how um in driving ? agar apke car ko kuch hogaya den don’t balme me…..( he said giving raising her shoulder little bit and giving up her hands) Arnav : ( got down of the bed) what the ?????? khushi why the hell you always end up disturbing my sleep at nights .. aur keep my car keys ( He said in aloud tone) Khsuhi: I wont disturb you any further …. aur apke liye mere se zaada apki car important hai? (she sobs) what evewr I am taking your car … aur I want to drive your s.u.v….. mein bhi dekhu kaisa lagta hai arnav singh raizada ki s.u.v cahalakar ? Arnav : keep the keys !!! ( he shout) Khsuhi: y are you scolding me meine galti ki ..apse pyar karke … love marriage karke bhi meri yeh halalt …… ( sobs) ( she sobs) who whatever I am leaving goo( she said wearing her sleepers and was about to walk out of the room when arnav stopped him from the back .. Arnav : wait !! Khushi: kya hai u sleep na … ( Turning back) goodnight!! Arnav : ( sighed) I am cuming with you !!! … ( a small face crept on her face and arnav palced his aplm infront of her’s and khushi gave the car key) chalo … Khsuhi: (hugged him) I love you baby you are the best . lets go … she said and clutched his wrist and darg him out with her ************************** FF: I OWN YOU- A DESIRE TO MAKE YOU MINE Sum more days passed by and khsuhi’s bump grew little more and arnav tried his best to give his time to his wife and bbay though he hardly could do that .. ... in other hand khushi was just loose her temper in no time she used to shout at everytime for no reason .. everyone came near her would be her target she didn’t even spare her darling husband ..though nopone but his husband could only calm her down and make her normal .. but sumtime he too get irritated by her’s mood swings ……. it’s evening and khsuhi was pacing around the room ….. waiting for arnav to cum back as he was out of town … and was cuming back to delhi after one day …. He wasn’t supposed to go but there was no option left for him as it was really important for him …. So he had to left leaving his wife back alone at raizada mansion though maria was there with her in these one day … though .she didn’t get any problem staying with her but she was hell iriitataed that for whole one day she lived without seing her husband…. .. khsuhi was pacing around the room and was just looking at clock ..and was restlessly pacing around room she stopped pacing and stompped her feet in disgust and then place her hans on her waist … and then said .. khushi: inhe to koi parwa hi nahi hai…. Inha his wife and baby is waiting for him andfd there he didn’t think to return home !! I mean kya zarurat thi ….. airport se direct office jaane ki ? pehle the left me alone for whole towo day .. and now…. Lautne do … dikhati hoon !! ( she said while frowning in anger) she walk toward the bed ..and sat on the bed … she was feeling dam bore … whereas she send maria back to home … as she have exams tomorrow ..and hp was out for bringing vegetables so hence she was all alone at the home …. She was getting hell pissed of by her husband as he was late ……… she sat on the bed feeling little tiredness … she rest her head on the headboard and then started raeding sum pregenccy books …. And while raeding it she dozed off *************************** Her sleep get broke up when suddenlyshe felt darkness all over her surrounding …. She lazily opened her eyes taking an yawn .. and find blackness all infront of her … she jerked up sat on the bed and heart get swallowed down realizing the darkness around her she look around she couldn’t see anything except balck and she realize that it’ current fault .. khushi clutched her ring in fear and then images of that night whena sumone entered their house and try to be initiate with her’s ….flashes over her mind and she gulped and called arnav’s name to check if she is back or not … Khushi: arnav !! baby !!! arnav !!! are you back ??? ( but there was no answer so it’s sure arnav wasn’t yet back … her’s facilal expression soon changed into a fear one ! and she clutched her ring tightly by one hand and get down while clutching her tummy with the other… khushi gulped and closed her eyes and prays” hey devimayia yeh light achanak kaise chali gayi . humari raksha karna” she prays clutching her tummy she didn’t know why but she was getting sum negetaive vibes today the fear was shrinking her from inside .. she just walk toward the closet to find sum candle but then she saw sum shadow passing by from the pool;side …. She turned and looked at poolside and gulped ..and took sum step toward the French door to look who was there …… Khushi(stammered) kaun hai ?? kaun hai ?? . She opened the French door and peeped out to lo look if any one was there … but there was none .. she stepped out of the frenchdoor to the pollside and roamed her eyes here and there to find if there was anyone or not but then ..she sighed a relief ..seeing no one .. she turned around to leave ….. but then she again feel that sumone behind her … she turned but again there wasnoone … she gulped and said .. Khushi: ( clutching the edge of dupptta) kaun hai unha ? who’s there? Baby if it’s you just cum out it’s really not funny … Khushi’ ( face turned white in fear and she gulped) who is there who is there / ( she said gulping she walk toward the pool and then look a shadow paased by ..and she again gulped and thought to walk down to get some help … Khsuhi gulped and then entered her room she was about to walk out … when she was pinned by some one against the door … her eyes getten wider … seing sumone close to her ..and it was so dark that she could hardly see his face … but she was sure that it wasn’t arnav …. She started struggling at his touch .. Khsuhi: choro choro .. leave !! leave !! who are you ! what you want ……… ( tears started rolling down her cheeks) Man : ( pressing himself more on her)arehh arehh chill !!!! itni bechaini .. Khushi: just saty away stay away from .. who are you ? what you want from me ? leave me ( tears rolling down her cheeks) khsuhI; arnav !! ( she screamed in faer) when the man pressed his hand over her mouth to made her mouth to shut … Man : sshhh itna chillao mat.. don’t shout so much it pricks in ear !!!( he removed his hand making khushi go all numb Khushi: ( tears rolled down her cheeks) anhhhh … kya chhahte ho who are you leave me !! kya bigar meine tumhara.. Man : kaha tah na !! ki you didn’t but your husband did ..and for your husband deds you have to suffer !! the man lend down and tries to force on her but khushi gathered sum courage and pushed him with all her’s strenghth and rushed out of the room forgetting that running is not good for her’s pregenancy .. tears were rolling down her cheeks and she was running l like anything in faer and she started running toward the stair case and started running down the stair but suddenly sh looses her baclance r .. she was about to slip when a strong pair of arms ctached her ...and she could feel the known touch and she knew who the person was and she threw herself on him snaking her arms around his neck him and started crying on his shoulder ………. Arnav : khushi!! ( he said caressing her hair) Arnav : (pulling back) khushi!!! Khsuhi: ar….n…avv ( she said while sobbing and clutching her coller and digging her face in his chest … she was literrly shivering with fear… arnav pulled her back from the hug … and pulled her chin up to made her afce .. Arnav : khushi kya hua … baby ?? what happened ?? kya hau ??? Khsuhi: ( pointing his finger toward the upstair) woh .. who … there !! there !! Arnav : kya hai unha ….( looked toward upstairs) khsuhI: baby .. he .. he …. !!! he … ( she stammered with fear ..) tries ….. arnav don’t go !!! … baby where were you !! … don’t leave me .. he !! he !! ( she stammered and hug him tightly) arnav : ( pulling back and cupped her cheeks) sshh …I ma here and kuch anhi hau .. kuch nahi .. stopstop 1!!( he made her stood up and he rushed toward their room to find who the person was …. He barged in the room and looked here and there … to find but there was no one … arnav turned and walked out of the room ***************************** As he stepped out of the room he was shocked to see the sight infront of him …. Khushi was about to enter their room when sumone clutch her wrist and pinned her against the near by wall……….before she could scream he placed his hand over her mouth and didn’t let her to scream and that’s when arnav walk out he saw khushi being closing to sumother person ..and his blood automatically boiuled up …. He clenched his fist ..and just rushed to khushi …and pulled her from him .. khushi stood behind him clutching his shirt from the back Khushi: ar..nn..avv!! ( arnav passed aglance to her and then clutched the man’s coller and started punching him on his afce .. Arnav : how dare you to touch my wife !! ( he punched her again) Man : ( consuming himself) before qwestioning me y don’t you qwestioned your wife !! ( he said and pushed him before arnav could catch hold of her … he fled away through the frenchdoor ……. Due to the darkness aranv couldn’t se his face …….. but sure … arnav was fuming in anger seeing sumone being close to his wife … Khsuhi: b…a..b..yy!! ( she said in teary tone) Arnav turned and looked at khushi but before khushi could say anything arnav clutched her wrist and darg her with him toward their room … after entering their room …arnav spunned and pinned her against the wall and twist her han behind her back and khsuhi was just staring at him … though there was darkness but she could feel his rage ….. and anger .. Khuhi: ar…. ( Before she could say further arnav held her nape and smacked her lips by his’s…he took her lowerlips and started sucking it … khushi was all numb ..and arnav brutually biting her on her lips .. just wanting to entering her mouth … she let out a gasp and arnav entered her mouth and started kissing her brutually ……leaving his marks all over her ……… khushi could closed her eyes feeling the pain she just wrap her arems around him pulling him more on her .. Arnav : ( pulling back from the kiss) kaun tha who khushi who was e ??? and how dare he to touch you dammit? ( he saidin rage) how dare you to let him cum close to you and our baby !! Khushi: ar….n…avv !! ( she said while tears rolled down her cheeks but before she could say further … arnav again pulled her in a long and yet passioniate kiss and then made her way to the bed … and came top of her …….. *************************** Khushi was cuddling arnav more and was resting hier haed on his chest .. while arnav was just pulling her close in his embrace by her waist .. khuhsi was not feeling well after their love make session ….. becoz this time aranv was realy wild during their love making he literally forced himself on her … but later he just cal down thinking about their baby …….. Khushi: ( looking at him and cuddling him) arnav ..i ..i swear …. ( arnav look at him while khuhsi just touches her tummy and said) I swear on our bbay … trust me ….. I didn’t did naything …I didn’t cross my limits I … I ..didnt ..( she gulps) Arnav : ( pulling her close to him and put his index finger over her lips) sshhhhh !! did I say anything …… ( khushi nodded a no) then you don’t need to give any explanation .. and I trust you khushi ……..so now ..stop !!! ( he said and kissed her forehead)and now tell me everything from the first .. Khushi narrates him each and everything from the beginning and arnav just clenched his fisat in anger … Khushi: ( sobs) baby . that man want to harm you that’s why he want to Arnav : ( just shocked and looked at her but didn’t say anything and mask himself with a smirk) is it so easy ..to mess with me !! aur u think I would let nayone to harm you and our baby ( he said touching her’s tummy whereas khushi shakes her head in a no and aranv pulled her in a hug ) *************************** Nish’s eyes opened wider seeing the man infront of her nad was lending over her .. ….. she started shivering …. And her lips started quivering in fear .. the man sqweezed her cheeks and before nisha could shout ..she took the whiskey bottle which he was carrying in his hand he forced the bottle on her mouth nad making her forcefully drink it … nisha was literarly shivering….. and was started throwing her legs.. over him but the man clutched her wrist and pinned her hand on the bed and get top of her and pressed himself on her … The man : sshh baby kya hua ?? it’s a.s ..ARJUN SINGHANIA bhul gayi mujhe ( he said making seductive move on her’s face in which nisha flinched turned her face I on the othersiden Irritation and tears started rolling down her eyes the man turned her face by sqweezing her cheek nad made her look at him) The man : arey kya hua baby .. didn’t like my touch haan ? jab mere sath raat guzari thi ? when you became naked infront of me tab kya hua tah ? now you feel irritated by my touch …??? Haan ?? Nisha was about to scream but the man again stuffed alchahol on her’s Man : chup !! ekdam chup!! Zaada chilla mat !! tera bahi nahi anewala tujhko bachane samjhi .. nisha singh raizada !! ( nisha look at him with widening eyes) Man : kyu ? what you thought kit era bhai tujhe mujhse bacha lega ? haan ??? ( he said with aevilisah smirk) while nisha’s tears rolled down her cheeks) Man: ( sqweezing her cheek) u know for this u are only responsible .. tumhari hi galti hai …. Jiske liye you are suffering …….. Man: sabse bari galti ki tumne mujhe man karke .. I just ask you to get a sign from your brother … par tu ek simple sign nahi karwa saki apne bhai se …..agar karwa laati then aj nahi tu mujhe khoti nahi apna bachha nahi tera yeh haal hota .. ( he said pushing her with aforce ************************** Arnav was in his sleep when he heard sumone waking up .. Khushi: baby uthiye nah!! Baby uthiye nah!! Arnav : ( flinched and still closing his eyes ) hmmm kya hai ? Khushi: baby getup !! uthiye nah!! Uthiye !! ( she said shakening arnav) Arnav : ( flinched and opened his eyes but in sleepy mood) kya hai khushi ..itni raat ko kyu parishan kar rahi ho?? Khushi: parishan ??? baby am I disturbing ( she started crying) now you feel disturb by me hai na … yes!! Now you feel get disturbed by me .. mein toh sirf parishani hoon … nah!! ( sobs) Arnav : ( looked at khsuhi while taking a yawn) plzz don’t start it now!! Itni raat ko suru mat ho jao!! Khsuhi: what ?what ???.. now even I had the right to cry !! (she sobs) hey devi mayia now no one cares for me !! kisi aurki choro mere khud ki pati ko hi meri parwa nahi … ( sobs) hey devi mayia.. Arnav : ( flinched while palcing the pillow on his ear) kyu tumhare devi mayiaaa ko itne raat ko parishaan kar rahi ho ..let her sleep … and even me too !! ( he said and turned on the otherside) Khsuhi: ( frowned) haan haan ( sobs) soyiee na .. meine kab mana kiya…. When I stop you !!!.. you sleep!! Meine kab mana kiya … soyie .. soyie (she wipes her tears) meine apse pyar karke saadi kit hi …. Par aaap …. Haan ?? aapko mere se zaada apki nind pyari hai ..soyie soyie.. merihi mtati mari gayi thi ki mein apsepyar kar bethi ….. ( it’s my mistake that I fell in love with you) (she wipes her tear) meri mati mari gayi ….. ( she said while sobbing and aranv’s sleep get disturbed by her blabbering arnav turned and sat up on the bed and said while pissing off) Arnav : kya problem hai ?? problem kya hai tumhe ?? itni raat ko kyu tang kar rahi ho ?? why the hell are you disturbing at this late night haan ( he said in alittle loud voice and khsuhi looka t him and keep silence for a while and then pouted her mouth … and then her eyes welled up and her tears started rollingdown her cheeks she wipe her tears with the back of her palm and arnav sighed Khsuhi: soyie …na meine kab mana kiya apko you sleep !!! meine hi galti kit hi apse pyar karke sadi karke … hummhh!! ( she sobs) Arnav : ( sighing) kya chaiye kya ??? bolo what you want ? Khsuhi: I want to go for a drive !! let me take for adrive .. Arnav : what the ? ( he said frowning) do uhave any idea what the time is ?? people used to sleep at this time not to go for drive .. Khushi: anhi mujhe aabhi jana hai abs ( she threw her hands on the air) Arnav : ( calming his temper which is raising by now) baby people used to sleepa t this time itne raat ko bahar nahi jaate .. Khushi: kyu nahi jaate ? why cant I go .. muje aab jana hai bas aur aap jab man kare tab ghar se niklal jaate ho derbe raat ghar laut te ho then ?? wen I craving to go out you cant take me ummhhhhh ( she said sobbing) galti ki meine apse pyar karke …. Galti ki meine .. Arnav : ohh god plzz save me from this girl !! Khsuhi: haan haan now you to escape from me ……… nah haan haan ?? I know I know !!!( She sobbing ) you cant eant even fulfill asmall wish of your pregnant wife ( she said pouting) Arnav : plzz not now khushi promise I will take you tomoorow .. pakka now sleep and let me sleep too ..and I am really tired khushi soplzz stop of what you upto …. Let’s sleep .. ( he said and lied and turned his faceon the otherside for sleep) khushi: nahi mujhe abhi chalna hai chaliye nah.. plzz ( she said wakening up) Arnav : baby um really tired belive me … sone do …plzz sone do ( he said while turning his face on her back) Khsuhi: thik hai you sleep …. I wont disturb you .. Arnav: hmm that’s like my good girl… Khsuhi: you don’t wanna take me … I don’t disturb you .. ( pause) then um going by my own ( she said walking down of the bed and then pick his car keys from the table) aur haan um taking your s.u.v… Arnav : ( opened his eyes with a jerk and gave awhat the look) what the ? Khsuhi: ( raised her eyebrow) anhh um going by own and um atking your s.u.v ( she said showing his car key infront of himand wiggled her eyebrow with aevilish smile) you know how um in driving ? agar apke car ko kuch hogaya den don’t balme me…..( he said giving raising her shoulder little bit and giving up her hands) Arnav : ( got down of the bed) what the ?????? khushi why the hell you always end up disturbing my sleep at nights .. aur keep my car keys ( He said in aloud tone) Khsuhi: I wont disturb you any further …. aur apke liye mere se zaada apki car important hai? (she sobs) what evewr I am taking your car … aur I want to drive your s.u.v….. mein bhi dekhu kaisa lagta hai arnav singh raizada ki s.u.v cahalakar ? Arnav : keep the keys !!! ( he shout) Khsuhi: y are you scolding me meine galti ki ..apse pyar karke … love marriage karke bhi meri yeh halalt …… ( sobs) ( she sobs) who whatever I am leaving goo( she said wearing her sleepers and was about to walk out of the room when arnav stopped him from the back .. Arnav : wait !! Khushi: kya hai u sleep na … ( Turning back) goodnight!! Arnav : ( sighed) I am cuming with you !!! … ( a small face crept on her face and arnav palced his aplm infront of her’s and khushi gave the car key) chalo … Khsuhi: (hugged him) I love you baby you are the best . lets go … she said and clutched his wrist and darg him out with her **************************
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 14:16:14 +0000

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