FFK, the case of a rotten Bourgeoisie The history of all - TopicsExpress


FFK, the case of a rotten Bourgeoisie The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles... a time shall come when the proletarians will rise up against the Bourgeoisies... - Karl Marx •A Brief Criminal History of FFK Femi Fani-Kayode was investigated and arrested by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in July 2008 in connection with the misappropriation of a 19.5 billion naira (approx.US$300,000,000) Aviation Intervention Fund. Fani-Kayode was again arrested on December 2008 by the EFCC and was charged with 47 counts of money laundering. These charges had nothing to do with the Aviation Intervention Fund but rather with some irregular and mountainous lodgements in his private bank account. In June 2007 he was reported to have had an affair with one of his former aides, Miss Chioma Anasoh who was arrested by Nigerian customs agents on suspicion of attempting to illegally launder US$240,000 via Abuja airport. Fani-Kayode allegedly arrived at the scene and facilitated her release. To cut the long story short; Fani Kayode is an indicted man, and the only reason why he is still walking around freely and making loud noises is because we are in Nigeria, a country that is sadly without any iota of moral depth. Not only is fani Kayode an indicted man, but he is also a product of an unexplainable source of wealth. •Wrong Move I totally agree with Fani Kayode when he refers to Amaechi in the following manner; Once a houseboy, always a houseboy. Once a cult member always a cult member. Once a peasant, always a peasant. House Boy: There is nothing wrong with being a house boy. Our Lord Jesus said that to serve is better than to be served. Amaechi is, and will always be a servant leader to the people of Rivers State, and Nigeria at large. Cult Member: In the sociological classifications of religious movements, a cult is a religious or other social group with socially deviant and novel beliefs and practices. Therefore I concur that Amaechi is a CULT member! He belongs to the brotherhood of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. Is Fani Kayode a Christian? I doubt he is, but if he reads the bible, then he would have discovered sacred teachings on Baptism, Communion, Resurrection, Fasting and Prayer, Signs and Wonders (miracles), Rapture etc. These teachings reflect the spiritual depth of Christianity, and clearly removes our Religion from the cadre of Ordinary Social Groups. Apostle Paul clearly described the celestial character of our Faith in 1 Chorinthians 1:9,10: But as it is written, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered in the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him. BUT God HAS REVEALED THEM to us by His Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep (secret) things of God. Apostle Paul went further to establish the secret nature of Christianity in 1 Chorinthians 2:7-10: For as it is written, we speak the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. Peasant (proletarian): According to Wikipedia, a peasant is a member of a traditional class of farmers, either laborers or owners of small farms, especially in the Middle Ages under feudalism, or more generally, in any pre-industrial society. In Europe, peasants were divided into three classes according to their personal status: slave, serf, and freeman. Peasants either hold title to land in fee simple, or hold land by any of several forms of land tenure, among them socage, quit-rent, leasehold, and copyhold. Proletarian simply refers to a wage earner. If Fani Kayode was a smart man, then he would have noticed that PEASANTS/PROLETARIANS are gradually taking over the world, and that Commoners are becoming world Leaders; a perfect example of this surging trend is BARACK OBAMA. •Rotten Bourgeoisie In political economy, political philosophy, sociology, social sciences, and history, a bourgeoisie is Philosophically perceived as a materialist creature, because the bourgeois man is primarily seen as irreligious; a man without conscience for humanity. Let me not bore you further with literal exposition on the maligned vituperation of an indicted thief and a rascal bourgeoisie. Finally, Fani Kayode must take out time to dissect what Karl Marx meant when he posited that; History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. References: Holy Bible, Wikipedia, Literature of Social Sciences. Good morning
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 01:25:32 +0000

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