FFS is about removing masculinities and if it is done properly, - TopicsExpress


FFS is about removing masculinities and if it is done properly, even on a very masculine face, it shouldnt look artificial afterwards. The over-done look is generally a result of doing more surgery than you need or doing surgery you do need but too aggressively. Here are a few areas to be wary of: Hairline: A hairline scar can look surgical and tends to give a harder edge to the hairline (making it look a little wiggy in my opinion). If you have to have a hairline incision (it is sometimes the only option) then you can hide it later with hair transplants. Eyebrows: Over-lifted eyebrows are a problem in FFS and can lead to the surprised expression we sometimes see on post-op women. Overall eyebrow height is not really a gender sign and the top edge of the eyebrows is, on average, in about the same position for men and women. A strong lift might be appropriate in some cases and a modest lift can help give a more open and feminine expression but you sometimes see people who already had a good eyebrow height but then a surgeon lifted them literally as high as they could physically go. Nose: Overworked noses are a real problem. Your nose should be appropriate to your face. Tiny, strongly turned up and very narrow noses dont work on most faces and can look very unnatural. My personal opinion is that a straight rather than scooped bridge tends to look feminine and more natural in a large percentage of cases. Ethnicity is also very important so compare like with like. For example, dont compare a wide and flat Asian nose with a thin and pointed European nose. Cheeks: Fuller cheeks are feminine but overfilled cheeks can look artificial. Cheek implants can also look artificial in some cases as they can sometimes show through. Remember that hormones put fat in your cheeks so in general, a surgeon should not recommend a fat transfer to the cheeks (or cheek implants) on a girl who hasnt started, but is intending to start HRT. There are exceptions but it is something to watch out for. Lips: Over filled lips are one of the problems I see most often and they are one of the key signs of an over-done face. Full lips can look a little more feminine than thin ones but it is so easy to overdo it and you cant take very thin lips to very full without it looking plastic. Plump them subtly and dont use a permanent filler unless you are sure about how full to go and have tried non-permanent first. The artificiality comes from going to far, just like it does with the nose. Also bear in mind that filling the lips can increase the lip to nose distance and that can actually have masculinising effect. Lifting: A facelift is not really feminisation (although younger faces do tend to look a little more feminine than older ones) A well executed facelift can look very natural but multiple lifts or lifts that are too strong can give you that stretched look. And NEVER EVER have silicone injected into your face or anywhere else.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 18:15:57 +0000

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