FIB :: Our questionnaire to Gary Powell of The Libertines! Q: - TopicsExpress



FIB :: Our questionnaire to Gary Powell of The Libertines! Q: My early passions or influences were… In this order, pretend sword fighting, being Han Solo when playing star wars and - drumming. Q: When I was younger I always dreamed of being… Han Solo. When I got a bit older I realised I could never be Han Solo, so it changed to Lando Calrissian. Q: One of my favourite gigs to date is… As a kid I saw Miles Davis play so that will go down as one of my favourites ever - Fishbone where always good live and I used to love moshing at Bad Brains shows on staten island. Err, I’m too lame to choose one… Q: The person I would most like to meet (past or present) is… I had the chance of meeting John Barry at an awards ceremony a few years past and I lost all nerve in the face of ‘a god like genius’ at the last possible minute. His ability to write with equal amounts of emotion, dynamics and flair - and colour each individual piece as it is is just that, an individual are some of the reasons why I think his score writing will last the test of time. Q: At a party you will find me… Either the bar or my kitchen cause either way that’s where the party is gonna be. I love to cook and having some good friends over eating drinking and listening to some good music is a reminder that we ain’t all that bad… (well I used to till they all pissed of to LA which possibly means the drinks were shit the music sucked and my cooking was god awful). Q: One thing you must remember to pack for a festival is… Depends where the festival is. If it’s in England rain gear for sure - may be even a canoe. I’ve seen that being used before in a very wet, sodden Glastonbury. If it’s Coachella some cash for the cab back to where ever you are staying, you don’t wanna get left there as it’s a trek back to civilisation if you ain’t got a car. And if it’s Spain/Ibiza? Swim wear baby! Oh, and don’t forget some extra money for when people try to black mail you after you drunkenly put on women’s swim wear and fall drunkenly into a pool of your own doing… (so I am told). Q: The strangest thing to have happened at one of our/my live performances is… Wow, where do I start? I past out drunk in front of an audience in Boston once, tried to fight someone on Brussels on stage, had to run of the stage in Dublin mid show to have a big (number 2) the list is endless!!! Q: This song never fails to get me dancing… Anything from West Side Story will get my contemporary dance on, jet song, gee officer krupke - dance at the gym! Awesome! Q: My party trick is… Being alive today enough of magic trick for me. Q: My best festival memory is… The fist time we played summer sonic in Osaka. Our then tour manager stated that - and I quote “ you’ll never get much interaction from the japanese audience as they are quite unison orientated and don’t tend to get unto much tomfoolery.” This was not the case at this particular show as they went crazy! One guys even dived on the stage pushed Pete of the mic, screamed some incoherent lyrics down the mic and then somersaulted back into the crowd, who caught him and he crowd surfed back to where it all began. Awesome! Q: My tour bus essential is… Films, practise pad and just a little top of whisky in a flask just in case the country we are in runs out… Q: The band/artist I can’t miss at FIB Benicassim will be… Have you resurrected John Barry?
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 12:03:20 +0000

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