FIFTH DAY NOVENA IN HONOR OF OUR LADY OF PEÑAFRANCIA Act of Contrition My Lord, Jesus Christ true God and true man, in whom I believe, in whom I hope and whom I love above all things, I am deeply sorry for having offended Thee, because thou art infinite goodness. I promise never more to offend thee, with the help of thy divine grace, and through the powerful intercession of the blessed Mother, the Holy Virgin Mary, whom I would like to honor all the days of my life, but most particularly during this novena which I dedicate to the glory of her most holy name. Amen. Virgin of Penafrancia, pray for us! Prayer O most lovable Queen and Mother Mary, whose sweet name gladdens the heavens, consoles the earth and daunts hell. O peerless greatness granted to thee by Him who is omnipotent, that all might share in the benefit of that plenitude; namely: the sick their cure, the sorrowful their consolation, the sinners their forgiveness, the angels their joy and the Blessed Trinity untold glory. To you I have recourse in this novena, as an armour for my defense, as a medicine for my health, as a consolation for my grief, as an effective relief for my burdens, as a help unto the remission of my sins and as a universal remedy for all my needs. There­fore I beseech Thee time and again and fre­quently repeat these sweet words: Virgin of Penafrancia, pray for us, Virgin of Penafrancia, pray for us, Virgin of Penafrancia, pray for us. May I deserve from thy mercy and benevolence a participation in the benign influence of thy name and may I become one of thy most faithful children, so that living always under this precious protection, may I be granted the special intention of this novena, if it be for the greater honor and glory of God and the salvation of my soul. Amen. Virgin of Penafrancia, pray for us. (Now we greet the most sweet name of Mary with the following prayers and Hail Mary’s): M-other most beloved, in all the occasions of my life remember me, miserable sinner. Hall Mary … A-queduct of the divine graces, grant me abundant tears with which to wash away my sins. Hall Mary … R-oyal Queen of heaven and earth be my help and defense against the assaults of my enemies. Hall Mary … I-llustrious and beloved daughter of Joaquin and Ana, pray thy divine Son to grant me the graces I need for my salvation. Hall Mary … A-dvocate and refuge of sinners, be at my bedside at the hour of my death and open for me the portals of heaven. Hall Mary … (A short pause follows m which one may ask from Our Lord through the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin of Penafrancia, the special graces desired in this novena. Then the following concluding prayer is said:) Concluding Prayer for the Fifth Day O most patient and dolorous Mary, I humbly beseech thee, O Virgin of Penafrancia. that as it was amidst such bitterness and on the recommendation of Jesus that you willingly adopted us, though sinners, as your sons in the person of John, may thy sweet name be so impressed in my heart, as a keepsake of your woes on the summit of Calvary, that I may from time to time think of the high price paid for my redemption and that; I may appreciate it deeply, seeing to it that the fruits are not spoiled by my vices. Grant finally, that the memory of thy sorrows and those of thy Holy Son, may give me strength and fortitude to carry will­ingly the cross of this life that I may after­wards attain felicity and beatitude in the other. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 13:04:13 +0000

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