FIFTH SCHEDULE [see sections 132 & 134] OFFENCES WHERE TICKET CAN - TopicsExpress


FIFTH SCHEDULE [see sections 132 & 134] OFFENCES WHERE TICKET CAN BE ISSUED S.No. Offence Amount of Fine 1. Neglect in safe storage of eatable, drinkable and other consumable items sold or supplied to the public. Rs.1,000 and Rs.6,000 in case of large restaurants, hotels and shops. 2. a. Fixing of wooden khokhas, and temporary shops or extension thereof on footpaths or beyond the street line. b. Plying of handcarts for the sale of goods without permission. Rs.2,000 Rs.400 3. Failure by the owner or occupier of any land to clear away and remove any vegetation declared by a local government to be injurious to health or offensive to neighbourhoods. Rs.1,000 4. Slaughtering of animals for the sale of meat at a place other than the place set apart for the purpose. Rs.1,000 5. Without the permission of the local government, causing or knowingly or negligently allowing the contents of any sink, sewer or cesspool or any other offensive matter to flow, or drain or to be put upon any street, or public place, or into irrigation channel or any sewer or drain not set apart for the purpose. Rs.4,000 in case of commercial concerns and Rs.1,000 for others. 6. Keeping or maintaining any cattle in any part of the prohibited zone or failure to remove the cattle from the prohibited zone within the specified time when an order to this effect has been made. Rs.1,000 7. Keeping ferocious dogs or other animals in residential areas or taking such animals to public places or the areas specified by the local government, without leash or chain and without being muzzled or to set at large any animal or dog infected with rabies or any other infectious disease. Rs.400 8. Obstructing or tampering with any road, street, drain or pavement. Rs.2,000 9. Obstructing or tampering with any main pipe, meter or any apparatus or appliance for the supply of water or sewerage system. Rs.2,000 10. Without the previous sanction of the local government: (i) laying out a drain or altering any drain in a street or road; (ii) connecting any house drain with a drain in a public street; and (iii) drawing off, diverting or taking any water except with the permission required under this Act. Rs.2,000 11. Excavation of earth, stone or any other material within such distance of the residential area as specified by the local government. Rs.2,000 12. Burying or burning a dead body at a place which is not a public or registered burial or burning place, except with the sanction of the local government. Rs.2,000 13. Failure to furnish, on requisition, information in respect of any matter which a local government is authorized to call for under any of the provisions of this Act, rules or bye-laws or furnishing wrong information. Rs.600 14. Obstructing lawful seizure of animals liable to be impounded on the ground of violations of rules or by-laws governing the picketing, tethering, keeping, milching or slaughter of animals or their trespass of private or public property. Rs.1,000 15. Picketing, parking animals or collecting carts or vehicles on any street, using any street as a halting place for vehicle or animals or as a place encampment without the permission of the local government. Rs.1,000 16. Causing or permitting animals to stray or keeping, tethering, stalling, feeding or gazing any cattle on any road, street or thoroughfare or in any public place or damaging or causing or permitting to be damaged any road, street or thoroughfare by allowing cattle to move thereon. Rs.1,000 17. Disposal of carcasses of animals within prohibited distance. Rs.1,000 18. Failure to dispose of offal, fat or any organ or part of a dead animal in a place set apart for the purpose by the local government. Rs.1,000 19. Throwing or placing any refuse, litter or garbage on any street, or in any place, not provided or appointed for the purpose by a local government. Rs.1,000 20. Failure to provide for disposal of litter or garbage inside or outside a shop by its owner or occupier. Rs.1,000 21. Failure to maintain clean premises of the area in front of a shop, office or factory up to the public street or road serving this facility. Rs.2,000 22. Watering cattle or animals, or bathing or washing at or near a well or other source of drinking water for the public. Rs.1,000 23. Steeping hemp, jute or any other plant in or near a pond or any other excavation within such distance of the residential area as may be specified by a local government. Rs.2,000 24. Failure to provide, close, remove, alter, repair, clean, disinfect or put in proper order any latrine, urinal drain, cesspool or other receptacle for filth, sullage, water or refuse by an owner or occupier of a house, shop, office, industry or premises. Rs.4,000 for commercial/industrial concerns and Rs.1,000 for a residential house 25. Failure to clean the premises, houses, shops and cultivated lands of the plastic bags and other non-perishable materials. Rs.1,000 26. Damaging or polluting physical environment, inside or outside private or public premises, in a manner to endanger public health. Rs.4,000 for public premises and Rs.1,000 for private premises 27. Failure by the owner or occupier of any land to cut or trim the hedges growing thereon which overhang any well, tank or other source from which water is derived for public use. Rs.1,000 28. Failure by the owner or occupier of any land or building to clean, repair, cover, fill up or drain off any private well, tank or other source of water supply, which is declared under this Act to be injurious to health or offensive to the neighbourhood. Rs.2,000 29. Failure to stop leakages of water pipes, faucets and sanitary fittings resulting in dirty water pools affecting physical environments and breeding of mosquitoes. Rs.2,000 30. Failure of an owner or occupier of any building or land to put up and keep in good condition troughs and pipes for receiving or carrying water or sullage water. Rs.2,000 31. Feeding or allowing to be fed an animal meant for dairy or meat purposes, on deleterious substance, filth or refuse of any kind which is dangerous to health of consumers. Rs.2,000 32. Defacing or disturbing, without due authorization, any direction-post, lamp post or lamp extinguishing or any light arranged by a local government. Rs.2,000 33. Fixing any bill, notice, play card, poster or other paper or means of advertisement against or upon any private or public building or place other than the places fixed for the purpose by a local government. Rs.2,000 34. Exhibiting any obscene advertisement. Rs.2,000 35. Loud playing of music or radio, beating of drum or tom-tom, blowing a horn or beating or sounding any brass or other instruments or utensils in contravention of any general or special prohibition issued by a local government or in and around a hospital or an educational institution. Rs.2,000 36. Loud shouting in abusive language causing distress to the inhabitants of a neighbourhood or village or any other public place. Rs.2,000 37. Using or allowing the use for human habitation of a building declared by a local government to be unfit for human habitation. Rs.2,000 38. Failure to lime-wash or repair a building, if so required by local government. Rs.2,000 39. Begging importunately for alms by exposing any deformity or disease or any offensive sore or wound to solicit charity. Rs.1,000 40. Causing or permitting to be caused by any owner or keeper of an animal which, through neglect or otherwise, damages any land or crop or produce of land, or any public road. Rs.2,000 41. Selling cattle and animals in contravention of any law, rule or by-laws of a local government. Rs.2,000 42. Kite flying in contravention of any general or specific prohibition issued by local governments. Rs.600 43. Keeping pigeon or other birds in a manner causing danger to air traffic. Rs.1,000 44. Digging of public land without the permission in writing of local government. Rs.2,000 45. Contravention of any prohibition or direction of the local government issued under this Act or the rules. Rs.1,000 46. Attempt or abetment of any of the offence in this Schedule. Same as for the offence specified in the Schedule SIXTH SCHEDULE [see section 132] FORM OF TICKET Name & Address of the Offender: _________________ NIC No. _________________ Particulars of Offence:(Section of Law with details of offences: _________________ Date of commission of Offence: Amount of Fine: Rs. _____________ (in letters) Date by which the Fine is to be paid _________________ (Note: The amount of fine shall be deposited in Bank) Corrective actions ordered: _________________ Name of the Court having jurisdiction: _________________ Signature or Thumb Impression of the Offender: _________________ Signatures of Inspector/Seal _________________ Copy-1 (To be retained by Inspector) Name & Address of the Offender: _________________ NIC No. _________________ Particulars of Offence:(Section of Law with details of offences: _________________ Date of commission of Offence: Amount of Fine: Rs._______________ (in letters) Date by which the Fine is to be paid _________________ (Note: The amount of fine shall be deposited in Bank) Corrective actions ordered: _________________ Name of the Court having jurisdiction: _________________ Signature or Thumb Impression of the Offender: _________________ Signatures of Inspector/ Seal _________________ Copy-2 (To be retained by Offender on payment of fine) Name & Address of the Offender: _________________ NIC No. _________________ Particulars of Offence:(Section of Law with details of offences: _________________ Date of commission of Offence: Amount of Fine: Rs._______________ (in letters) Date by which the Fine is to be paid _________________ (Note: The amount of fine shall be deposited in Bank) Corrective actions ordered: _________________ Name of the Court having jurisdiction: _________________ Signature or Thumb Impression of the Offender: _________________ Signatures of Inspector/ Seal _________________ Copy-3 (To be returned to Inspector by offender after payment within ten days) Name & Address of the Offender: _________________ NIC No. _________________ Particulars of Offence:(Section of Law with details of offences: _________________ Date of commission of Offence: Amount of Fine: Rs._______________ (in letters) Date by which the Fine is to be paid _________________ (Note: The amount of fine shall be deposited in Bank) Corrective actions ordered: _________________ Name of the Court having jurisdiction: _________________ Signature or Thumb Impression of the Offender: _________________ Signatures of Inspector/ Seal _________________ Copy-4 (To be sent by the Bank to the local Accounts Officer)
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 12:53:48 +0000

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