FIGGYS FACEBOOK RANT O THE DAY: No matter how expensive you - TopicsExpress


FIGGYS FACEBOOK RANT O THE DAY: No matter how expensive you think eating and living healthy may be, Im here to tell you that being/getting sick over self-inflicted obesity and obesity related illnesses costs far more. How many salads and lean meats could I have purchased with the $29,394.11 that my six hour heart catherization odyssey at Shands Hospital in Jacksonville Florida cost? And all of the bills haven’t even come in yet? A lot. A whole hell of a lot. I will never again complain about the cost of healthy living. My apathy and lack of discipline over my weight is nothing more than just plain selfishness. My weight related health issues could very well take me away from my girls far too soon. I keep talking a good game yet I remain rooted in obesity like it’s some sort of game. I am SO ANGRY at myself to have to pay out-of-pocket a good chunk of that bill. I wasn’t in a car accident. I don’t have a congenital defect. Tens of thousands of dollars have been and will be expended over PREVENTABLE diseases. You know, I get the so-called Fat Acceptance movement. I really do. No one should be made to feel ugly or less-than over their weight. But the flip side to that is this unhealthy attitude towards obesity, most especially by the obese. We shouldn’t be accepted because we ARE fat. We should be IN SPITE of it. And we shouldn’t accept obesity as normal in the sense that it is okay or even inevitable that we will eventually develop diseases that will cost us individually and collectively as a nation billions of dollars each year. There’s no such thing as being ‘Big Boned’. We’re fat because we eat too much and exercise too little. Our parents were fat. We were fat kids. It runs in our families. All the reasons we tell ourselves and others why the way we are. But it’s a con game and we’re the losers. VERY FEW obese patients have developed these diseases irrepsective of their weight. Even with a genetic predisposition, most of us can avoid these diseases. There are plenty of obese people who are walking around thinking they are healthy and some of them are. But like smoking, the odds are against you that you won’t eventually develop a disease that will kill you far earlier than extreme old age will. And when you get sick, and you will, it’s going to cost you and your loved ones money, resources and peace of mind. Americans are some of the fattest people in the world and our ‘bloated’ health care system reflects that. There are no valid reasons for me to spend $30k+ for one day of service over something that I had complete control over. Not a DAMNED one. So let this rant be your Valkyrie cry. Take the time and slowly get on track with your health. Don’t do fad diets, don’t go to extreme measures with exercise. Just take it one step at a time and get your life back. Because if you are younger than 60 years old, overweight and taking meds for Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver, cardiovascular disease or any other weight related illness just slap yourself in the back of the head. $30k! Do you know how many conventions I could go to? How many comics I could buy? How much Star Trek memorabilia I could Ebay? This don’t make no damned sense.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 18:39:09 +0000

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