FIGHT FOR OUR DEFENCE VETERANS – THEY NEED YOUR HELP. THEY KEPT US FREE BUT THEY PAY A HEAVY PRICE This is a bloody disgrace!!! Having just recently met their pre-election commitment to adjust the indexation of the DFRB and the DFRDB for those recipients aged over 55 years of age – because the Government finally recognised that the CPI was no longer relevant when analysing the real cost of living increases and that the DFRB and DFRDB recipients were gradually but inexorably seeing their miserly military compensation pension being eroded – to be indexed exactly the same way as the Aged Pension (well done The Coalition and about time, but what about those under 55, what about the MSBS recipients and what about our disabled members?), the Government has now decided that wef July 2017, the Disabled Veterans compensation will be indexed against the CPI!!!!!!! What absolute nonsense? Where is the logic in this? THE CPI IS LESS THAN ANNUAL INFLATION!!!!!!! The Government has recognised that the CPI is no longer relevant as an indexation by itself and that adjustments should be awarded on whatever is the greater of the CPI, the agreed percentage of Male Total Average Weekly Earnings (27.5% of MTAWE) or the Pensioner and Beneficiary Living Cost Index (PBLCI). So how the hell can any Government now decide to revert to the CPI as the indexation for our Disabled Military members who have given so much of themselves (and their families) to our Nation? I am absolutely stunned by such a decision and every Australian should pound on the door of their local Federal Member and DEMAND that the Government revert this decision immediately or face being voted out at the next election. I, personally, will do everything I can to influence veterans, their families, my friends, their friends to take this action. Enough is enough!!!! That’s how this Government sees our veterans and yet the Government is now sending more young men and women off to another war in another country, with the assurance that they will look after them and their families when they return!!!! AND PIGS FLY!!!!! FIGHT FOR OUR CURRENT DEFENCE FORCE MEMBERS – THEY CONTINUE TO KEEP US FREE But wait there’s more hypocrisy. There’s more pain being delivered to our current serving members of the Australian Defence Force The Chief of the Defence Force assures the ADF that he has done everything in his power to get the best deal with the latest Workplace Remuneration Agreement (WRA). The Chief has agreed to accept a 4.5% pay increase over three years. That’s right: A 4.5% pay increase OVER THREE YEARS!!!!!! THAT EQUATES TO A 1.5 % INCREASE PER YEAR. THAT’S ABOUT 50% OF THE CURRENT CPI OF 3%!!!!!! BUT THE CPI HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY RECOGNISED BY BOTH THE AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS AND BY THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT AS NOT BEING A REAL INDICATION OF THE ACTUAL COST OF LIVING INCREASES.??????? SO THE CURRENTLY SERVING MEMBERS OF THE ADF WILL ALSO SEE THEIR PURCHASING POWER OF THEIR SALARIES GRADUALLY BUT INEXORABLY DECREASE!!! YET WE (THE GOVERNMENT) CONTINUE TO SEND THEM OFF TO WAR TO FIGHT A TERROR THAT COULD VISIT ANYONE OF US HERE IN AUSTRALIA AT ANYTIME!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GOVERNMENT DOING? Not only that but to achieve even this miserly 1.5% increase per year, the CDF had to give up some other entitlements, such as Extra Recreational Leave, increased periods to earn Higher Duties Allowance (mind you, I have no objections to that). BUT did the CDF bargain hard enough? Did he and his fellow Service Chiefs tender their resignations if the Government still refused to award an annual increase that was at least higher than the CPI? I bet not. I have a suggestion. If we still continue to send our young men and women off to war and if we cannot afford to look after our Disabled Military Members, then: · Freeze the salary of all politicians for the duration our ADF members are deployed on Operational Service. · Freeze the salary of all ADF Senior Officers (all “Red Hats” – COLONELS to GENERALS and their Service equivalents) for the term of the new WRA, except those “Red Hats” who are deployed on Operational Service. · Cancel the exorbitant salaries and allowances (staff, vehicles, drivers, office costs) of all our ex- Prime Ministers, all our ex- Governors General. (THIS COSTS US, THE TAXPAYERS, MILLIONS OF DOLLARS EVERY YEAR AND THESE PEOPLE CONTINUE TO GET THESE “PERKS”UNTIL THEY DIE!!!!) Then use all these savings to award a 10% increase to all other members of the ADF for the duration of the new WBA. There will be excess funds to fix the Federal Government’s budget !!! It is about time that Australians got involved. It’s about time we Australians did for our veterans and for our current ADF members what they have done for us. I have sent this email to over 2,000 friends. Please send it to all your friends, and to those who do not fall within that category. Please view the following video: https://youtube/watch?v=zCbvA5LE5jg Cheers, Neil Weekes, AM, MC Brigadier Retired and Embarrassed and ANNOYED)
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 01:59:17 +0000

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