FIGHTING TRUTH DECAY FEAST OR FAMINE “BREAKING NEWS HEADLINES”: June 2013: Anti-religion group blasts 18 year old high school valedictorian for tearing up his “approved” speech and leading the audience in the Lords prayer at the schools graduation ceremony. Audience cheered. Group threatens to bring legal action against school. December 19, 2013: During class a first grade teacher in Tenecula, CA yelled at a six year old little girl, stopping her mid-sentence. The girl was participating in a school project where each student was to tell something about how they celebrated Christmas in front of the class. The child was getting ready to quote John 3:16, the teacher yelled saying she was not allowed to quote Bible verses or talk about the Bible. January 1, 2014: Dearborn, Michigan: Eight year old, autistic boy was told he could no longer bring his Bible to school to read during his free time. These are the days in which we now live; Christian values and beliefs constantly under attack. The Bible is considered threatening to someones religious liberty. The name of Jesus is banned in many places around the world. The United States government has tried to limit the use of praying “in the name of Jesus” in a public forum. As we get closer and closer to the end of all things, and the return of our Lord and Savior I believe, as most believers do that these attacks will become increasingly worst. A few weeks ago I shared of a “spiritual shaking” that God has impressed upon me is coming upon the earth. He had shared six instructions for His people to strengthen and help them to endure and come through this shaking strong and firm. One is “Feasting upon His word”. Words fail me at impressing upon the readers of this blog how important it is to have a firm foundation in His Word. Consider with me for just a moment: What would you do if the police came into your home and demanded every Bible, religious book, every picture and plaque that has a scripture on it be brought to them? As you gather them up they begin to toss them into a fire. Would you be prepared? Are you rooted and grounded enough in Gods word that your faith would stand firm? I know many of you are, but for those that arent this is for you. You may think that scenario is far fetched and will never happen. But, in time it will. Gods word is a threat to the spirit of the anti-Christ that is growing more rampant across the world. Growing in Gods word is a sign of spiritual maturity. Many people can quote scripture, even an atheist knows a verse or two. Satan knows scripture, that is how he can twist and distort it. They know it but it is not a part of them, thus when false teaching arises they fall prey to is. Feasting upon Gods word means one studies it, prays about it, mumbles it to them self, and applies it to their life. God desires to open His Word up and pour it forth to His children. He desires to give us wisdom and understanding of it, all we have to do is ask Him. Nothing pleases God the Father more than for one of His children to come before Him and ask Him to teach them His word. As we feast upon His word it becomes a part of us, it is rooted deep within our spirit and soul. The prophet Amos warned of a drought coming to Israel. Amos lived at a time when Israel and Judah were split with two different kings. Both of which had led the people into idolatry. Both nations were prosperous, at the top: of world power but inwardly they were corrupt and idolatrous. Amos spoke against the social evils and pagan worship warning of coming judgment and captivity. The people were not rooted in Gods word, instead they were insulted and refused to listen. Through Amos God spoke; “Behold, days are coming”, declares the Lord God, “when I will send a famine on the land, not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, but rather for hearing the words of the Lord. People will stagger from sea to sea and from the north even to the east; they will go to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, but they will not find it.” Amos 8:11-12 (NAS) The people were given a choice; they could repent and feast upon Gods word, feeding their spirit man. Strengthening and building their relationship with God. Or they could choose to stay in the condition they were in and suffer famine. The condition of the Body of Christ today is much the same as Judah and Israel when Amos lived. We have listened to “fluff” being preached from the pulpits. Many Christians have had so much watered down gospel that the meat of the Word must be spoon fed to them else they choke. When false doctrine and/or teaching are brought forth they are so dull in spirit that they are unaware that they are being fed lies. God is desiring for the Body of Christ to mature and grow. Paul wrote to the church of Corinth regarding spiritual maturity. “And I brethren, could not speak to you, as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to infants in Christ. I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed even now you are not yet able, for you are still fleshly.” (I Cor. 3: 1-3a) The church at Corinth, once strong in faith and growing in spiritual maturity had become lazy. They had chosen famine of the Word of God instead of feasting upon it. Todays Christians have materially prospered, but many are starving for the spiritual meat of the word of God. Please do not get me wrong there is absolutely nothing wrong with being prosperous. God desires to prosper His people. But we must first have our priorities straight and seek His kingdom first. For some in the Church today money has become their “idol”, fame has become an “idol”, as well as many other things that have taken the place of God. They are still babes in Christ although they may have been in the same church, sitting in the same pew week after week for the past forty years. Paul wrote in Hebrews 6: 1; “Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, ….” Feasting upon Gods word will lead us into spiritual maturity, being firmly rooted and grounded. Thus we will stand firm through the storms of life, the shaking of things to come, and the testing of our faith. We can choose to “feast” or we can choose to be in “famine”. The choice is ours.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 03:09:42 +0000

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