FILMMAKER/WRITER/PRODUCER FRIENDS - Please read: Several years - TopicsExpress


FILMMAKER/WRITER/PRODUCER FRIENDS - Please read: Several years ago when first at ASU, I created a course called Professional and Technical Writing for the Film/Media Industry. I taught it three times and many of you were generous enough to help me out with materials and support for that class, which is a semester-long introduction to many aspects of the industry that are not typically taught in a college setting, including professional writing standards, publicity/marketing, development/coverage/story notes, pitch letters, etc. Since Ive been making an okay living at doing that sort of thing for the last three decades, Ive apparently developed a knack for being able to teach it with some degree of success. Students from those courses still tell me how valuable some of the exercises and experiences in that class were in preparing them to make a professional life for themselves, and Im very proud of that. Now, I am teaching that course again, and need your help again on two fronts. 1) I need unproduced scripts to use as sample projects. I have a dozen or so from the previous class but a few of them are now simply out of date and would not be productive. All scripts will be anonymous and seen only by the people taking the course, and from that script they will generate script coverage, story notes, development lists, marketing ideas, etc. You would be welcome to see their responses if you wished. So if you have something that YOU have written, or something else you have access to legal right to, please send it my way. I only need another 3-4 or so. It can be any genre, including TV, and can even be a play, short story, or novel, provided that it is a mainstream kind of thing that could seriously be considered as a film or TV project. 2) I would like to have some of you as a guest via skype to do 30-minute Q+As with my students about what you do, how you make a living, and the critical thinking/judgment skills that you employ to maintain your success. I am particularly interested in my many female colleagues participating (because you are all awesomer than the guys, lets face it, and were making a concerted effort to diversify our perspectives as much as possible, or at least I am). We meet Tuesday afternoon/early evening, and its a small class (less than 20). I could tag about 200 of you, but Im not going to, because some people are into this and some arent and Im not here to shame anybody into doing this just because I havent worked in development in a long time and dont have a bunch of scripts cluttering up my floor anymore. (No one does, theyre all digital, I know.) Its just a huge help for me and the students to have real material and real people as the stuff of this class, and I hope some of you can help me make that happen. THANK YOU SECRET HOLLYWOOD DEVELOPMENT MAFIA FRIENDS.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 21:47:26 +0000

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