FINAL PART SINFUL LIASON. That night, I recieved a text - TopicsExpress


FINAL PART SINFUL LIASON. That night, I recieved a text message from Bosun, just one line message that read. You have betrayed my love for you and I would never forgive you. The message made me cry the more because losing Bosun was very painful but there is nothing I could do. The Chairman did not come to me again neither did Bosun. I did not even bother going to the office again, all I could do was jsut to cry, cry and cry. This is what I had done to myself all because of greed. Now, years have been rolling by, and I have grown into a shadow of myself. I never saw Bosun again. I read from the dailies when he got married to someone else four years later. Upon hearing that, I had cried and not being able to forgive myself for my selfishness. Ever since then, true love has eluded me. All the men that came my way all had a mission, either to sap me dry or to squander my money. Then I met George, a smooth-talking guy who promised to marry me as he was always talking about marriage. When I asked him when, he brought up the idea that we should relocate to the US, get married and live there. He urged me to sell my house which I did to finance our relocation and he disappeared with a substantial part of the money. Now, I am here broke and heart-broken. If only I had remained faithful, I would have been married to Bosun qnd be living with him in luxury by now. Oh, see how I have ruined my life! At 35, I am lost and lonely. Girls should learn to know that all that glitters is not always gold because the future has a lot to offer despite the challenges of today when we maintain a right attitude.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 20:41:36 +0000

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