FINAL THOUGHTS on VICTORIA OSTEENs YOUTUBE VID: Victorias 36-second comments (as edited from 30 mins) were very poorly worded, if not wrong, but the broader context of what she was trying to get across was the benefit of relationship we receive as the bride of Christ. God NEVER condemned considering the benefits to us in looking to Him. He only condemns dwelling on the temporary benefits of this world apart from Him. Many of you confuse those two ideas. I know some of you hate the Osteens, have heard they were evil for years, etc., and nothing anyone could say will sway you from your belief that theyre heretics. Thats your prerogative. I dont care for everything they do and say myself, but at least consider this perspective as it pertains to Scripture: Jesus declared and demonstrated He came for this reason: To seek, save, teach, heal, and deliver US! He didnt die for Himself. In that context, it is about YOU & ME. Otherwise, of course we worship God for who He is, because He is. There are two sides to that coin of truth in the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. These arguments largely take place when one side assumes the other is without merit due to semantics or overgeneralizations regarding motives. In light of that fact, I believe many will be surprised to find some they condemned to hell as heretics one day standing next to them in heaven. If you have further, sincere questions you want to ask me (as some have) about Victoria Osteen and the recent viral video clip, please private message me. Public discussion about this on Facebook is next to impossible, because everyone has a microphone at the same time - which means youre not able to address each point thoroughly.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 13:46:29 +0000

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