FINAL WAKE UP CALL...... THE FINAL JUBILEE JUDGMENT USA - 2015 / 2016? Thats it from me dear brothers and sisters .... there is no more to come... the contending stops here. Wake up from the apathy that is all around us, be alert, watch and pray, notice the signs of the times, (they are everywhere) and Look up for your redemption is nigh! 7 x 7 SHEMITAH JUDGMENTS. When a nation built on the God of the Bible ( the USA ) turns its back on God repeatedly and brings in anti-Christian laws, then Gods judgment falls on that nation and He takes His hand of protection away. Since the 60s America has become like Sodom and Gomorrah, waving its collective fist at God, while its churches and mega-churches are more and more like drop-by, take-your-pick, comfortable, self-absorbed entertainment theatres with show business pastors. Dont mention sin .... dont offend anyone with the true gospel or they wont come back. Give them what they want and take their money. Wealth and prosperity, but only for the pastors and leaders! Sure is working. No warnings from the pulpit ..... please, none of that nonsense! The UK is not far behind for some of the same reasons. Well times up. Every SEVEN years since 1966, there have been stock market crashes in the USA. 1966, 1973, 1980, 1987, 1994, 2001, 2008 and next .....2015 .... Jubilee year through to 2016. The BIG Crash. America has a debt of 18 TRILLION Dollars. It cant reduce it because the interest alone is in the Billions every year. It cant even pay off the interest on the debt! So the Federal Reserve just keeps printing worthless paper money. Quantitive Easing ..... which always results in hyper-inflation. You know, where people carry a suitcase of money to buy a loaf of bread. And still there is not a trace of repentance from the nation. They just borrow a few more billion and build a bigger tower in New York to show how strong they are. Babel revisited. The stock-market crashes happen in the Autumn every time, every 7 years since 1966. The next one will be the SEVENTH and last financial crash judgment on a nation that was built on God, causing Global panic which will lead to a one world government, predicted by the Bible in Daniel 9 and talked about openly by George Bush Senior and Junior, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, David Rockefeller, Joe Biden, Obama and many more world leaders who are putting the final touches to it. After that will come the one world economy and the one world religion also spoken about in Daniel 9 amongst many other scriptures. Rick Warren, Benny Hinn, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland and a few others have all flown in their private Lear jets to meet with the new Pope Francis at the Vatican to discuss bringing the faiths of the world together. Tony Blair with his Faith Movement is heavily involved! Wake up people, it is way past the hour. The world is going to hell in a hand cart and I get requests on Facebook from loads of people who want to play Candy Crush Saga and Pudding Pop !!!!!???? The words ostrich, heads, burying and sand come to mind! Have the great World Financiers like Billionaire Warren Buffet never spotted this pattern of 7 year crashes? No, just the spiritually aware have noticed, because they are awake. God is raising up watchmen all around the world and the majority of switched off comfortable Christians will ignore them! This is for all the others who have ears to hear! How loudly does God have to shout my dear brothers and sisters? Look at these statistics from the Master Mathematician. The last big Stock Market Crash in 2008 occurred at the end of yet another 7 year Shemitah cycle, exactly 7 years to the day after the 2001 crash (just after the twin towers were hit). There was a 7 per cent drop in the Stock Market. A 700 BILLION bailout was implemented. The drop happened ( in God’s Biblical Jewish Lunar Calendar plan ) on the last day of the 7TH YEAR of the 7TH MONTH and dropped 777 POINTS on the DOW JONES. How many signs do we need? https://youtube/watch?v=ew1FBRnw9ao HEADS UP - Watch the whole of the two video links on this post, and deny any of these facts if you can. God is absolutely amazing in the order and pattern of His universe. God is a God of order. Everything is done in order. Mathematical order. Patterns..... repeated through the ages ..... on Hebrew feast days. Nothing out of place, ever. PLEASE NOTE: This is not date-setting. This is SEASON setting. WE are the generation that will see all these things. In Genesis, God says that he has set the Sun, Moon and Stars in the heavens not just for light, but for SIGNS! We are the generation and we are in the end times, the season of our Lords coming! Look up for your redemption is nigh! Is your pastor preaching on the signs of the times, end times, Second Coming and Bible prophecy? No? Ask him why. Why is he ignoring a THIRD of the Bible. Why is he censoring Gods word and only preaching on two thirds of it? Jesus said we must be alert and watch and pray, less these things overtake us. He didnt say sit back, relax, take it easy, dont offend anyone with the Gospel and warnings of what is coming .... light a cigar and get rich my friends. He told us that when we see these signs of the times, Look up for your redemption is nigh! ONE THIRD of the Bible is Prophecy and it is totally ignored now by the majority of pastors. Then why did God put it in the Bible. One Third?? Thats approximately 13,000 verses .... for us to ignore? Something HUGE is going to happen for Israel and the world over the period between now and the end of 2016. There have only been SEVEN other instances of TETRAD BLOOD MOONS on Jewish feast days in the last 2000 YEARS! Rare doesnt begin to describe it. The last THREE occurrences were 1492, 1948 and 1967. Any of those dates ring a bell??!! 1492 the Jews were kicked out of Spain by boat, many of them drowned, but then Columbus stumbled on America that year, which became a new home and safe-haven for the Jews, and has been ever since 1948 saw the Jews come home to Israel after wandering the earth for nearly 2000 years. The Bible foretold this in Ezekiel. They were immediately attacked and outnumbered by the Arab nations and won miraculously. 1967 - The Six Day War. Attacked again, outnumbered and won the war in just 6 days. 4 Rare Tetrad back to back Blood Moons on Jewish feast days of Passover and Sukkot with a Solar Eclipse in between occurred on all these dates and will happen again 2014/2015. Then the final Jubilee (50th) year of judgment 2016. This rare event coinciding with pass over/sukkot will not happen again for another 400 YEARS. We are not talking ordinary Blood Moons here. We are talking about FOUR TETRAD back-to-back Blood Moons happening on Jewish Feast days with a Solar eclipse right in the middle combined with a SUPER Blood Moon in 2014/2015. Just watch these 2 videos and realise what God is doing ...... one of the big signs of the times. Please ignore the over-the-top American hype, but just love Mark Biltz, so enthusiastic. ACTS 2:19-21 AND I WILL GRANT WONDERS IN THE SKY ABOVE AND SIGNS ON THE EARTH BELOW, BLOOD, AND FIRE, AND VAPOR OF SMOKE. THE SUN WILL BE TURNED INTO DARKNESS AND THE MOON INTO BLOOD, BEFORE THE GREAT AND GLORIOUS DAY OF THE LORD SHALL COME. AND IT SHALL BE THAT EVERYONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.……/prophecy-update-fall-2015-and-the-signs-o… Please note also, that I do not agree with all of Sid Roths teachings and overblown show business hype, but this VIDEO interview with Mark Biltz is factually dead on and thats why I am promoting it. Finally here is a heart-warming, miraculous and factual story for all the anti-Israel Christians ( no such thing in reality, they cannot use the word Christians ) who keep supporting the terrorists Hamas in their rocket attacks on the Jewish State: In the 19th Century, revival swept through England. One of the fruits of that revival was a love for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. Exemplifying that love was the prayer one English boy was taught by his mother to include in his devotions: “O Lord, we would not forget thine ancient people, Israel; hasten the day when Israel shall again be thy people and shall be restored to thy favour and to their land”. It so happened that in the early twentieth century the British Empire was drawn into a war that involved the Ottoman Turkish Empire, the Muslim power that ruled over the land of Israel. During the war, the Ottoman Empire crumbled, and British forces led by General Edmund Allenby entered the Holy Land. The British took the city of Jerusalem without a fight on the11th December 1917, during a Jewish Shemitah Sabbath year between 1917 and 1918. Allenby was the boy who had prayed every night for God to restore the Jewish people to their ancient homeland. Now it was he who, as a British general, was the key instrument in bringing it about!! For the first time in 2000 years the land was in the hands of a power sympathetic to the Jewish people. 7 x 7 (49) years of Shemitah Sabbath years later, once again in the Shemitah Sabbath year of 1967 and the Jubilee year of Restoration (50 years later in 1967/68) Israel defeated all the Arab nations miraculously once again to take back their ancient capital Jerusalem. God has stated in the Bible that he will save a Remnant of his people who will turn to him in the last days, when ANTI-SEMITISM will be at its biggest height in all of history. We are there now!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 15:24:34 +0000

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