FINAL WARNING TO SLANDERERS IN THE S.A REPTILE TRADE: I hate it when it comes to attention after verbal and written agreements that there are arrogant reptile breeders in this country that continue to conspire and slander me as a community. Since I started being involved in the hobby (not industry) I have been attacked and slandered to the verge of breeders that I got along with ignore my messages. The one thing is I have Jesus on my side and if I wanted to harm the hobby in this country but I have forgiveness in my heart and dont want to. However if I receive one more tip off that I am being slandered against I will go public with all my evidence and test results. My community newspaper takes me seriously and I bet national media will too. The reptile community as a whole has been downright hostile and I apologize to the few good men and women but this is my first breeding season and each and every animal thats been sold or given away has had a happy buyer and owner. From prostethics doctors, petshops and students however the same breeders and herpers that sold me WC scorpions that were apparantely CB, sold me mite infested snakes that died, to dehydrated reptiles that died right up until mislabelled reptiles and crested gecko diet that is not CGD bt homemade. None were rectified bt my name was unfairly tainted purposefully.....
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 08:39:55 +0000

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