FINALLY REVEALED: SATA SIGNED DEAL TO HANDOVER POWER TO KABIMBA WITH KK AS WITNESS Ailing dictator Michael Sata, Post Newspaper owner Fred Mmembe, and embattled PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba allegedly signed a memorandum of understanding prior to 2011 presidential general elections for Mr. Sata to hand over power to Kabimba, highly placed PF and intelligence sources have finally disclosed to the Zambianwatchdog. Watchdog investigations into the source of the strong PF wrangles have now revealed that former dictator Kenneth Kaunda was a star witness to this arrangement as it was then fully agreed and is a well-known fact that Mr. Sata would not run for re-election in 2016 due to old-age and ill-health. “That’s why if you remember, it was Mr. Kabimba and the Post newspaper that fought hard to break-up the UPND/PF pact because that would have meant that UPND president Hakainde Hichilema would have been a natural successor to Mr. Sata had it worked. Remember it was also Mr. Kabimba, Fred Mmembe, current Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Mutembo Nchito that drafted the fake power sharing agreement between UPND and PF purported to have been authored by then UPND member Clive Chirwa. All those were attempts to frustrate the UPND and they knew very well that UPND would not agree to the arrangement then,” impeccable sources have told the Watchdog. Sources within the PF have disclosed that it was also Mr. Kabimba and Mmembe who worked hard to break-up the pact and Kabimba was the first one to say PF did not need a pact with anyone to win elections as they had already taken-up enough UPND members, had a newspaper to their side plus they managed to mobilise donors such as the Americans and British government using Mark Choma, the Catholic Church, and civil society organisations. Sources disclosed that this was a highly organized secret power transfer process that initially so Kabimba being left out of the PF Cabinet when they won elections so that he could concentrated on strengthening and consolidating his power base within the PF with a view to take over power. That’s also the reason Mr. Sata elevated the position of Party Secretary General Kabimba above cabinet ministers in terms of protocol just below the vice-president Guy Scott, who is ineligible for the Zambian presidency, so that the entire party structure and government could owe allegiance to him (Kabimba). “Of course at some stage towards 2016, Kabimba was supposed to be promoted and appointed party and republican vice-president to replace the tired and aging current serving vice-president Guy Scott, while Mulenga Sata (president Sata’s son) or one of the president’s relatives was supposed to be appointed Party Secretary General to replace Kabimba,” sources have disclosed. But in all this, Kabimba, Mmembe and Nchito still had one challenge, that of UPND president Mr. Hichilema who they believed stood on their way when it came to regional block voting, hence he had to be singled-out and heavily scandalized as someone who was a mere tribalist leading a tribal UPND party in all their stories and editorial content. “As far as the Mmembe cartel were concerned, only the UPND leader stood on their way to a landslide victory in all provinces in 2016. They completely ignored to keep cross-checking the forces or enemies that were emerging within the PF party but devoted all their energies towards bringing down one person, Mr. Hichilema as they were also convinced that the former ruling party MMD was completely gone,” sources disclosed. Insiders, say unluckily or luckily for the PF, a group led by led by Defence Minister Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba (GBM) got wind of this documented succession plan that was supposed to anoint Kabimba as president. But Kabimba went to bed with wrong people such as Fred Mmembe, Nchito and others who are sworn enemies of GBM, Xavier Chungu, and many members of the Kola foundation (a Bemba grouping), hence putting the whole PF succession plan completely off-course. The GBM team has now emerged as another strong force within the PF party that has so far shown so much loyalty to the president than the Kabimba group. “The GBM team is so loyal to the president, well financed, and have a much stronger support base which the Mmembes have now labeled tribal. These are the same people that financed president Sata and are now in a more stronger position politically and financially that the president can’t do away with them as their break-up will be worse and have much stronger impact than the Kabimba group which has no support base,” sources said. Sources disclosed that Mr. Sata has apparently realized the strength of the GBM team and has started acting by removing and weakening Kabimba’s people from key positions both from government and the party. “But the dilemma for president Sata is that the Kabimba group was given a lot of key government positions that controls and knows all the corruption going on in the PF government. These people have a lot of documentation on the corruption going on as they have been hinting already in their stories. The other dilemma for president Sata is that the Kabimba team has now blackmailed him by playing the tribal card within the PF party so that should he (Mr. Sata) remove Kabimba, they will cry tribal, which is a very sensitive subject,” highly placed sources have disclosed. Sources say what is even worse for president Sata is that the damage and divide is so immense that each of the two groups is vowing never to be reconciled to work together again. For now the whole country is anxiously waiting to hear and see what the so called man of action president Sata will do since he has undergone full medication and the battle is still raging in the newspapers while time is ticking. Mr. Sata also has got other battle lines such as civil servants strikes, councils strike, Bashi Lubemba impasse, Barotseland uprising, collapsing economy that is now surviving on borrowing, rising cost of living and many others, plus he has to worry about his own deteriorating health situation and of course he has to quickly finish building his retirement house and get out of this whole national nonsense.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 12:44:10 +0000

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