FINANCES OF THE FUTURE The United States of America went - TopicsExpress


FINANCES OF THE FUTURE The United States of America went broke in 1933. This was after the depression and when they finally took all the gold and silver out of the money printed. At that point, the dollar and any other currency not backed by gold or silver had NO Intrinsic Value and was as valuable as a sheet of looseleaf. In 1933, a prominent year in our history, the Rothschild (Nephilim/Reptilians) Family, who are the head of the Illuminati/Brotherhood of the Snake/Tribe of Dan created the Federal Reserve. They were buying the souls of Americans as collateral. All American Birth Certificates are on the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange). 70 years later in America, Obamacare passed and now we have slavery (RFID Microchips) without chains. 1933 is also the year Monsanto became incorporated as a Chemical Company. The Federal Reserve is not a United States Institution and no matter what you have learned America is NOT its own country, but still a colony of Great Britain. The Dollar is going to collapse and Martial Law is coming and both SOON and it is necessary to protect yourselves and your Loved ones. The Dollar will collapse in 2014!; most likely the Summer of 2014. Right now the Russian and Chinese Governments are working together to pass a Gold-Backed Ruble. When this passes, the global economy will put their money behind a currency with substance and the dollar, peso, Euro, and other inflated paper moneys will be worth minimal to nothing in a matter of days or weeks. A banking virus could also be involved and around this time the Stock Market will collapse and all stocks will be worth nothing. Many successful and intelligent stockbrokers recently quit their jobs, took their earnings, and have been building bunkers and preparing for the economic collapse we all know is coming. China owns all the United States debt technically owning all the corporations in America from finance to manufacturing and construction to food and so on. North Korea is a front man for China and these are the two most Atheists countries. The Hoover Dam will explode. It is depicted on the $1.00 Bill as 9/11 was depicted on the $20.00 Bill. This will be a massively horrible and significantly destructive tragedy of all proportions. Furthermore, this event will lead to Geysers going off in Yosemite Park where there is a Super Volcano. Martial Law will be implemented and is implemented in some cities now. Armed guards will attempt to take you out of your house and put you in a FEMA Camp (concentration camp). There are millions of coffins setup throughout United States now with thousands of guillotines that can be shown by Google Earth and admitted by higher ups in government. At some point wormwood (Star that falls from heaven in Revelation 8), will strike Earth massively depopulating that part of the world (most likely near Russia or in Ocean). With Nuclear War, Astronomical Disasters, and Natural Disasters, a Mark of the Beast System will be implemented. The Mark of the Beast is a Smart Tattoo Barcode Technology on your right hand or forehead that NO PERSON SHOULD ACCEPT!!! First Beast Barack Obama will survive an assassination attempt sparking race wars through the nation. When the Dollar and Stock Market Collapses, all other collectibles will lose their value. That is items such as Babe Ruth Cards, Comic Books, Paintings, and things of this sort. Gold, Silver, and precious metals and all metal prices will SOAR and this is the best investment for monetary means. As of 11/10/2013, the price of Gold is $1,290 an ounce, Silver is $21.50 an ounce, Platinum is $1,443 an ounce, Palladium is $757 an ounce, and Copper is $3.25 per pound. Percentage wise, Silver is your best investment and best overall choice. In the next 6-18 months Gold can reach heights of $5,000 an ounce, Silver cant each heights of $250 an ounce, Platinum can reach heights of $5,000 an ounce, and Palladium is tricky and can reach anywhere between $2,000 to $5,000 an ounce and up. Copper can reacht $10 a pound and is a investment that is easy to make because it is so cheap. It is better to deal in Silver and fractional Silver if possible because it will be easier to trade and barter with. The percent you will be making on these investments in approximately the next two years will be between 300 and 1,000 Percent while protecting yourself from inflation and getting rid of worthless cash or toilet paper. The key to buying these precious metals is whether they are coins, bars, rounds, or others, make SURE they are .999 and not just a percent precious metal. An ounce is 31.1 grams. A Personal Digital Scale is recommended when doing the transactions. If it is not PURE, specifically in 100 Ounce and more bars, there is often a extraction fee when sold. However, most likely you will not be selling these precious metals for a profit, but rather using them to get food, guns, ammunition, water, and things of that sort. Also, if you have not started investing yet, do it NOW, but make sure you do not buy a GLD or SLV stock from the Stock Market which is just an I.O.U. or piece of Paper. Take PHYSICAL POSSESSION of your money. An individual should Not put his Gold, Silver, or precious metals in a bank or social security box. When Martial Law comes, people will not be able to withdraw their money from the bank nor be able to get to their social security box. The Gold and Silver should be in separate hiding places throughout your house(s), garage, property, and so on. Underneath Floor Panels, in ceilings, in walls, or outside packaged nice and buried underground are all suitable ideas. All 401ks and Retirement plans will be worthless. People are concerned about paying a percentage fee to take them out early, but that fee can be covered when you convert the cash into precious metals and it is better than not getting any of it at all. Other forms of money that will help you in the End of Days or 7-Year Tribulation which we are in is a Fishing Kit, First AID Kit, Guns, Ammunition, Medicines, Vitamins, Water Purification Tablets, and more. In a time of need during the famine, fishing can provide food. First Aid Kits are great to have in case of an emergency. An individual should have all types of guns. Automatics would be the best to purchase because they will not be for sale for much longer. A stockpile of ammunition for all the guns are important as cannibalism will increase over the next three years. Guns save lives. Sandy Hook was a Operation Gladio deceptive story throughout the media blaming a puppet mind controlled scapegoat for shooting up his school and students. It was staged to begin to take the guns. Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler took the guns and than there was mass genocide. Even Gandhi said the darkest times in India was when the government took the guns. Guns are the last defense against tyranny. It is important to have Vitamins, specifically Vitamin D3 Stockpiled because Chemtrail Flu or H1N1 Virus or Morgellons Disease will plague the world and Vitamin D3 will prevent the disease and cure it. Also, (green) Lasers will also help in the upcoming days. They are advanced weapon technologies that can fry RFID Chips, take down drones, be utilized as intense light, and more. Access to the Internet will also be beneficial during the times that are coming so you can get information from what is going on in the nation and world from an independent source. The Internet goes down is a large variety of areas and is highly monitored. If there is no access, a Wireless Mesh network can enable an individual to get internet access if the Internet Kill Switch is clicked and shut down. A Communications Network made up of Radio Nodes organized in a mesh topology is a Wireless Mesh Network. Wireless mesh networks often consist of mesh clients, mesh routers, and gateways. Old Modems like Fido-net may work and are less monitored and policed. Ham Radios are Amateur Radios is the use of designated radio frequency spectrum for purposes of private recreation, non commercial exchange for messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, and emergency communication. Ham Radios can be adapted to Packet Radios. Packet Radio is a form of Packet Switching technology used to transmit digital data via radio or wireless communication links. Streaming Videos is not suggested. An Alternative Method for Charging a cell phone without electricity is the use of a Bicycle. A Bicycle Light Generator costs approximately 3 Dollars. A Small Circuit with 3 Components is approximately 5 dollars. A Small Circuit Board is approximately 1 dollar. A Small Hobby Box is a Few dollars. Left Over I-Phone Cables are highly beneficial. A USB Connector will be beneficial also. Ways to make fire, heat, and light are ALL also important. People should stock up on matches, lighters, flashlights, batteries, and lasers and know how to make a fire for warmth, to cook, and survive. This is a good use for the solar panel used on the huge amounts of garden LED lights around, coupled to a portable radio that runs off 2 or 3 AA cells. This is what you will need: 1. A portable radio, AM/FM or DAB, (2AA or 3AA battery type). 2. One 4 or 4.5v 80 mA solar panel, off from a Solar Light. 3. Ideally a BAT43 Schottky diode or Silicone IN4001 (more voltage loss) 4. Soldering iron, solder and red and black cable 6 lengths. 5. 2 or 3 NiMh rechargeable batteries (NiCd are ok but not as good) minimum capacity 800 mAh per battery. Optional - heat shrink sleeving, Adhesive foam strip. This is a very quick project, that can be made in about 2 hours. Other materials that should be carried on the person are A Holy Bible, A Compass, Mirror(s), needle and thread, knife and weaponry, solar blanket, sleeping bag, wire, frying pan, shovel, and salt. Salt will help in food preservation of meats. A large supply of socks and taking great care of the feet of human beings is Important as is proper hygiene. The Most Important Commodity to prepare for what is coming is to stock up on FOOD AND WATER. Gardening is the Job of the Future and a Necessity. Growing your own food is like printing your own money. Organic Seeds are cheap and should be bought in abundance. Garden on every piece of your land and if you have an apartment, grow food in plant pots by your windowsill. Monsanto and genetically modified foods along with chemtrails are poisoning what we consume and therefore our existence. When Famine Plagues the World, there are many Great Survival Foods. Raw Baking Ingredients such as flour, sugar, oil, and others can help make baked goods. Honey is a great purchase and can last for decades. Flours and Mixes and Pastas often last 5-8 Years. Corn Starch and Sea Salt are also great to attain. Black Beans, Red Kidney Beans, Pinto Beans, Lentils, Lima Beans, and more are so-called super foods and will probably be the best source of calcium and iron. Beans can last for approximately 8-10 Years if stored Properly. When storing food for a global food crisis, rice is a necessity and great survivalist food that can last up to 10 Years. Wheat, Sunflower Seeds, and Chia Seeds are also all great. Stored Grains and Barely can last up to 10-12 Years. Items such as Buckwheat, Dry Corn, Kamut, Hard Red Wheat, Soft White Wheat, Millet, Durum Wheat, and Spelt. Peanut Butter, Coconut Oil, Cayenne Pepper, Seaweed, and Distilled Vinegar would all also be beneficial. Food and Water are the best forms of money in the upcoming years for they will BE MONEY and no other form that is warranted shall exist. WATER is necessary to live and great amount should be stored. A large supply of water purification tablets should be maintained. Water Procurement is critical. Desalt all sea water before consumption. Catching Rain for water is a method. Digging holes for water is possible and the water can be absorbed with a cloth and rinsed to be filtered and consumed. Water can be retrieved from rocks and plants. Water Purification is important to prevent transmission of disease. Water can be boiled and heated. Water can be filtered using sand, crushed rock, charcoal, cloth in bamboo or log. Knowledge of what plants and bugs can be eaten will be beneficial. A knowledge of reading the suns, stars, and moon will be beneficial. Most importantly, knowledge of THE TORAH and THE HOLY BIBLE will be important. Faith can move mountains and YHWH will provide for his children who are repent and Obey His Commandments. Www.GodWinsAlways.BlogSpot.Com , Peace and LOVE Always!!! YHWH Bless You!!! Please Share!!! BOOKS Confessions of an Economic Hit Man- John Perkins Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country- William Greider Movies Capitalism: A Love Story https://youtube/watch?v=isXPnNPlwE0 - New Bitcoin Documentary: Boom or Bust SILVER TO $714, GOLD TO 10,000. Get Some. Get Physical. https://youtube/watch?v=Q7qgvv2DJ2k&list=FLetjtKZ5L0r5WH43XmJcErg&index=155 Documentary: The Money Lobby https://youtube/watch?v=327A6RhjlQI& Websites
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 20:18:42 +0000

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