FINANCIAL ISSUES STILL CONCERN MOST PEOPLE. SO ANY NEWS OF FINANCIAL RELIEF IS WELCOME BUT THERE IS A TRUTH EMBARGO STILL ENFORCED. THERES MORE GOOD NEWS THAN BAD NEWS BUT ITS NOT REACHING THE MASSES. The cabal-controlled mainstream news media is programmed to keep the public in a depressed state of fear and anxiety, with a constant flow of bad, and UTTERLY USELESS information. They deliberately withhold news that uplift and empower the people. News that reveals the light at the end of the tunnel for everyone. Recognize how their mind-control strategies work. You have the power to reject the dark and depressing news that they bombard you with daily, through their television, radio and newspapers. The cabal know the mechanics of the Law of Attraction and Manifestation: what you focus on materializes Their tyrants throughout history used these techniques to mesmerize the gullible masses into total submission and even sacrifice their lives for fake causes, whilst the dissidents who recognized their frauds were silenced. That can no longer work because the masses are awakening to the Great Deception. Every attempt to start a Third World War has failed since 1945 and the last hope of the remaining cabal is to create as much fear and distractions as possible, so that their collapse and surrender is not made publicly known. The only weapon they have left is their connection with the public, their mouthpiece, the Mainstream News Media! Which itself has become bankrupt both financially and morally through lack of credibility and public support. Since their 9-11 hoax to start WW3, their subsequent attempts to fool the world into going to war has become pathetic, stupid and even laughable, had it not caused so much destruction already. THERES MORE GOOD NEWS THAN BAD NEWS BUT ITS NOT REACHING THE EARS OF THE MASSES. Had the selected corporation leaders truly been on the side of the people, they would have been eager to deliver Joyous Tidings and show their public that relief is already in sight. That there is really more good news than bad news. The fact is, there never was love for the people. These leaders were just the puppets of their cabal overlords, who bought their loyalty with irresistible bribes, as well as threats. These puppet-masters pull the strings and dictate what must and must not be revealed to the public. The unreported Good News is good for the people, but very bad news for the cabal. It is the peoples gain but the cabals worst fear. It means that all the wealth and power which they once possessed is about to be delivered to the very slaves they owned and mistreated for 13,000 dark years. Worse still, they are to be handed over, tried, judged and humiliated by the same people they had deprived of justice and mercy. Their nightmare has begun and they dare not let the people receive news of their terrible predicament, until they find a non-existent escape route. **THE GRAND JUBILEE,** which is the cancellation of all personal debts is to become a reality! Millions of the ground crew have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this happen as quickly as possible. However a cancellation of all the peoples fake debt is the last thing that the dark cabal want you to know about!! It is the freeing of the Human race from the shackles of enforced economic slavery and oppression by a tiny group of deceptive criminals. Once the people are convinced of the sovereign powers they possess, they will turn on the cabal and do what must be done. That is their fear. All attempts to prevent the distribution of the peoples rightful wealth was blocked in the past but all these obstacles have now been overcome through the Ground Crews intelligence network and resources. As a result: A schedule for the transfer of new governance and the rise of a new economic system was recently reached. This literally means that the dark cabal have formally surrendered! >>> Here is an excerpt from the recent Sirian report through Sheldan Nidle, 7 October 2014. galacticchannelings/english/index.html >>> We come in Joy! A number of special agreements are being signed, which are to formalize a new financial system.....These agreements set up new banking and trade regulations that run counter to the desires of the dark cabal.... The various exchanges of old monies are allowing numerous nations to revalue their currencies. In addition, the process is set for the functioning of a new global currency reset. These are all preliminary to the next major steps which include precious metal-backed monies and the rise of new governance. All of these developments are a precursor to disclosure. Disclosure is actually a major watershed. >>> We arrive with good news and blessings. Our sacred associates continue to make excellent progress! The arrival of the prosperity packages is quite close. These packages are tied to the advent of NESARA, and therefore, the rise of new governance. The present dark cabal is desperately using its old methods of war and fear to somehow save themselves from destruction. This is not going to work!.... A schedule for the transfer of new governance and the rise of a new economic system was recently reached. These documents are seen by our associates as a form of surrender and are to be carried out accordingly. This is why the prosperity deliveries are so close. Once all of this becomes fully manifest, then government can free you from millennia of enforced debt slavery.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 10:36:13 +0000

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