FINANCIAL STRAIN IS TURNING TO FINANCIAL RAIN Lana Vawser lanavawser For the past few months I have had a real burden for those who are in financial strain and have felt the compassion of the Lord towards these ones. Again today I sensed the Lord wanting to encourage those struggling and in financial strain. Also to those who have felt the Lord say to them that the strain would be broken and abundance would flow so they can be greater givers and financiers in the Kingdom, yet breakthrough hasnt happened... Take heart, the Lord is turning the financial STRAIN into financial RAIN! The Lord is breaking generational cycle of financial strain and burden and bringing tremendous breakthrough. Not only is the Lord breaking those cycles but He is restoring the years of that struggle with His provision. Unexpected provisions are going to begin happening. Cheques in the mail, financial seeds, restored inheritances and debts paid off will suddenly begin happening miraculously demonstrating His love, kindness and goodness, and that HE CARES! The Lord is releasing this financial rain to extend His Kingdom in greater and more creative ways. Many who have struggled in the area of finances their whole life will be the ones the Lord will restore and raise up to finance Christian films, influencing media for the Kingdom. Financing literature, conferences, feeding the poor, taking care of the homeless, supporting the widows, financing music. All to display His nature, His kindness and love and wonderful Gospel into this world on a grand scale releasing greater revelation and impartation of His love. The Lord is releasing this financial rain to many to see these key people go into the world and redeem the face of His Bride, as the most generous people on the planet - to demonstrate freely all was given to me so freely I give away. The Lord has seen the struggle, the Lord has seen the pain. The Lord has seen the strain this financial struggle has placed upon you and your family and division it has caused and how the enemy has used this. No more! Generational cycles of financial strain and years of struggle is breaking ushering in a greater financial rain. It is all going to turnaround and you will be used to release heavens sound of TESTIMONY to His glorious provision and see MANY souls saved through your testimony and generosity. Do not be afraid of the financial rain He is ushering in. It is the love of money that is the problem. Stay close to Him! He will keep you in check as you stay close to His heart. Do not let fear rob you of a great blessing the Lord wants to give you so you can bless others. The Lord is using the tool of finances to extend His Kingdom and express His love through physical creativity to the world and radical generosity from His people as they share His love. Financial strain is turning to financial rain and through the Spirit led direction of how to steward and use this rain... The world will see a greater increase in the LOVE and GOODNESS of God PROCLAIMED!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 01:02:15 +0000

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