FINDING LIFE - 12/22/14 - For unto you a human LIFE is being - TopicsExpress


FINDING LIFE - 12/22/14 - For unto you a human LIFE is being given, who is WILLING to restore you to humanity, and to LIFE. What does it mean to be saved? When does it occur? Is it an event or a process? It seems to me that what we need is fresh narrative that speaks of rediscovering, and re-establishing the relationship of LIFE that we are imagined, conceived and created BY God to share and experience. Jesus shows us EXACTLY what ABBA is like, AND demonstrates EXACTLY what humanity embracing LIFE looks like. For too long, religious systems have filtered the GoodNews! through the lens of EMPIRE, and retribution. What Jesus published as GoodNews! Has been morphed by religious systems, and religious people, into anything but... If were saved FROM anything, it is NOT the (non-existent) wrath of God towards us that requires God to assign us to a torturous forever. If Hod must satisfy justice and wrath, then God is not God, justice and wrath are. If we are saved from anything, it is from our own wrath - against others, against ourselves, and against God (WE murdered The Messenger, remember?) Hell is of our own making - here and now - what we do to one another, and to ourselves. God doesnt assign or abandon any of Gods offspring TO that. God rescues, redeems, restores FROM that. There are no hoops to jump through, no bars to clear, no tests to take. There is only an orientation: to orient ones self face-to-face to God. We WILL NOT get it right. We WILL, at times, turn away. But we can set and re-set the compass of our heart to LIFE. This is a process that entails a serial progression of events: re-setting metanoia. We are never - not one of us, ever - lost to God, only to ourselves and to one another. But God is with us always. There is no space or time that is distant or unknown to God, rendering any notion that any could be lost to LOVE (God is) - ever - as nothing more than another human deception. I will never leave you, nor forsake you. Each and all carry the DNA of God: the imago Dei. Eternity is SET in our heart. We cannot be lost. We are hard-wired for relationship, all around, inside and out. God gives it, Jesus lives it, spirit mediates it. We trust in all sorts of created things - creatures, relationships, concepts, events. LIFE, for us, is bound up in trust of Creator. God doesnt need from us any sort of proof of anything. There is nothing in or about God that is conditional in any way. What we need is trust - simple trust that God is TRUE. Our trust is not proof to God, but our own LIFE-line. Sometimes it seems taut and certain, sometimes it seems limp and disconnected. We have control of only one end. DO NOT LET GO. God never has. God never will.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 12:12:05 +0000

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