FINNALLY...THEY HAVE STARTED SHOWING HOW THEY DID IT IN 2007 & 2008 KAJWANG and ORENGO tell UHURU not to accent the draconian Media Bill or else they call for MASS ACTION Friday November 1,2013 - Siaya Senator, James Orengo and his Homa Bay counterpart, Otieno Kajwang, have urged President Uhuru Kenyatta not to accent the draconian Media Bill into law threatening with mass action (Egyptian style) if he signs the Bill into law. Addressing a press conference in Nairobi on Friday, the two moribund Senators said the draconian Media Bill is an act of watering down the spirit of the constitution which Kenyans voted for overwhelmingly in 2010. “The draconian Media Bill is an act of watering down the spirit of the constitution which Kenyans voted for in August 2010,” Orengo said. Orengo, who is also a close lieutenant of CORD leader, Raila Odinga, urged media houses and journalists to be united in protesting the Media Bill that was passed by Parliament on Thursday. “Media houses should stand united in protesting the draconian Bill passed by Parliament,” Orengo said. On his part, Kajwang said the Bill is a sign of carpet rolling back to the olden dark days of dictatorship where journalists were jailed and some assassinated. Meanwhile, an evil cloud continues to darken the skyline of the media industry and the country at large as this may be a recipe of digital dictatorship by our own homeboys. CORD has threatened to lead a mass action if President Uhuru Kenyatta signs the Bill into law.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 07:08:40 +0000

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