FIQH OF HAJJ & UMRAH Defination of Umrah Linguistically: - TopicsExpress


FIQH OF HAJJ & UMRAH Defination of Umrah Linguistically: to visit Juridically: Umrah is a way of worshipping Allah by making Tawaf of the Ka’bah and Sayi between Mount Safa and Marwa and shaving or cutting Hair. Islamic Ruling on Umrah It Is Obligatory atleast once in a lifetime as found in this Hadeeth ‘Aa’ishah said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah, do women have to engage in jihad?’ He said, ‘Yes, they must do jihad in which there is no fighting: Hajj and ‘Umrah,’ Ibn Maajah (2901) Virtues of Umrah Umrah is known to be the minor Hajj and is a Sunnah act performed at any time of the year except for the five days of Hajj, in which it is makrooh, or disliked, to perform Umrah. One who steps out in the path of Umrah is considered a pilgrim until he reaches back home. In a hadith found in the book of Ibne Maajah, The Prophet (S) said: The performers of Hajj and Umrah are deputations of Allah (SWT). If they call Him, He answers them and if they seek His forgiveness, He forgives them. This hadeeth clearly shows the great significance of Umrah and how much Allah (SWT) loves those who sacrifice their time and wealth for His cause. In another hadeeth, the Prophet (SWS) says: One Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed between it and another Umrah. (Bukhari, Muslim) The above hadeeth implies that Umrah is not something we perform just once, but rather one should strive to perform Umrah multiple times in their lives. Unfortunately, now-a-days, some people go for Umrah without even knowing the great virtues and blessings of the many actions we perform on this journey. It is extremely critical and important that a person who intends to perform Umrah learn the basics of this act of worship including the obligatory actions and what makes Umrah null and what should be done in case there is a chance to compensate for mistakes. As is the case for Hajj, there are many people who perform Umrah and it will be accepted from them by Allah (swt), but there are others who do not just perform Umrah as a duty and leave, but they also cease this great opportunity to get a lot of reward from Allah (swt) and have their sins forgiven. And the best way to get reward is by following the best pilgrim and the best worshipper of Allah, Muhammad (S). Let us start with the virtues of Umrah in order to truly understand the immense amount of impact the journey has on one’s spiritual state. The Prophet (S) has related various ahadeeth about the great blessings and rewards of performing Umrah throughout one’s life. The act of Umrah is known to cleanse one’s soul from past committed sins. It is advised to do Umrah more than once in your lifetime so that it can act as a washing of the sins from the last time one performed Umrah. Abu Hurairah (R) narrates that the Prophet(S.A.W.) said, ‘An Umrah to another Umrah will be redemption of sins for whatever (minor) occurs between them.’ (Bukhari, Muslim). Performing Umrah also protects one from poverty since they are there solely for the sake of Allah (SWT) spending their wealth and time in completing the deed. Ibn Mas’ood (R) said that the Prophet (S.A.W.) said, ‘Follow up the Hajj and Umrah, because they certainly remove poverty and sins as fire separates the impurities from iron, gold and silver.’ (Tirmidhi). Also Umar bin Khattab (R) said that Prophet (S.A.W.) said, ‘Follow up between the Hajj and Umrah, because certainly succession between the two of them increases the life span and dispels poverty and sins as fire removes impurities.’ (Baihaqi) Like Hajj, the act of Umrah is amongst the best deeds one can perform when pleasing Allah (swt). Allah (SWT) loves those who strive in his path in hopes of pleasing Him alone and Umrah is an act in which Allah (SWT) considers the pilgrim to be answering His call. Ibn Umar (R) narrates that Prophet (S.A.W.) said, ‘The warrior in the cause of Allah, the pilgrim and the one who is performing Umrah are all the delegation of Allah. He called them and they responded and they will ask of His bestowals and He will give it to them.’ (Ibn Majah) In the blessed month of Ramadan, the reward of performing Umrah is equal to that of performing Hajj with the Prophet (S.A.W.). On many different occasions, the Prophet (S.A.W.) has told his companions that performing Umrah in the blessed month of Ramadan has rewards which are equal to performing Hajj with the Prophet (S.A.W.) himself. In one Hadith, a woman heard that the Prophet of Allah (S.A.W.) was going for Hajj and had asked her husband to allow for her to go with the Prophet (S.A.W.). Her husband said to her, ‘I do not possess a conveyance with which I can carry you upon.’ She said, ‘Take me on such and such a camel of yours.’ The husband said, ‘that is held up in the path of Allah.’ The man then went to Prophet (SAW) and said, ‘My wife conveys her Greetings to you and she has asked me to carry her on hajj with you.’ I told her, ‘I do not have something to carry her upon.’ She then told me to carry her upon such and such a camel of mine.’ I told her that it is kept in the path of Allah.’ Prophet (SAW) told him, ‘If you carried her upon it for Hajj, it will still be in the path of Allah.’ She also told me to ask you (SAW), ‘What equals a Hajj with you O Messenger of Allah? Prophet (SAW) said, ‘Convey my greetings to her and inform her that Umrah performed in the month of Ramadhaan is equal to Hajj performed with me.’ (Abu Dawood). And finally, amongst the strongest hadith in this regard is the one related again by Ibn Abbas in which he said he heard the Prophet (S.A.W.) say ‘Umrah performed in the month of Ramadan will equal (in rewards) to that of Hajj or Hajj performed with Me (SAW). (Bukhari, Muslim) These are just some of the virtues mentioned about Umrah. Indeed the virtues of Umrah are priceless to any Muslim and it is therefore referred to as a minor Hajj. Conditions for Umrah Islam Puberty Sanity Freedom Capability (Physically & Financially) Mahram companion for Women. Pillars of Umrah: Ihraam (Intention to enter the state of Umrah). Tawaaff. Sa’iy. Note: If one leaves a Pillar he/she must return & make the missed pillar, if not, then his/her Umrah is invalidated. Obligations of Umrah: Ihraam at the Miqaat. Shaving or Cutting the Hair. Note: If one leaves an obligation a Fidiyah (Compensation) is needed by sacrificing in Makkah, A sheep, or 1/7 of a Cow or 1/7 of a Camel and distributing it to the poor in Makkah. MIQAAT (Specified Time & Place of Worship): 1. Miqaat in terms of Time: For Hajj: The Months of Hajj For Umrah: At any time of the Year. 2. Miqaat in terms of Place: DHUL-HULAIFAH (Abbyar Ali): is for those coming from/through Madinah. AL-JUHFAH (Near Rabigh): is for those coming from/through Syria, Egypt, Morrocco. YALAMLAM (Sa’adiyah): is for those coming from/through Yemen, India, Pakistan. QARN AL-MANAZIL (As-Sail Al-Kabeer): is for those coming from/through Najd or Taif. THAT-IRQ: is for those coming from/through Iraq. Note: Those who live within the Radius of the Miqat can make Ihraam from their homes. People living in Makkah need to go out of the boundaries of Makkah to make Ihram. As nowadays people come by flights from all parts of the world, they need should either get into Ihram before boarding the flight or just before flying over the Miqaat. (There is an announcement made in Saudi Airlines before of approaching the Miqaat).
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 11:36:08 +0000

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