FIRST CONFIRMED US EBOLA CASE[NOT IMPORTED BY CDC] IN DALLAS‘NO BIGGIE’, SAYS CDC HEAD Alert to all Natural Solutions communicants: These are links you will need. 1. My Ebola Protocol: fill in info at DrRimaTruthReports. Thank You letter gives you access to my Protocol. Share that link with others since they will get my updates (and they will need them) 2. Donate to War Chest to Control FDA/FTC Through Definitive Free Speech Legal Challenge: Donate.DrRimaTruth FDA and FTC do NOT want us to tell you that Ebola can be cured by Nano Silver. We are not saying that. They do NOT want us to tell you that Ebola can be prevented by Nano Silver. We are not saying that. They do NOT want us to tell you that Nano Silver, a safe, effective and well-respected nutrient mineral, is safe for everyone. We are saying that.What we are saying, and please listen up, FDA/FTC, is that nutrients cure nothing, although we assert we have a First Amendment right to say that they do. We are saying that nutrients support normal structure and function and Nano Silver 10 PPM, as a nutrient, supports the ability of healthy cells to control the penetration of the Ebola virus and therefore regulate its replication. The disease happens after the penetration. No penetration, no replication. No replication, no symptoms. No symptoms, no disease. Nutrient Nano Silver 10 PPM does NOT treat or prevent a disease. It makes it possible for the body to remain healthy or become healthy once it has been invaded by a virus, or bacteria or parasite. So we are not saying anything about diseases. But we are telling you that you really, really, want to think about having Nano Silver 10 PPM on hand now, more than ever – especially now that CDC tells us that a man coming to the US from Liberia has been hospitalized with Ebola in Dallas, TX - cnbc/id/102037055 Hmmm…. How very interesting…. How very convenient! I write a letter to Heads of States with Ebola in their countries telling them that the best chance we may have to stop Ebola is Nano Silver 10 PPM. Then I find the research that shows that I’m right: Nano Silver 10 PPM has been shown to stop Ebola virus from invading cells and reproducing based on US Department of Defense sponsored in vitroresearch. We alert people to that, too, and urge Nano Silver 10 PPM clinical demonstrations. Rumor is that WHO forbids them in Liberia, apparently also impeding the delivery of Nano Silver to Sierra Leone. That’s all over West African media. FDA and FTC send us a joint Warning Letter telling us that we may not refer to US Government research since doing so makes Nano Silver a “drug” -- but, without referring to some research, we may not tell people anything about what Nano Silver 10 PPM can do! That the research was not about treating a disease, but rather about how Nano Silver supports normal cell membrane integrity, apparently matters not to the Agencies. The New York Times savages us up publicly for sharing that information. The FDA tells people to beware of (sic) Bogus Cures such as Nano Silver. Now there is a case of Ebola in the US and Dr. Tom Friedan, head of CDC says, in essence, “Dont you worry your little head about a thing because we can contain it, it is not airborne, it is not a big deal and our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of the guy with Ebola. Not a biggie, though, because it is not airborne and it is only spread by direct contact with a persons fluids or a dead body when the cause of death was Ebola. End of story.” Really? Not! According to a report that we published and analyzed about the likelihood of Ebola going airborne by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), that is a lie. A bald-faced lie. See: drrimatruthreports/another-ebola-military-smoking-gun/ Ebola is easily transmitted by airborne droplets in colder conditions.What season is the Northern Hemisphere going into? Right! I thought so: winter. So, of course, if you, a crazed globalist eugenicidalist, want to make sure that there will be an Ebola pandemic, or the threat of one, you would want to take the ONLY known safe and effective way to regulate Ebola viral replication away from people! Help us educate decision makers through our easy-to-use web form here: tinyurl/DontStopNanoSilver . You, the genocidal globalist, would certainly want to make Nano Silver 10 PPM unavailable by forcing the Natural Solutions to recant and shutting us down! Under threats of prosecution, of course, since thugs with guns are a really great way to ascertain truth and prevent pandemics… One of the things that the Agencies want to do is to separate your access to truthful information from your access to the still-legal Nano Silver 10 PPM by at least two clicks. They know that for every click that people have to make on the internet, a certain number will drop off the hunt and lose interest. So we have created a two-clicks-away private site: donate.drrimatruthwhere you can donate to support our efforts and where we can provide you with the nutrients you choose to have, at private association members’ prices. Go there and engage in expressive association with us. But, if you work for the Agencies or Big Pharma, you are not invited. You have to click to get there and then you have to click again to get to the Nano Silver and there is NO information about what the product does or what it is used for on the site. None. It is plain vanilla. Just go there, make a donation for our legal defense fund to support our taking this censorship into Federal Court and then make a purchase if you are so inclined on our plainest of vanilla sites. No biggie, Tom? Um, what are all the FEMA coffins for? Yours for health, freedom and life, Dr. Rima Link to this page: drrimatruthreports/first-confirmed-us-ebola-case-not-imported-by-cdc/
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 05:07:40 +0000

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