FIRST FANFICTION IS DONE!! MAGNUS AND TESSA STORY. (if youve been on the page for a while this is actually an old one i edited a bit) 1938 “Good morning, sunshine,” Magnus announced as he threw open the door to the tiny room, “We have arrived.” Tessa looked up slowly at Magnus in her doorway, “I don’t know about this,” she stood slowly and grabbed her suitcase, “I don’t think I am ready.” “We are never ready,” Magnus walked over and took her arm, “But we still have to keep moving forward. So let’s get off this large metal death trap and back home.” He led Tessa through the long hallways of the ship and up a flight of stairs on to the ship’s deck. Tessa stopped at the top of the stairs and looked out at the skyline in awe. Buildings rose high up into the air and almost brushed the clouds. The air around her smelt of an odd fishy odor much different from the London smoke. She couldn’t believe that it had been sixty years since she had been back to her old home, New York City. “Come on,” Magnus tugged her arm gently with a smile, “You have a lot of catching up to do with the city.” “Magnus, please,” Tessa’s amazement was drenched in sadness, “I just want to settle down and be alone with my thoughts.” “I am here to help you,” Magnus grabbed her trunk from her, “I know what you are going through and being alone with your thoughts will not help. Now come on, you have to see the place.” Tessa frowned but followed Magnus through the crowds, looking only at her feet because she knew if she looked up she would see his face in the crowd. It happened a lot to her. She would look around the streets of London and there he was, reading a newspaper or browsing in a store. Her hopes would soar and her heart would stir but when her brain finally took over, she knew she was wrong. That man just had the same hair or posture as her Will. Her Will was gone. “And they have the best clothing shops of all of New York down that road, I got my shoes from there,” Magnus rambled on and on as he led Tessa through the streets. Finally she allowed herself to look up and scan the buildings. It was like looking back on a dream, everything seemed so different but a bit familiar at the same time. She had lived somewhere near here. Maybe it was down that street, or that one. She couldn’t tell. It was like a jungle full of blurred memories. The city had changed so much, and so had she. When she left she was an orphan girl going to see her brother in London. When she returned, she may have looked the same, but on the inside nothing was similar. She was a widow with two kids and many grand kids. She was a warlock and a shadowhunter. She wasn’t Tessa Gray anymore; she was Tessa Herondale. Suddenly Magnus snapped in front of her face, “Are you listening?” She sighed and shock her head, “No, I am sorry, but maybe this is a lost cause.” “Nonsense!” Magnus dragged her towards a store front, “Come, I know you love books.” He stopped her in front of a small bookstore and smiled, “Go pick out a nice book, it is on me.” He pulled out a stack of dollars and handed a few to her, “Where did you get all this money?” she asked as he folded the stack and placed it in his breast pocket. “Let’s just say the prohibition was very good to me,” he smiled again, his cat eyes glowing, “Now go, I’ll be right out here.” Tessa slowly walked into the bookstore and was hit with a scent that made a trace of a smile appear on her lips. The ink, the paper, and the binding, it smelled so peaceful to her. She wandered around looking through shelf after shelf of amazing books. Her hands passed over the most popular books of the day, As I Lay Dying and Brave New World. But she set her hand on one the table with the classics. She picked up book after book and smiled at the great memories she had reading them. Until she picked another up, the book feels familiar in her hand. But when she looks down at the title, her smile disappears. The title reads “A Tale of Two Cities”. Pain and heartbreak well up inside of her, tears begin to pour down her cheek. She dropped the book back onto the table and startled many people in the shop before dashing out of the bookstore. She shoved passed Magnus as the tears pour down her face and memories exploded in her mind. Memories of her suggesting Will read the book, of the letter he wrote, when they read it to James as a child, and when he asked her to read it to him on his death bed. Her Will was gone forever. She stopped suddenly and leaned against a wall, slowly sliding down until she was sitting on the cold ground. It took less than a second for Magnus to appear in front of her and take a seat next to her. They both just sat there for a moment, Tessa crying softly to herself and Magnus staring off into the distance. “Will it ever get easier? Will the pain ever stop?” she finally asked between shaky breaths. “I wish I could say it goes away,” Magnus put his hand gently on her knee cap, “But I’d be lying. It hurts a lot in the beginning but eventually the pain becomes less and less. Until it only flares up every once in a while, like an old wound. But you never stop caring for the person.” She nodded slowly, “I’m starting to forget little things about him. The way his hair felt and the feeling of his hand in mine. What if I forget everything about him? I don’t want to forget him.” “Memories may fade,” he said slowly, “But love never does. You will never forget about William, he will always be with you; he is a piece of your heart. And you may forget his voice or his smile some day, but he will forgive you. He would want you to live a happy life, even without him.” Tessa sighed, “Do you think he is happy where ever he is?” “Yes,” Magnus smiled and stood up, “And I think he is looking down at us, scolding me for put my hand on his wife’s knee.” Tessa chuckled softly and slowly pulled herself up with the help of Magnus. “Now,” he took her arm, “What would you say to some drinks and sightseeing?” She took a deep breath and wiped the tears from her face, “Let’s go.” As they walked so took a moment to look up at the sky, and whispered under her breath, “I will see you again, someday.”
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 04:05:00 +0000

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