FIRST IN-HOUSE COMPETITION ANNOUNCEMENT: January is upon us.....and 2015 is lining up some great formal and informal competitions to keep our people motivated. First up is Valentines Day, so in the spirit of the holiday we are hosting our first Sadie Hawkins partner WOD competition! Ladies of CrossFit Bacon who wish to participate in this competition need to ask a male partner to join them for this feat. It does not have to be your significant other (again this is in the spirit of Sadie Hawkins). So Ladies suck up some courage to approach your gentleman of choice and ask him to be your sweat partner. Competition will be held on Friday, February 13th at 6:30 p.m. sharp. There will be three partner WODs in the competition. The only rules to choosing your partner, ladies, are 1) they MUST have CrossFit experience (or you should be aware, competition time will not be spent teaching technique or movement - and incorrect movements will be called as no rep.) 2) Your partner must be in the same category (RX or Scaled), so if you are competiting in the RX division, your male partner must do the same. You must register you and your partner via PM on facebook (not on a status or comment) or at the front desk at the gym. It is a $10 per person buy in ($20 couple), in which all of the $$ will be used to put together a nice little prize package for the FIRST place winner of the RX and scaled divisions. So hurry up LADIES, start asking the fellas to be your partner before all the GOOD ONES GO ;) There will be a post party the evening of the competition, including refreshments..and such...CFB style.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 19:45:41 +0000

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