****** FIRST IN THE WORLD - TopicsExpress


****** FIRST IN THE WORLD ****** -------------------------------------------------- (1) Asian city to host Olympics - Tokyo, Japan, 1964 (2) Athlete disqualified at the Olympics for drug use - Hans-Gunnar Lijenwall, Mexico Olympics, 1968 (3) Blind person to conquer Everest - Erik Weihenmayer,USA,2001 (4) Cricket Club - Cricket club founded in Hambledon, England (5) Country to Print Books - China (6) Country to issue paper currency - China (7) Country to start Civil Service Competition - China (8) Country to make education compulsory - Prussia (9) Country to win World Cup football - Uruguay (10) Country to make a constitution - USA (11) Country to Organize NAM Summit - Belgrade (12) Country to send human to Moon - USA (13) Country to launch satellite into space - Russia (14) Country to host modern Olympics - Greece (15) Country to launch Radio Telescope Satellite in space - Japan (16) European to visit China - Marco Polo (17) Man to climb Mt Everest - Tenzing Norgay & Edmund Hillary, 1953 (18) Man to reach North Pole - Robert Peary (19) Man to reach South Pole - Ronald Amundsen (20) Man to Fly an aeroplane - Wright Brothers (21) Man to sail around the World - Ferdinand Magellan (22) Man to set foot on the Moon - Neil Armstrong (23) Man to go to the space - Major Yuri Gagarin (24) Man to draw the map of Earth - Anexemander (25) Man to compile Encyclopedia - Aspheosis (26) Man to win Nobel Prize in Literature - Rene FA & Silt Pradhom (27) Man to win Nobel Peace Prize - Jin F Dunant & Frederic Peiry (28) Man to win Nobel Prize Physics - WK Roentgen (29) Man to win Nobel Prize Chemistry - JH Wenthoff (30) Man to win Nobel Prize Medicine - AE Wonn Behring (31) Man to win Nobel Prize Economics - Ranger Fish & John Tinbergen (32) Man to climb Mt Everest - Peter Habeler (33) Man tourist in Space - Dennis Tito (34) Man to have climbed Mount Everest Twice - Nawang Gombu (35) Man Oscar winner for the Best Actor - Emil Jannings, 1928 (36) Man to win Tour de France - Maurice Garin, 1903 (37) Man boxing champion - Tim Hyer, 1841 (38) Man chess champion - Wilhelm Steinitz, 1886 (39) Man to walk in space - Alexei Arkhovich Leonov, 1965 (40) Man heart transplant was done by - Dr.Christian Barnard 1967 (41) Man heart transplant recipient - Louis Washkansky, 1967 (42) Man to fly solo non stop across the Atlantic - Charles Lindbergh, 1927 (43) Man to swim across the English Channel - Matthew Webb, 1875 (44) Man to fly solo nonstop around the world in balloon - Steve Fossett, U.S., 2002 (45) Man to cross the Pacific Ocean in hot air balloon - Ben Abruzzo and team in the Double Eagle V (46) Movie in the world - The jazz Singer , 1927 (47) Parkinson’s disease was first described by - James Parkinson, British neurologist, 1817 (48) Religion of the world - Santosh Dharma (49) Recipient of a permanent artificial heart - Barney Clark, 1982 (50) Secretary General of UN - Trigve Li (51) Space shuttle launched - Colombia (52) Space ship landed on Moon - Viking-1 (53) Space vehicle to land on the moon - Lunar Exploration Module (LEM) (54) Woman tourist in Space - Mrs Anousheh Ansari (55) Woman civilian police adviser of the U.N. - Kiran Bedi (56) Woman Bishop - Rev Barbara C. Harris (USA) (57) Woman to win Nobel Prize in Literature - Selma Lagerlöf (58) Woman to win Nobel Prize in Peace - Bertha von Suttner (59) Woman to win Nobel Prize in Physics - Marie CurieSkłodowska (60) Woman to win Nobel Prize in Chemistry - Marie Curie-Skłodowska (61) Woman to win Nobel Prize in Medicine - Gerty Theresa Cori (62) Woman to win Nobel Prize in Economics - Elinor Ostrom (63) Woman Prime Minister of a Country - S Bhandarnayake (64) Woman Cosmonaut in Space - Valentina Tereshkova, USSR (65) Woman to Climb Mt. Everest - Juno Tabei, Japan (66) Woman President of UN General assembly - Vijayalakshmi Pandit (67) Woman to reach North Pole - Mrs Fran Phipps (68) Woman to reach Antartica - Caroline Michaelson (69) Woman President of a Country - Maria Estela Peron (70) Woman to sail around the world alone - Kat Cotte (71) Woman to win an Olympic Gold Medal - Charlotte Cooper, UK, Tennis singles, 1900 (72) Woman professional bullfighter - Patricia Mccormick, 1952 (73) Women’s Olympic marathon Champion - Joan Benoit, Los Angles, 1984 (74) Woman to Climb Mt. Everest twice - Santosh Yadav (75) Woman Oscar winner for Best Actress - janet Gaynor, 1928 (76) Woman black tennis player to win a singles title at Wimbledon - A Gibson, 1957 (77) Woman to win a Grand Slam - Maureen Catherine, 1953 (78) Woman to swim the English Channel - Gertrude Ederle, 1926 (79) Woman to set foot on North Pole - Ann Bancroft, USA, 1986 (80) University of the world - Taxila University Admin
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 07:56:28 +0000

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