FIRST UNDERSTAND THIS HOLY PLANET MOTHER EARTH AND HOW SHE PROTECTS US THE WONDER TO BE HERE! DON’T LIKE IT. READ IT. The more friends we have on facebook, the less do we use our facebook for knowledge-profit. We only handle data. #SAVETHEPLANET #GREENPEACE #EARTHOPTIMIZATION #SD_ECBS #LASTCALL #MISNICvisit To stay in such a paradise protected by magnetism living on a big magnet in a habitable zone just so small like magic...with moon stabilizing us and without him we wouldnt have weather we wouldnt exists.....all made by the spacegods...... youtube/watch?v=ORDUXw3k8eY Dont forget the danger of vulcano-activities in a possible polshift. ….The ring of fire called active vulcano field around the pacific ocean is very active and we have had many over 8,0 earthquakes so there is a possible danger of an impact on the yellewstone vulcano in the US where the scientist even monitored growing activities... https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=742137732487815&set=pb.237775506257376.-2207520000.1396531872.&type=3&theater TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS! Here comes the really important information into the world of the information society, or better say they forgot you to tell about!! The famous sign on the Great Britains summer fields of 2001 including the Aricebo-signal-answer. Many cropcircle activities happened in 2001 around Europe but especially England and Italy! SD_ECBS support the CROPCIRCLE-DISCLOSURE and like to inform about the information from outerspace. The cropcircle-phenomena is not new. 1678 pamphlet on the Mowing-Devil Study the links under this photo in the comment –feed of it: 2 CROP-CIRCLE SIGNS REPLIED ON THE ARICEBO-SIGNALS SUMMER 2001 facebook/photo.php?fbid=348669945167931&set=a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376&type=3&theater Here comes the fightback!.. CLICK ON THE LINK NOT ON THE FLAGG FOR THE SD_ECBS DATA CONTAINERS BANK AS NONPROFIT INSTANT INFORMATION BANK FOR EARTHOPTIMIZATION...... Study the links under this photo in the comment –feed of it: SD_ECBS support the SIGNS FOR HIGHER RANKS DISCLOSURE https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.454287134606211.110348.237775506257376&type=3 TEMPLE OF SETI “Rose of life” Abydos, Egppt facebook/photo.php?fbid=456283251073266&set=a.426457824055809.103670.237775506257376&type=3&theater “Flower of Life” by Nassim Haramein, Quantum Physicist. After awakening at 15 years old, Nassim spent his career proving sacred geometry as understood in metaphysic traditions to be accurate understandings regarding the oneness in universal spirituality and that these beautiful ancient artworks are actually codes to activate a sophisticated energy source known in modern math as the Abha Torus Vortex, which generates continual free energy from non-local consciousness. It’s the God particle that CERN is working on trying to simulate. youtube/watch?v=lymI67Y90m8 Study the comment-feed-data of this https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=180403745375105&set=a.179697555445724.45700.179697398779073&type=1&theater Study the comment-feed-data of this picture... https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=254430481305764&set=a.254430471305765.60948.179697398779073&type=1&theater THE SD_ECBS YOUTUBE youtube/user/MrMubbs/videos?shelf_id=1&view=0&sort=dd THE SD_ECBS BLOG ON GOOGLES https://blogger/profile/06979662371351161132 WHO BUILT THE 1,4 MILES TOWER ON MOON DISCOVERED DURING THE APOLLO-CAMPAIGN (Open all links) a2.l3-images.myspacecdn/images02/151/16f9d2f7e77746afb641e69fc001c8d0/l.jpg https://youtube/watch?v=w8z2raApe1c youtube/watch?v=Uo81LMy6Ug8. youtube/watch?v=XlkV1ybBnHI 500 years all happenings on the moon listed by NASA..... https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=296967933671466&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater WHAT A 1,8 miles long STRUCTURE IS LYING IN THE SAND ON MOON APOLLO 20 DISCUSSION (Open all links) 500 years all happenings on the moon listed by NASA..... https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=296967933671466&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater WHO TOLD THE SUMERIANS 6000 b.C. ALL ABOUT THE COMPLETE SOLARSYSTEM INCLUDING THE OUTER ORBIT PLANET WE JUST DISCOVERD IN THE 20th CENTURY (Open all links) https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=191157760966370&set=a.179773202104826.45727.179697398779073&type=1 WHO TOLD THE PLANNERS OF TEOTINUACAN, SOUTH AMERICA TO CREATE A PYRAMIDE CITY IN THE SAME DIRECTION AS OUR SOLORSYSTEM IS CONSTRUCTED INCLUDING THE OUTER ORBIT PLANET WE JUST DISCOVERD IN THE 20th CENTURY , as at first Däniken descibed WHO USE THE SUN FOR SPACETRAVELJUMPS DISCOVERED IN 2010 SOHO (Open all links) youtube/watch?v=pNUu18zGPKw youtube/watch?v=uKHfQ3zqdEs https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=322451311123128&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater BADGAT-BATTERY DISCLOSURE (Open all links) https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.426457824055809.103670.237775506257376&type=3 https://youtube/watch?v=vuINhmT3V8Y https://youtube/watch?v=G0tQnRWCrEI youtube/watch?v=DytatZpwIsg youtube/watch?v=0oD1pDj_xYU SD_ECBS support the 270 mill. UTAH SHOEPRINT-DISCLOSURE (Open all links) https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.426950177339907.103741.237775506257376&type=3 youtube/watch?v=d7vPmKhaA3U https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=822759837740236&set=gm.639818329405990&type=1&theater SD_ECBS support the ICA-STONES-RESEARCH (Open all links) https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.426830210685237.103717.237775506257376&type=3 Ancient Aliens The megalithic site of Puma Punku, dating back to approximately 15,000 years, is an enigma that still puzzles archaeologists and scientists to this day. The stonework is so precise, despite the fact that many blocks weigh hundreds of tons and are composed of diorite, the second hardest stone aside from diamond. Do you think the Imara civilization could have built this colossal structure using primitive tools and no machinery? https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=587509587957629&set=a.271665296208728.62148.100140296694563&type=1&theater https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=822759837740236&set=gm.639818329405990&type=1&theater SD_ECBS support the 2,8 billion years old Klerksdorp Spheres research and publication (Open all links) https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.454493621252229.110414.237775506257376&type=3 youtube/watch?v=obGrWTju904 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=822759837740236&set=gm.639818329405990&type=1&theater SD_ECBS support the BAALBEK-RESEARCH (Open all links) https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.465840803450844.113871.237775506257376&type=3 youtube/watch?v=XDlxqU1MqPs Study the comment-feed of this picture...a real brainstorm... https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=180540632028083&set=a.180539938694819.45981.179697398779073&type=1&theatre https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=822759837740236&set=gm.639818329405990&type=1&theater ORION CONSTALLATION PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT EVEN FOUND ON MARS https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=179774345438045&set=a.179773202104826.45727.179697398779073&type=1&theater The first recorded UFO-EYE-WHITNESS HAPPEND IN OLD EPYPT and WOW reason why they have these strange pyramids (Planetary grid system)? (Open all links) https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=335755983173213&set=a.179773202104826.45727.179697398779073&type=3&theater youtube/watch?v=G0tQnRWCrEI&feature=share https://youtube/watch?v=qnXkgxFC30s Latest research found out that we have a network of pyramids all around the world calling the World pyramide-grid-system.,r:6,s:0,i:100&tx=73&ty=42 THE REPTILIAN PROOF 1 https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=560156207352636&set=a.426457824055809.103670.237775506257376&type=1&theater THE BEST OF-LINKS ABOUT GENERAL SUBJECTS ON THE ALIEN-ADENGA, UFOS AND HIGHER RANKS-DISCLOSURE ARE (and this is the result of 7 years scientific research and you better read it before you are so stupid that you think this is spam!!!) According to NASA’S SPACE ACT since July 29, 1958, SECTION 1, §2 Information obtained or developed by the administrator by it’s function under this act shall be available NETWORK ON THE FRONTLINE INFOWAR CONCERNING THE NONINFORMATIONCAMPAIGN about the ALIEN AGENDA, SPACEGODS CREATIONISM THINGS MAKING OUR WORLDS BETTER IN ORDER OF HIGHER RANKS SO SPACEGODS powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the E.C.B.S. grounded in 1983 or have you even seen a monkey with sliteyes? youtube/watch?v=nqkNlaDpF7Q youtube/watch?v=IZgU8c6HQ3Q According to NASA’S SPACE ACT since July 29, 1958, SECTION 1, §2 Information obtained or developed by the administrator by it’s function under this act shall be available Visit our newsfeed on facebook concerning the ALIEN/UFO-Research... facebook/groups/181913338529827 Interesting many native Indian groups inclusive the African DOGON have had detailed knowledge about the star-people...Even the construction of the south America pyramids-city of TEOTINUACAN, as at first Erich von Däniken described at Who told them to put pyramids in the same direction than the solar-system including the planets even discovered in the 20th century? ALL ABOUT PUMA PUNKU AS THE INDICATION FOR ALIEN ANCESTORS Ancient Aliens The megalithic site of Puma Punku, dating back to approximately 15,000 years, is an enigma that still puzzles archaeologists and scientists to this day. The stonework is so precise, despite the fact that many blocks weigh hundreds of tons and are composed of diorite, the second hardest stone aside from diamond. Do you think the Imara civilization could have built this colossal structure using primitive tools and no machinery? https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=587509587957629&set=a.271665296208728.62148.100140296694563&type=1&theater DISCLOSURE PROJECT SUPPORT Hi there and I’m online since 6 years of research. Age 48 was 25 years at the TV-postpro. All the data Ive found I put in the comment-feeds on facebook so everybody can use it and post it if they want. They are open source and for non-facebook-user available. I’ve grounded the SD_ECBS United Artists for Earthoptimization for the following support: youtube/watch?v=IZgU8c6HQ3Q youtube/watch?v=5zd3go06wrc&feature=relatedcontact SD_ECBS SUPPORTERS-DESK for THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT on facebook facebook/photo.php?fbid=283425891692337&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=1&theater Disclosure Project - Action for Disclosure of the UFO/ET Subject and Extraterrestrial Technologies. youtube/watch?v=5zd3go06wrc&feature=relatedcontact SD_ECBS supports the disclosure-project youtube/watch?v=n25eGhc5kL4 The misinforming-campaign breaks the law of the constitution of the United States of America. youtube/watch?v=ptX9aS8rjEs The US-American military researcher Robert Bob Lazar is a member of the first generation disclosure-fighters like Carol Rosin, William Cooper or Phil Schneider all got killed under suspicious incidents. They all fought for the truth and were the insiders of NASA, CIA and the US-Military-Research. “The Greys say we are tubes and DNA-switched 65-times.” Oh thats why we are so complicated and unfinished and Tubes for what? For DNA or souls? Who let us in this unfinished status? youtube/watch?v=IJolFbj8nc4 ........Minute 36:30. Thanks for your LIKE ITS........ Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project started by Greer in 1992 that alleges the existence of a US government cover-up of information relating to unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The Disclosure Project has been well-received by UFO enthusiasts, with speeches from Greer and various other witnesses being presented at various UFO-themed conferences. Greer has held press conferences and embarked on a continuing series of lectures and television appearances trying to raise popular support. Mainstream media coverage of the group mostly centered around a 2001 conference at the National Press Club which was described by an attending BBC reporter as the strangest he had ever seen. Dr. Greer convened the conference with more than 100 other contactees offering testimony. Among the contactees were ...about 20 former government workers, many of them military and security officials, who stepped forward...and called for congressional hearings about such sightings. Such arguments were met with by derision by sceptics and spokespeople for the U. S. Air Force who maintain that there is no convincing evidence for the speculation that UFOs are alien spacecraft. First REAL UFO-FLIGHTS RECORDED BY NASA INFRARED SPACE SUTTLE PROTOCOL CAM!!!!! No L-Formation flying satellites at the beginning. youtube/watch?v=w8z2raApe1c youtube/watch?v=5OLnT4WkbgY UFO Pentagon Hacker Tells What He Found: governments suppressed antigravity, UFO-related technologies, free energy or what they call zero-point energy. This should not be kept hidden from the public... It was a silvery, cigar-shaped object with geodesic spheres on either side. There were no visible seams or riveting... I also got access to Excel spreadsheets. One was titled Non-Terrestrial Officers. It contained names and ranks of U.S. Air Force personnel.. It also contained information about ship-to-ship transfers examiner/article/ufo-hacker-wins-battle-against-us-government https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=557439017624355&set=a.237775909590669.65387.237775506257376&type=1&theater https://facebook/pages/SD_ECBS/237775506257376?sk=photos_albums&ref=hl INSTANT KNOWLEDGE AGAINST THE WORLDS BRAINDEAD-MOVEMENT WITH THE INSTANT KNOWLEDGE MACHINE OF THE SD_ECBS (6 million visitors) SEEMS TO BE NOT ENOUGH! HERE IS THE DESK, THE SUPPORTERS-DESK, GROUNDED IN 1983 IN THE ORDER OF HIGHER RANKS? I mean who ‘s got the idea to create something called SUPPORTERS DESK IN THE 1980TH LOL. …and what is it in the end, a band , fashion, movement? Best arguments for the ancient alien ancestors proof…………. But we dont like to get cancer from this politics!... https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=678053502229572&set=a.678039858897603.1073741833.237775506257376&type=1&theater Im in the heavy-internet-research since 7 years...try to work on a pretty instant informing machine for all against worlds brain damaged-movement LOL Best support on top , tell your friends.........??.......The gods come!......THIS IS THE SD_ECBS NEWSFEED OF THE LATEST IN WORLD WIDE UFO-RESEARCH AND SO A POSSIBLE FIGHTBACK OF THE DARWINISM-THESIS, because there is too much coming up now through the internet showing the bible is now a book to keep the table in balance HAHAHA The BEN DE BRUYCKER HYPOTHESIS 1: Everything in Evolution was developed by its needs. So why is the human brain so overextended and bored with its functions that even Mr. Einstein used only 14-17% of his brain-capacity even with the Cabala brain enlargement techniques. So to me it is the indication number 1 that we are made by ancestors written down in the bible and so we work on this research in the Internet... Imagine some generations before we only collected fruits and so simple stuff apart from protecting ourselfs in the danger of a animal attack. Today we fly helicopters or jets and drive cars with a tremendous speed, while talking with on mobile phones and switched the cd-player while driving the car............. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR A BYEBYE TO DARWINISM AND A WARM WELCOME TO CREATIONISM!!! Hi there and thanks for friends. Im Ben and the SD_ECBS CEO and online since 7 years of research. My age is 48 was 25 years at the TV-postpro. All the data Ive found I put in the comment-feeds on facebook so everybody can use it and post it if they want. They are open source and for non-facebook-user available. I’m a member of the United Artists for Earthoptimization we invented and we work on it! ON THE FRONTLINE OF THE INFOWARS DATA LINKS & VIDEOS ARE DELETED DAILY SO TRY TO FIND IT ON YOUTUBE OR GOOGLES UNDER THE SAME TITLE PLEASE IF SOMETHING IS NOT AVAILABLE THIS SERVER SYSTEM WORKS VERY SLOW AND IS DOWN-COMPATIBLE TO 3rd WORD PC-TECHNOLOGY AND MOBILE PHONES. SO EVERY WORLD-CITIZENS GOT THE CHANCE TO GET ON THE SAME INFORMRED LEVEL LIKE US, THE TEAM SD_ECBS. SOME OF US WORKED VERY HARD THE PAST 5 YEARS TO GET ALL TOGETHER LIKE DAILY 12-15 HOURS OF RESEARCH AND PROGRAMMING. THIS IS NONPROFIT AND ADD-FREE! THIS IS UNDER THE LEAD OF THE GODS. EARTH NEED A CHANGE! So you start with a click on this pic for more information service this is the SD_ECBS FREE DATABASE presented on facebook for nonprofit earth-optimizing reasons. STUDY THE COMMENT-FEEDS OF OUR ALBUMS. THATS FASTER THAN YOU SEARCH FOR ALL DATA! TELL YOUR FRIENDS. SUPPORT US! The fact is that this extraordinary paradise planet earth is destroyed because the consciousness of uniqueness to experience a planet orbiting exactly on the flight path around the sun, which keeps the temperature between -270 and + 1000 exactly a pleasant temperature , oh miracle, a magnetic field has that supports us from radioactive radiation from space and has much valuable water you can imagine not at all, that should have even brought about worn all comets , we have a moon without which there would be no stable weather conditions, but in the morning monsoon , has lunch desert Storm +30 degrees and evening snowstorm - 20 degrees , so moon stabilizes our planet and as evolution catalyst acts . All the Indians show respect and honours this but certainly not a citizen of the Western World ! youtube/watch?v=r87wJ1QmyYw&feature=relmfu The Western industrial world is at it’s end. She was only built up the passed on colonialism in capitalism. Whether Messrs. Rockefeller and Company have now instigated all times what is the secret societies today do not care. The Indians are more advanced than we are because they live in balance with nature and near the gods WE HAVE BETTER SOLUTIONS FOR ENERGYBUSINESS THAN THIS. Its a matter of politics... The higher ranks (aliens & spacegods ) have enough of our nuclear power research because of impact on the whole universe so they give signs for better energy solutions!!!!! WOW THIS IS A SD_ECBS DATA-CONTAINER ON FACEBOOK FOR FREE. All information you will find by a click on the pic for more information service in the comment-feed of this newsfeed on facebook concerning this subject. SUPPORT US OUR WORK AND THE UNITED ARTISTS FOR EARTHOPTIMIZATION. Post this all around: i-am-living-for-love/ber.html Its tool-time! Help to share our information-services the SD_ECBS NEWSFEEDS https://facebook/groups/209226609114914 https://facebook/groups/181913338529827 supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=3&Itemid=30 supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=2&Itemid=30 Help to share our information-services the SD_ECBS DATABANKS blogger/profile/06979662371351161132 facebook/photo.php?fbid=348664361835156&set=a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376&type=3&theater facebook/photo.php?fbid=277530405615219&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.555319457836311.1073741827.237775506257376&type=3 https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.362375123797413.92453.237775506257376&type=3 https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.432386526796272.104730.237775506257376&type=3 The SD_ECBS world-wide information-server for 1-3 world nonprofit environmental support supporters-desk GENERAL SUBJECTS ON EARTHOPTIMIZATION supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=3&Itemid=30 facebook/photo.php?fbid=348664361835156&set=a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376&type=3&theater facebook/photo.php?fbid=277530405615219&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.555319457836311.1073741827.237775506257376&type=3 https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.362375123797413.92453.237775506257376&type=3 https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.432386526796272.104730.237775506257376&type=3 GENERAL SUBJECTS ON THE ALIEN-ADENGA, UFOS AND HIGHER RANKS-DISCLOSURE supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=forum&id=2&Itemid=30 facebook/photo.php?fbid=282105201824406&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater The gods come!......Cross-promotion is my best friend. My weapon to make a change. Save earth and open the text! Study the links. Tell your friends....this may change your life UFOS AT THE SUN DISCUSSION NOW SOON 5 YEARS ANNIVERSARY. WOW THIS IS A SD_ECBS DATA-CONTAINER ON FACEBOOK FOR FREE. All information you will find by a click on the pic for more information service in the comment-feed of this newsfeed on facebook concerning this subject. SUPPORT US OUR WORK AND THE UNITED ARTISTS FOR EARTHOPTIMIZATION. Post this all on the picture for full information service in the facebook comment-feed. All we have found about this subject in in here. Enjoy the videos, data and links your TEAM SD_ECBS SD_ECBS support the UFOS AT THE SUN-DISCLOSURE facebook/photo.php?fbid=322451311123128&set=a.275643712470555.73856.237775506257376&type=3&theater NETWORK ON THE FRONTLINE INFOWAR CONCERNING THE NONINFORMATIONCAMPAIGN about the ALIEN AGENDA, SPACEGODS CREATIONISM THINGS MAKING OUR WORLDS BETTER IN ORDER OF HIGHER RANKS SO SPACEGODS powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the E.C.B.S. grounded in 1983 or have you even seen a monkey with sliteyes? UFOs at the sun-debate August the 4th, 16:15 2010 The are some static UFO, to be seen earthsized. as presented in the film and in the film science analysis described Test for yourself just here, put the date into the white box click on stereo behind cam and click once more for the sizing-zoom Interesting is the SIR HAWKING Interview!.. youtube/watch?v=MZ0PVkGj4bg STUDY THE COMMENT-FEED FOR MORE DATA. Including more interviews and descriptions of Nassim Haramein, Erich von Däniken and more. Study the whole SD_ECBS PHOTO-ALBUM-BANK full of data for free. TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS! Here comes the real information of worlds information society, or better say they forgot you to tell about!!!!! LOL Help to share our information-services, newsfeeds and databanks for free. This is nonprofit environmental support and needed to be shared to all people worldwide. Hi there and this nonprofit environmental support service is new installed. Please share our data and tell everyone. Hope you LIKE IT! Open the photo (pic)-bank and enjoy the links and videos weve found during the past 6 years of research. facebook/photo.php?fbid=406048939430031&set=a.237775909590669.65387.237775506257376&type=1&theater TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THE SD_ECBS NEWSFEED 2. We are the United Artists for Earthoptimization organized in the KICK ASS AGENCY SD_ECBS!!! We bring the research news to the frontline of the infowars to inform you worldwide citizens. We are nonprofit and free artists and we work on this since 1983. Yours TEAM SD_ECBS and Allda Ben Marius de Bruycker, SD_ECBS. facebook/groups/181913338529827 We are the United Artists for Earthoptimization we invented and we work on it! The US-American military researcher Robert Bob Lazar is a member of the first generation disclosure-fighters like Carol Rosin, William Cooper or Phil Schneider all got killed under suspicious incidents. They all fought for the truth and were the insiders of NASA, CIA and the US-Military-Research. The fun is that this interview is from the early 1980th for the official US-television sold in many other countries. So enjoy the film. “The Greys say we are tubes and DNA-switched 65-times.” Oh thats why we are so complicated and unfinished and Tubes for what? For DNA or souls? Who let us in this unfinished status? youtube/watch?v=IJolFbj8nc4 ........Minute 36:30. We pay tax for it and NASA is ordered to tell us the results of the latest research as written down in the space act. SUPPORTERS-DESK.COM for visitorsenlightenment the existence of Spacegods
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 10:35:26 +0000

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