FIRST WAS PETER’S SHORT INTRODUCTION FOLLOWED BY HIS FIRST RESPONSE ON MARCH 9, 1999 (AND MY RESPONSE TO HIM): (name)Peter J. Attwood (location)England Hi, Chuck. To me, the Multiverse seems to be an obvious answer to ‘time’. Time is composed of infinite world lines that represent every possibility that did, will or may happen. These world lines spiral outward from the big bang. Time travel is the jumping from one world line to another. The variables between world lines are quite close. In other words, the chances of jumping to a world line that is radically different from the one you start from is quite small. This is due to the fact that using closed time-like curves as your time travel method, gives only a short scope of time travel into the past or future. The physical difference in world lines can be measured in the ratio between the force of gravity and the speed of light. The change is only noticed when you compare matter from one world line to matter from another. These world lines indicate that every physical event possible since the big bang will and has happened. Some thoughts are quite interesting!!! It is therefore possible to enter a dimension where you have won the lottery, have a perfect, healthy body, are married to a supermodel and have never even had a cold in your life!!! It is also, in contrast, equally possible to enter a dimension where the world has been taken over by Hitler, you were born blind, and where there was no invention of TV. The possibilities are absolutely endless. So therefore ever since the big bang, every event possible was created, and then each event was assigned to its own dimension. The more time goes on and the universe develops, the more dimensions are created, and the more possibilities there are. Think of a tree where as soon as it is created, the higher you get, the more branches there are. Off of any of infinitely long branches on the tree, are more branches, and on them branches are even more. Your life is a succession of events, progressing up the tree, and following branch after branch. The move from one branch to the next could be a simple event such as turning a left at the end of the street. The dimension you and I live in is simply one of an infinite ‘multiverse’ of dimensions. Deciding to turn right at the end of that street, would take you down a path of events that you never encountered, and may result in the most interesting and differential consequences than when you turned left. Think of a perfect life. Assign to yourself everything you have always wanted. At some point throughout these dimensions, in a particular dimension, that life you have just thought of, will be in existence (as long as it is physically possible). This is because ever since the big bang, every event possible will happen, in its own dimension. The dimensions are therefore ultimately infinite. Time travel is done by creating a powerful gravity field between two microscopic singularities (Kerr field) in a magnetic field. By rotating these singularities, a Tipler matrix is created which forms closed time-like curves and hence safe time travel forward or backward. The process to create the singularities is done by accelerating and compressing matter in a Z field. An electromagnetic crystal can then be used to pin-point a world line to jump onto. The whole system must be in stroboscopic stasis, to ensure correct functioning. There is just one thing I need clarifying on my theory, Chuck: If you travelled to one of these dimensions, would it not be possible to kill yourself, your mother, etc.? Because it will have no effect on the dimension you came from, or any other for that matter, would it? YOUR DIMENSION HAS HAPPENED AND IT EXISTS AS IT IS: THEREFORE NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO YOU CANT CHANGE IT. YOU CAN ONLY CHANGE A DIFFERENT DIMENSION, but as this lower dimension is a carbon copy, if you will, of YOUR DIMENSION’S PAST, it would therefore be susceptible to any alterations you like. By travelling to this DIMENSION you have travelled to a PRESENT timeline, which happens to be a CARBON COPY of YOU DIMENSIONS PAST at that point you arrive. Wouldn’t it be possible to enter this dimension and do whatever you want? As you have come from a different dimension, I believe this to be true. Am I right? YOU WOULD ALWAYS BE MISSING FROM THE DIMENSION YOU HAVE LEFT WOULDN’T YOU? For convenience, you can travel ‘back’, let’s say, 5 minutes before you left. This would not put you in the dimension you left, but would put you in one that was a CARBON COPY of the one you left in the first place, therefore being convenient. You could of course, travel back to the exact dimension you left, but that would be in the future, the time difference being the period of your travels, because TIME FLOWS EQUALLY IN ALL DIMENSIONS. I dont know of your experience in temporal or quantum physics, neither do I know how intelligent you are, but considering your essays, you seem to be quite clever!!! This is about as far as I have got on the theoretical side of things. Please clarify me if you know otherwise!!! Sincerely, Peter J. Attwood 14:04 EST, 9 March 1999 Hi, Peter. If I understand what youre saying, I feel it necessary to say that I do not believe that our existence is predetermined in a closed time-like situation or a temporal causality loop originating from the latest hypothesis of a big bang (although, that would have to be a HUGE loop and we would be none the wiser). I think destiny is created along the way for the SUBJECTIVE ORIGINAL TIMELINE. Heres the tricky part- ITS ALL THE OBJECTIVE ORIGINAL TIMELINE! If everything, as you say, is predetermined, then Id have to believe we are slipping (laterally) in and out of other timelines as we go along. Its sort of like the realities in realities- shadow world speculations of the theoretical physicist, Fred Alan Wolf (for whom I have a great deal of respect). Another analogy for that would be those books you can read that has choices of several different endings. WOULD IT MATTER what you did in a parallel timeline? Not really, if you have the ability to leave that timeline. If not, it becomes your home! I could go out and commit any crime I wanted right now, if I could leave this timeline- if there were no consequences. You understand what I mean here so I wont digress. WOULD YOU DISAPPEAR FOREVER from the timeline you left? Id say yes, but again, IT DOESNT MATTER! The timeline you enter will be your reality then. Remember your existence is cumulative, everything is shared up to ANY PRESENT ACTION. Thanks for your intelligent input, Peter. I look forward to hearing from you again. Chuck
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 01:45:31 +0000

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