FIRTHYS RANT FOR THE DAY: I JUST WALKED 6 TIMES FROM MELBOURNE TO SYDNEY! Last year I walked 4 kilometres on average every single morning. Which doesnt seem like a lot I must admit at first glance. I started doing this about three years ago, after listening to Nicoles step dad Cliff talk about the difference it made to his blood sugar levels after just a short walk each day being that he is diabetic. Knowing that I wouldnt keep this up unless there was some kind of an incentive, I planned a 4 km walk near home where the halfway mark at 2 km landed at a magnificent coffee shop. This made a number of my friends who are superfit quite encouraging with their feedback as they understand that baby steps add up over time. But I noticed it also made a number of my friends who are quite unfit crack a few jokes about it being lame at just 4 km. Well I can say that after three years small things really do start to add up. You see its your daily small habits that equal success not the single leap of a building in one bound. In fact the true test of commitment to the small daily habits is whether you will get up and still do it when the weather is freezing or blistering hot. The good news for me that I have started to form a habit of discipline now that come rain hail shine or an apocalyptic storm, I still go for my walk. In fact the truth is that now I sometimes go for two walks in a day. One in the morning and one later on the day with Nicole due to the nature of the time freedom our business give us. So you might be interested to know that i just added it up and I have now walked more than 4380 km over the last 36 months!!! That is, I have virtually walked 6 times to Sydney from Melbourne!!! Imagine what thats doing for your health? So yesterday and today I turned up the heat on the baby steps a little and went for an 11 km walk up some pretty steep inclines near the base of Mount Tambourine photographing wildlife along the way living my passion of photography with the same goal of a magnificent coffee shop at the end. Now before an opinion pipes up and says coffee isnt healthy. I should add that its about my one and only vice and that because I have the worlds strongest anti-oxidant in my system recommended by my doctor who knows what I do at the same time I think I will be AOK but thanks for the concern :) Theres another little message in this rant however, and that is that often i hear some people say: I dont have time to walk, So get up earlier like I just did... Some people say: I dont have time to blog like this, although I wish I had time, So talk into your iPhone and write whilst talking like I just did... Others say: I just dont have any time freedom like you do to do all that! So invest small chunks of your time into something else, other than your job and over time, if you picked network marketing, you will eventually find the freedom that currently elludes you. The key point here is that little things add up over time, so stop making excuses for what you cant do and take the first baby step now. 2015 is just getting started, seize the day! #DOINGLIFETOTHEMAX
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 23:40:50 +0000

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