FIT TIP TUESDAY Do squats hurt your knees? Here’s how to - TopicsExpress


FIT TIP TUESDAY Do squats hurt your knees? Here’s how to make the move joint-friendly so you can enjoy the muscle-building benefits without the pain. There is a proper way to squat that won’t cause harm—and then there is every other way. Unfortunately, we rarely see them executed the proper way. Let’s get one thing straight about squat form; There is always going to be some forward movement of the knees when squatting and the knees will go past the toes. That said, allowing your knees to excessively move forward so that your heels come off the ground can get you into trouble. That’s when you end up placing more stress on the knees. It is important to keep your shins vertical so your heels stay on the floor, but they also take stress off the knees and place more of the load on your hips. And that’s important, because your hips are a larger, more prominent joint than your knees. If squatting hurts your knees —it’s because you’re making your knees do more of the work than the hips. Some people say that squatting past 90 degrees is dangerous and that it places more stress on the knees. That’s another myth. Squatting through a full range of motion is healthier for the knees and makes them stronger. Here’s how to do it: 1. Perform the move without weight first, with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. 2. Your toes should be rotated out at 15 to 30 degrees. 3. Begin your squat by breaking with your hips. Sit back while simultaneously pushing your knees out and trying to spread the floor with your feet. You don’t need to push your knees out to the point where all of your weight shifts to the outer portion of your feet. You just need your kneecaps to stay inline with your middle toes. 4. Reverse the movement back up to a standing position, squeezing your glutes at the top. HOMEWORK!! In order to master the pattern, repitition is key.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 09:47:41 +0000

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