FITTING THINGS SPIRITUAL INTO YOUR PHYSICAL LIFE continued . . . . . . . ORNAMENTS - buy a few ornaments to scatter around thruout your home eg. FAERIES, UNICORN, NATIVE AMERICAN, etc From time to time, hold one of them and tune-in to it. What message does it have for you? JUST BE - sit quietly and just be. Close your eyes and see what pops into your mind. Got a worry or a question? Ask for a solution to be shown to you. MUSIC - listen to a guided meditation or some quiet background music, relax, de-stress .. . . . . .. CANDLES - open your windows and doors to let some fresh air into your home, light a few candles, play a quiet CD, put a fragrant melt or oil in an oil burner, or light an incense, buy yourself a colorful bunch of flowers, eat your dinner by candle light, have a spiritual night or put your feet up with a good book instead of a night in front of the TV. . . . .. . . . all of these suggestions help towards uplifting your vibes / mood and adding to the positive vibrations in your home environment. BE CREATIVE - creativity exercises the INTUITIVE side of your brain. So get painting, drawing, write some poetry or your life story, draw a picture, write a book, do some hand-crafts, do a mosaic or a collage, get your hands dirty and weed the garden - talk to the plants, flowers and faeries who dwell there; knit, crochet, embroidery, . . . .. anything that will take your mind off your problems and into a creative and/or relaxation mode. HEALING for MOTHER EARTH Spend a while saying a PRAYER and/or LIGHTING a CANDLE for Mother Earth, send Healing energy to wherever you feel she needs it the most. You can do this by CHANNELING healing energy into a world or local MAP with your palm chakras, or using a PENDULUM to send the energy into the area or country of your choice. Send Healing to the Trees, Animals, waterways, oceans, mountains, where there has been flooding, storms, earth quakes, and disaster of any kind; to a whole Country, a City, or just a street, etc. HEALING for YOUR LOVED-ONES, family, friends, pets, animals everywhere, the homeless, deceased Loved-ones, those sick, in pain or unloved, people in hospitals, animal shelters / council pounds, abused / neglected animals / people, people in 3rd world countries, sick kids, lost souls, even yourself, etc, etc, etc. . .. . . . .. . . . Create an ENERGY BALL containing whatever type of energy everyone needs, e.g. it may be strength, courage, physical energy, peace of mind, good health, or motivation, etc. Channel it out your palm chakras to form a ball between your hands. Throw it in the air with the INTENTION it goes to whomever / wherever you desire it to go. ASK the Divine and your Guides and the Angels to help you, and for them to send Healing where you want it to go, or wherever they think it is needed the most. Light a Candle for them all, say a Payer, or simply channel Divine healing energy from your palms into the universe, with the INTENT that those you mention, think of, and those in need, will receive it. Say a PRAYER, make a WISH, do a SPELL - its all the same energy that is used, its your INTENT that determines where the energy goes and the outcome.
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 02:08:09 +0000

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