FITX PRICE CALCULATION AND PROJECTION . All figures are roughly 1/4 of what Bill suggested, so VERY VERY VERY CONSERVATIVE figures here. Calculating MJ to stabilize at $4/gram, half the $8/gram going rate in Canada Figuring share structure is reduced 90% to 340,000,000 shares (new company structure) 300,000 pounds X $1700 = 510MM 510 Million divided by 340 million = $1.50 value of each share based on revenue listed above. 60% profit margin =$.90 per share $.90 times a simple multiple of 10 is $9.00price per share. So Bill & the BOD just gave us shareholders $9.00 for every 10 shares we hold in FITX and let us keep those shares as well. So if you bought 1 million shares at the high of .11 you have $110,000 invested. If you were smart enough and strong enough to have held your shares, you possibly have 100,000 shares @ $9.00 you now have $900,000. I think I can wait just a little longer. AND BY THE WAY YOU KEEP YOUR OLD FITX SHARES AND IF THE NEW CEO GETS THAT GOING THEN MORE BANK IN YOUR POCKET!!!! THIS IS A NO BRAINER THAT THE BASHERS ARE SUGGESTING WILL NOT HAPPEN BECAUSE THEY WANT YOUR SHARES!!!! SMARTEN UP PEOPLE AND BUY!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 19:14:05 +0000

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