FIVE CRITICAL STEPS TO SELL YOUR HUNTLEY REAL ESTATE QUICKLY This article discussHuntley Real. Estate Critial Steps To Selles the time-line of activities after you list your Huntley Real Estate as well as what to look for as your listing progresses. The sale of your Del Webb Sun City Real Estate or Huntley Real Estate is not luck, it is the result of the activities that lead to a sale. Here’s a look at five critical steps that will make sure your Huntley Real Estate sells quickly and for top dollar: Market Analysis Before your home is listed, your Realtor should do a written market analysis for you that takes into account what homes you are competing with for sale and what recent homes like your have sold for. There are many ways to determine what your Huntley Real Estate will sell for and what prospective buyers will be measuring your home against to decide if they wish to see it and wish to make an offer on your Huntley Real Estate. If you are serious about selling, be sure to look at the market to decide what to list your home for. Hoping and basing the price on how much you spent or how much you need is counter-productive. Off And Running The first thing your agent will likely do is place your home in the local Multiple Listing Service (MLS). This notifies all other agents in the area that your home is for sale. It will also likely appear on the Internet at realtor and many other sites that show homes for sale. Studies show that about 86% of buyers now choose the homes they want to see from the Internet, so be sure to use a Realtor who knows Internet marketing. The quality of the pictures are very important in attracting buyers. That’s why I provide professional pictures to many of my clients. It increases on line interest dramatically. Usually, I place a lock-box on the door immediately after the listing documents are signed. This way, showings can start at once. Your Broker will ask you questions about showings that will allow you to market your home while keeping the interruption of your life to a minimum. How much notice do you want for showings? Are there any times you do not want showings? Be sure to choose a Broker that uses the latest technology in lock-boxes. At Huntley Realty, we use Sentilock boxes. These boxes require an agent to have an identity card and password to access your home. As soon as anyone enters an ID code to open the box, you can (and your Broker can) get an automated email telling you who showed your home. You can also receive automated emails telling you what the client thought of your home. This technology is essential to good marketing for Huntley Real Estate. In a day or two, you will have a “For Sale Sign” installed on your front lawn. Be sure your Broker uses a brochure box and puts a good quality brochure that sells your home in the box. It’s a great way to contact interested buyers. Be sure to use a Broker that takes the time tow rite out a sales brochure and does not just put the listing facts. The next step is usually a Broker tour. Huntley Realty has the top agents in Huntley tour your home. Our 13 full time agents have thousands of clients and once they see your home, they will make calls to any that may be interested in your home. This creates buzz that sells. Numbers To Know Selling homes is not luck, there is an actual science to it. Never use a Broker who lists your home and then waits for buyers to come along. There is an ancient saying that says “Man who stand with mouth open waiting for pork roast to fly in will wait a long time.” That applies to selling your home as well. Here are some numbers to look at. Internet Views Be sure your Broker can tell you how many people have seen your home on line. The average response rate is 0.001%. That means you should average 1 appointment for every 1,000 views on line. If not, the copy and pictures may need to be upgraded or the price may be scaring buyers off. Appointments On average, it takes 10 appointments to get an offer unless your home has very unique and desirable features. If not, your home may not show well. Take a look and any enhancements you may wish to make. If you are considering selling Huntley real estate in Del Webb Sun City or in Huntley, find out how Tony Delisi’s enhanced marketing uses many innovative marketing techniques that work to sell your Huntley Real Estate quickly and for top dollar. Call Tony at 847-471-7177 to find out more about Huntley Real Estate.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 20:07:32 +0000

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