FIVE IMPORTANT TIPS TO FOLLOW BEFORE YOU GO ON HOLIDAYS When planning a vacation, our minds fill with images of sandy beaches and rain-drizzled, cobblestone European streets — not of the look on our miniature schnauzer’s face when he realizes the house is being burgled. 1. Monitor your house from afar It’s important to keep tabs on your home, even when traveling to the far reaches of the world. The easiest way to do so is by installing security cameras. Most modern cameras are equipped with night vision and motion sensors, and can be synced with your mobile device or tablet. The other way to check in on your house is to either ask a friend to do so or to program your computer’s built-in webcam to act as a security camera. There are several apps on the market that enable users to access their web camera from afar so that you won’t miss anything at your home. Its important to consider that simple surveillance may not be enough in the event of a break-in — its one thing to watch your home being raided, and another to ensure that swift action is taken in a worst-case-scenario situation. There really is no comparison to installing a professional security system to keep an eye on your home. Watching the place yourself can be time-consuming — and can detract from your vacation. It also doesnt allow for quick reactions should you notice anything amiss. Consider a professional home monitoring system, and let the experts take care of any home security breaches in the event of an incident. 2. Make it look like youre at home An abandoned home makes for an obvious target, so do your best to make it look like someone is at home. An abandoned home makes for an obvious target, so do your best to make it look like someone is at home. There are several ways to keep up the facade: Have your mail stopped and keep up with the yard work. Have a neighbor park their cars in your driveway. Another obvious trick is to automate specific electronics in your home, such as programming your lights or a stereo to switch on a certain time. The flurry of activity will make your house looked lived in. A low-cost, energy efficient way of doing this is with a push light. Switch on the battery-powered light before you leave, and let it glow throughout the duration of your trip. Smart plugs also offer the ability to control your lamps remotely. 3. Keep your travel on the down-low Of course, it’s okay to tell Mom when you’re leaving the country, but try not to broadcast it too widely. Many people share personal information on Twitter or Facebook or post travel photos on Ie before the Dnstagram without realizing how many people can access it. Would you announce to a crowd of strangers that your home will be vacant over Christmas? Probably not. Avoid posting about upcoming travel on social media or other Internet sites — this is a clear signal that you won’t be around. Perhaps more importantly, avoid posting remotely when you’re out of the country. Most sites will tell viewers where you’re posting from, and can draw criminals to an empty home. Yes, these are extreme measures, but theyll be sure to keep your home safe and secure. 4. Pull the plug on electronics Leaving devices plugged in can make it simpler for intruders to get into your home. An active garage door, for example, can be activated easily by a universal remote. Also remember to unplug the GPS from any car left in airport parking — burglars have been known to hop and in and hit “Home.” Unplugging these devices will also help you save on electricity while you’re gone, so you may as well pull out the coffeemaker cord while youre at it. 5. Prepare for the worst No one wants their home to be burglarized, but it’s better to be prepared. Before leaving on your trip, check your insurance policies. Make sure everything is up to date and provides accurate protection. Ensure that your coverage extends to robberies, as opposed to just accidents like floods or fires. And don’t forget to take photos of your belongings — this documentation can save you headaches in case of crisis. The first thing your insurance company will ask for in the event of a robbery is evidence of what was damaged or stolen. You should also notify your local SAPS and your Armed Response Service Provider of vacations lasting more than a weekend. That way theyll know to respond swiftly in case of a triggered alarm or unusual activity. Lastly, get your alarm system checked out well in advance before the Christmas rush. Contact your service provider today to set up a thorough check of the system and battery.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 09:35:16 +0000

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