FIVE THINGS YOU MIGHT JUST NOT LIKE :) ...ENJOY. (BEWARE! THIS IS NOT FOR SMART PEOPLE) Dear smart brethren, 1.Why are you so angry/pissed/annoyed/every-other-related-synonym with the not-so-smart brethren? 2. If your being angry, ranting, raving etc. made a difference, there would probably be no not-so-smart brethren anymore. They would become extinct. 3. Look at it this way. Is your awesome cognitive ability of your conscious making? What i am asking is, is the fact that you can reason so well, make intelligent decisions, and all the other perks you know you have, something you had to learn the way you learnt the letters of the alphabets? I’m guessing not. I’m guessing instead that it is something you were born with. Just like some of us have small breasts and others have large ones. Just like some of us have croaky voices and others have melodious ones. 4. Smart brethren, i am not asking too much. I’m not requesting that you tolerate idiocy.(How can i? That would be dumb of me i think). I’m not asking that you stop feeling irritated at stupidity. (Hell, who asks that?).All i’m asking ….*sigh* What am i even asking? Oh yes! Patience. 5.Patience? Yes. It is a virtue that eventually births other big things like tolerance and understanding. It’s only a suggestion sha, but i know that if i were a little child, i would prefer a mother(or nanny) who cleaned up my poop and gently taught me how to properly use the toilet, to one who would yell at me whenever i performed the deed all the while lamenting at my stupidity. “Anyone can use a toilet! It’s the easiest thing. Why not this slow dumb little child?!” from yours hopefully, a certain smart sister who sometimes rants and raves at not-so-smart peeps...
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 20:09:49 +0000

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