FIX-INGS Dear friends, This time period from Tisha - TopicsExpress


FIX-INGS Dear friends, This time period from Tisha B’Av till the 25th of Elul corresponds to the Kabbalistic Tikun Olam process…..Every situation that comes our way in life, is there to be somehow cured , healed , fixed, completed , solutionized---that is why it comes our way---it is a lost part of our Souls—seeking to be redeemed—to be re-integrated …. Heres some FIX-INGS; FIX-INGS 1 Tikun Kabbalah is teaching that the world is on a path of rectification, and each of our individual lives is on a path of rectification. We’re all getting a little bit better every single day of our lives. Like the Beatles song says, “Got to admit it’s getting better, getting better all the time…” Meaning, we’re always going up and up, though we may have some falls, we may have some descents to rise to the ascents of our lives. But we are always moving along a path towards perfection, towards healing, towards goodness, towards what Kabbalah calls “Tikun,” or rectification Blessings, yitzchak FIX-INGS 2 MAKING THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE A. Identify an area or challenge in your life which seems to fall in the category of mission impossible. Your only possible successful response is to act in a supernatural way... B. Now CREATE A NEW REALITY! Create [first of all in your mind] the perfect and ideal scenario where your mission impossible works out wonderfully!! C. Now become Hashems main messenger to make it happen. You will continually receive Divine directives which you will be able to hear [AND TRUST] with your intuitive sense [that voice of knowing and clarity inside of yourself], which will constantly guide you step by step to make your creation a reality on the ground! D. Leave all the results and outcomes to Hashem, and to Hashem alone. Your part is to proactively create and to be a vehicle for making it happen, but be 100% clear that whatever, however and whenever the final product appears is only in Hashems hands and will therefore be absolutely for the best! E. The more you repeat this whole process with the various challenges in your life, the more you will draw down miracles and truly live a supernatural life!! Blessings, yitzchak FIX-INGS 3 FIX YOU COLDPLAY https://youtube/watch?v=gXq-14lV79s Dear friends, We are in the midst of a Tikun period of the year…Tikun=fixing…This song, I feel really captures one aspect of what FIX-ING is all about! Blessings of true Fix-ings yitzchak Lyrics: When you try your best, but you dont succeed When you get what you want, but not what you need When you feel so tired, but you cant sleep Stuck in reverse When the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you cant replace When you love someone, but it goes to waste Could it be worse? Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you And high up above or down below When youre too in love to let it go If you never try, then youll never know Just what youre worth Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you Tears stream down your face When you lose something you cannot replace Tears stream down your face And I... Tears stream down your face I promise you that Ill learn from my mistakes Tears stream down your face And I... Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you Blessings, yitzchak FIX-INGS 4 REFRAMINGS OF LIFES SETBACKS ******* We live in very hard times.... just scratch the surface and find out what goes on behind closed doors of peoples lives and the suffering they endure and you start to think that were a generation thats all about suffering horrible personal fates ********but when you dig a little deeper youll discover that so so many of these victims become masters of TURNAROUND---- overcoming and transcending darkness in the most spectacular ways.............. Self Transformation Resh Lakish was originally one of the most notorious criminals of his time. He was similar to the head of the Mafia in our time. When he encountered the wisdom and power of Torah, he transformed all of his criminal power into Torah power. We have , historically , a long list of notorious wicked leaders whose soul group is rooted in the highest soul level. It’s just that they made a wrong turn, or they made wrong decisions which turned them from being incredibly powerful channels of goodness to the opposite, to channels of evil. We can tap into this level inside of ourselves by identifying our strongest, most passionate, but wicked drives, and directing them towards the side of good. The sages say, “SAVING ONE PERSON’S LIFE IS LIKE SAVING AN ENTIRE WORLD.” That is designed to guide us or to advise us how to bring G-d into man’s image, into a human image, in that we are created in the image of G-d and we are here to divinize an image. Maximally Expressing One person with whom I met recently expressed frustration with her inability to express her experiences and feelings maximally. She understood what to do cerebrally and intellectually, but she simply couldn’t feel it to maximally express her feelings. To become emotionally expressive is the ability to speak from the heart, a place beyond the mind. It’s the ability to express maximally from your heart what your mind cannot express. How Can I be better ? In guiding some people I’ve felt like I came up against a wall, a standstill, and no progress could be made. All I had left was the question that’s the name of this tool – How Can I Be better? I mean I ask the person directly, and when I ask they know I’m trying to help and accept my question graciously, with gratitude. Generally, people will tell me exactly what they need. And I believe this question can be applied in any relationship, and will be very appreciated by the other person. It helps get to the core of what needs to happen next. Let Go of Resistance I remember hearing a story about a person who traveled to a foreign country and had a terrible experience. For him, it was hell because everything he knew – taxicabs and banks and the way people relate to each other, for some examples - was different. Nothing was familiar to him and he was miserable. As it happened, he ran into a fellow countryman and that guy said, “Listen, I have experienced the suffering you are experiencing, and have some advice for you – Let go of your resistance and you’ll find that you’ll have a very enjoyable time.” So the traveler chose to let go and he had a fantastic time. People could feel his choice to let go and they let go, too. They became more helpful and his trip spiraled into a very positive experience. The universal application here is to let go of the resistance and things will go better for you. The Double or Half Strategy This is actually a diet plan. Because I need to lose a little bit of weight I decided that the best way to do it is to not to focus on what food I’m eating but instead on how much food I put in my mouth. So, I eat the same things at the same times of day. I didn’t change my food or my schedule, which would have been painful, but I just eat half as much. I’m in this process right now and it seems to be working. I have an opposite yet similar plan in other areas of my life where I’ve chosen to double what I do. Whether it’s exercise or making plans or generating ideas or energies or strategies or anything, I simply double what I was already doing and doors begin to open. Sounds maybe too simple----but I’ve found it to be effective! The Cake-And-Eat-It-Too Relationship Plan In guiding people towards successful relationships, taking one to the next level or seeking new ways to achieve peace in a relationship, what I’ve noticed is that like life, relationships are not black and white. They are grey, or something in-between black and white. There are great parts and horrible parts, and there are also middle parts. I am an old-fashioned Cake-And-Eat-It-Too person, believing it is not an all-or-nothing situation in any relationship. I don’t think that’s a good solution, although I formerly guided people towards all-or-nothing and it was unsuccessful. I think that things need to be encouraged and promoted, they need to be nourished and allowed to thrive, taking the things that are not so good and keeping them at a distance, or as it’s said, ’Rachok V”Matok’, \ ‘Keep them sweet and at a distance. ‘ Doing this, I believe we can watch a lot of relationships unfold in the best possible way, having your cake and eating it, too. Blessings, yitzchak FIX-INGS 5 1. Radical acceptance. The basis of this strategy is the understanding that my personal Divine Providence is always good. I, and everybody else, am receiving constant personal love and caring and guidance for my life, to the extent I am open to receive it. Therefore, I accept everything that happens to me, and the messages I get from within me as Perfect AS-IS. Even though I see with my own eyes all of the imperfections and mistakes and difficulties that I’ve made, I still accept what they are, since I see them coming from a benevolent Creator. The power of radically accepting my fate is that I will be in a state of peace of mind, removing anxiety and freeing me up to fix up what needs to be fixed up. Blessings, yitzchak FIX-INGS 6 The Salz Strategy. This strategy is based on a person named Salz who shared this strategy with me. The idea is this – you are an infinitely valuable person. You are an infinitely valuable being, and no matter how the world sees you or thinks of you, which often means much less than you really are, we can reframe all that and see ourselves as being infinitely special. And when we see ourselves in that way, we will relate to other people in that way as well, and the quality of our relationships will be on a whole different level. Blessings, yitzchak FIX-INGS 7 . Heart-Speak. The basis of this strategy is that I don’t need to communicate with people from my brain, from my cerebral side, I can rather communicate from my feeling side. This is another type of creative communication coming from a place of knowing, my higher-self side, my yearning side, my loving side. When I communicate with my heart then people will respond in kind. One open heart can open up a mirror reflection of another open heart. Blessings, yitzchak FIX-INGS 8 you’ll come to fix it all up ****Be a person who becomes liberated from the anxiety of your lackings and your problems because you’re looking at them head-on, face-on, and you’re saying, “Perfect! I open up my flow; I become a flowing person. I accept my life just as it is,”-- which is a hard thing to do ---for almost anyone to do. Usually we repress so much of the pain of our lives, but here you’re saying, “It is what it is,” and not only that, but beyond that, you’re saying, “ It’s Perfect AS IS. I love my life as it is, I love everything that is coming my way. I love Hashem as is, I love people just as they are.” You become flowing; You become alive. Everything is healing because everything is coming from Hashem. You’re more aware of what you’re lacking, since you don’t repress it, and therefore, there’s more of a chance you’ll come to fix it all up. Blessings, yitzchak
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 06:00:53 +0000

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