FIXED STAR In the biting and bitter book, Africa Is My - TopicsExpress


FIXED STAR In the biting and bitter book, Africa Is My Witness, the black Bantu author says he hates the white man because what he says in the morning, he changes in the afternoon. While his statement is a vast generalization and probably reflects a few unfortunate experiences, we get his message clearly. For any meaningful relationship to exist, there must be truth. Rules that change with any whim become no laws at all. Imagine a wacky world in which the laws of gravity were capricious or there were no fixed stars to establish our seasons and guide our ships. Clearly, we could not survive on such a planet. While it seems that in our age everything that has been nailed down is coming loose, there is one thing forever settled: Gods Word. The Bible makes much of the unchangeableness of God because this is imperative if there is to be any semblance of order in our universe. What God says in the morning, He does not deny at night. Malachi reminds us: For I am the Lord, I change not (3:6). James adds: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning (1:17). During this last decade, we have been assaulted with every change imaginable. Toffler predicted in Future Shock that there will be no certainties anymore. While this may be true in the secular world, the believer can rest in Christ because God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And, He clearly tells us that His Word is settled forever. We would be wise to build on such a sure foundation.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 10:50:05 +0000

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