#FLF Childhood Sweetheart Chubby Feature Part 11 There - TopicsExpress


#FLF Childhood Sweetheart Chubby Feature Part 11 There was no point in trying to go back to sleep because everyone was going to start waking up soon. I took that time to get up and hit the shower before everyone else woke up. I stood under the water for a while just letting the water wash away the thoughts and feelings that were building up. I finally finished showering and then went to get ready. Everyone else started rushing to take a shower. I was surprised to find Pati and his family still here because I thought they were going to head home to get ready. Little did I know some of them left last night to get their church clothes together. Pati’s mom, Ana, asked to talk to me and she walked out to the backyard. I followed her out and sat down next to her. Ana: Peta, you have grown to be such a good, beautiful young lady. Me: Thank you! You seem to get prettier by the day. Ana: (laughing) Thanks, I thought my wrinkles and gray hair would definitely hinder my beauty but it seems to just increase it. Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about Pati. Me: (palms sweating) what about Pati? Ana: It’s no secret that your mom and I are very keen in you two hooking up but I don’t think you and my son are on the same page with how you feel. Me: Ana, you are like a second mother to my siblings and I. Pati is……….my friend. He has been my friend from the beginning and we had already talked about that. Ana: Yes, I know that you only see him as a friend but if you start to have other feelings for him please let him know. I know that he can be annoying at times but please be patient with him. Me: I will. With that she hugged me and we went inside just in time for everyone to head out for church. We got there and Divine was standing in the front with Roslynn and Blessing. “Oh there’s a welcoming committee” I said as I looked at Pati…lol His sisters made grunting noises as we parked. We got out and Divine ran over and hugged Pati. Pati almost fell back from the impact and he had a sheepish smile on his smile. Roslynn and Blessing just stared at me and kept eyeing me. Pati’s sister, Samantha locks her arm with mine and says “Elisapeta, smile for the camera!” “Huh? What camera?” I replied confused. She started laughing and says “The camera (nodding her head in the direction in which Roslynn and Blessing stood) they might as well take a picture since they are hard out staring!” Laughing out loud, we started walking towards the chapel. Tati then says “Just ignore them, they’re just hatin’!” we all walk in leaving Pati by himself with his entourage. We walked in and sat with our parents. Pati finally came in and sat next to me. He nudged me and I looked at him and he winks his eye at me, I just roll my eyes at him and shook my head. Part 12 After church, we all met up at the cars talking and trying to figure out who was going to make what dish for to’ana’i. As we were talking Divine walks over and asks Pati if he’d like to go over to her house for to’ana’i. He sadly declines and asks her if she would like to join us. Without even asking her parents, she quickly says yes! The girls and I just walk away to let our parents know that we will be having a guest over for to’ana’i. We all get in the cars and drive off. Divine rode with me, Pati, Samantha and Tati (you could just feel the “love” in the car) lol. We got to our house and we all walked in to start preparing to’ana’i. The grown folks hung out in the living room while me and the girls got to’ana’i ready. The boys were in the backyard hanging out and telling us to hurry up. Divine sat out there with them and we could hear her giggling (gag!). Anyways, the food was ready and Tati went to get our parents from the living room. Erica and I finished setting up the table while Elizabeth and Samantha brought the dishes to the table and Divine got the drinks together. The boys came in followed by their new shadow Divine. We all sat down and Divine took the seat next to Pati. I could tell he was a little uncomfortable and I was going to use it against him. As we ate, I figured I’d talk to Divine. “So, Divine what do you think about our Pati?” Samantha almost choked on her drink as she looked at me. Divine wiping her mouth looks at me and smiles a fake as…h smile “oh he is such a cutie and very respectful, too.” Pati’s mom looks up and says “what did you expect? I taught and raised him well!” Pati looks at me as if trying to tell me to stop and I pushed on… “So, Pati what do you think of Divine? She’s a good catch, don’t you think?” I saw the muscles in his jawline lock and looked him in the eyes waiting for his response. Actually everyone was waiting for his response. He put his fork down, took a gulp of his drink and then looked at me and says “She’s a good catch but not for me. I have my eyes set on someone else.” With that I challenged him, “oh really because from what I heard that someone else just wants to be friends.” Pati then smiles and says “Well from what I heard she will eventually have feelings for me and then come crawling back.” That just rubbed me the wrong way, “crawling back? Crawling back? Who said she was going to come crawling back?” As my voice started to go up a notch, my dad finally cut in and told us to talk about something else. I was irritated and they could tell I was because I couldn’t have stabbed the food on my plate any harder. I ate with my taste buds totally numb so I was just shoveling food in my mouth. I sat back quietly on my chair and waited for everyone to finish eating. When everyone was done, we cleared the table. I volunteered to do the dishes just so I didn’t have to talk to anyone. As I’m washing the dishes, Divine walks over and stands next to me. “So, you and Pati got issues?” I just looked over at her and said “if we do, it’s none of your business!” She started laughing as she says “well, actually I do…we’re together now!” I just looked at her and asked “when did that happen?” “Just a few minutes ago”, she said. I felt my heart break(?) or something like that but I wasn’t going to give her that satisfaction. I just smiled at her and said you can thank me later for making it happen and went back to my dishes as she stood there and then did her hair flip and walked away. When I was done with the dishes, my sisters walked in to let me know that they were waiting for me so we can head out for some ice cream. I asked who was going and she told me they all were plus Divine but the parentals were staying back to get their afternoon nap in. I told them to go ahead because I was just going to study after my dishes and get a nap in as well. They just stood there looking at me weird. I smiled and told them to just go, I’ll be fine. As I heard them walk out the door, I finally exhaled… Well you know how it is. Push a brother and hell eventually cave in. Why? To get back atcha of gourse baha *shakes head* plardy sick gitz #Jahr
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 07:25:18 +0000

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