FLOODED ONEIDA HOMES RESTORED. EIGHT WHEELCHAIR RAMPS CONSTRUCTED. HANDICAPPED MAN RECEIVES A WHEEL-IN SHOWER STALL. HOME OF TWO WOMEN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS RESTORED. TEAM TRAVELS TO AID HURRICANE SANDY VICTIMS. These are a few, of as many as three dozen, headlines that can be written about Operation Northern Comfort and its impact on the community. These projects can only be accomplished with an infusion of funds coming from individuals, festival, golf tournaments and other organizations. UNO Chicago Grill has once again partnered with ONC by offering a Dough Raiser. UNO patrons, using a voucher (attached) at their Cicero location, on December 15, will enjoy a delicious meal. UNO will donate to ONC up to 20% of the check, which will be used to purchase material needed to restore homes. You can assist this effort! Bring a voucher and dine at UNO’s. Pass out vouchers to relatives and friends. Ask members of your other organizations, churches and co-workers to use one of the vouchers. Thank you for caring and all you do to help your neighbor. And have a great Thanksgiving!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 11:36:05 +0000

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