FLORIDA NEEDS A STATESMAN, NOT A POLITICIAN, FOR GOVERNOR. Republican governor Rick Scott and former Republican governor Charlie Crist are politicians. Politicians say and do whatever it takes to get campaign funds and to line the pockets of their cronies. Politicians serve their own interests, and the interests of big money donors, at the expense of the people. And everybody knows it, so why vote for them? A statesman serves the interests of all of the people of the state. In the Florida governor’s race, the statesman is the independent candidate, economist Farid Khavari. Both of Florida’s most recent Republican governors, Scott and Crist, worked very hard for utility companies, insurance companies, health care providers, sugar companies, and other big money special interests. We may save $25 on vehicle registrations this year, but how much did you contribute to the BILLIONS that were ripped off by insurance companies and utilities and others, thanks to sound Republican governors in Florida? Only Farid Khavari has a specific, detailed economic plan for Florida. Only Khavari explains exactly how he will create good jobs in Florida—WITHOUT spending taxpayer money—and he explains it so anyone can understand it. Only Khavari explains how we can slash health care costs and save the state billions, while improving quality and access for everyone. Only Khavari explains how all of our problems, even cleaning the environment, can be solved WITHOUT spending tax dollars, and doing so will create all of the jobs we need. Everyone wants to cut government spending, but only Khavari explains how to do it the right way. When people earn enough to live on, they don’t need as many state services, right? Please take 30 minutes and read Khavari’s plan, and then vote as if your life depends on it, because it does. khavariforgovernor Khavari for Florida Governor 2014 – Independent SHARE & SPREAD THE WORD
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 02:48:10 +0000

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