FLORIDA REPUBLICAN ADVISES FERGUSON POLICE TO USE FIRE HOSES ON BLACK THUGS By Stephen D. Foster, Jr. NOVEMBER 30, 2014 Civil rights groups are outraged after a GOP official in Florida posted a racist remark on Twitter calling for Ferguson police to use fire hoses against the protesters. On Monday, Duval County GOP Secretary Kim A. Crenier took to Twitter after the grand jury decided not to indict Darren Wilson, who murdered unarmed teen Michael Brown. On the official Duval GOP Twitter account, Crenier cheered the outcome of the deeply flawed decision. “Ferguson, MO. No true bill! May God bless and protect Officer Darren Wilson and his family. Facts are facts” And then she posted an even more offensive missive on her own personal Twitter feed. She offered advice to the Ferguson police on how they should deal with protesters, whom she referred to as “thugs” who “need a shower.” According to Crenier, police should use fire hoses against them. “A suggestion for Ferguson– fire hoses. Grt big fire hoses, serious water pressure. Knock those thugs over. They probly need a shower anyway.” Now civil rights leaders are furiously calling for her resignation from office due to the racist nature of her remarks. Pastor R.L. Gundy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) told ActionNewsJax, “That’s insensitive, it’s racist. To make a comment like ‘thugs’ you might as well call somebody a n*****.” Wells Todd of the Jacksonville Progressive Coalition also expressed outrage over the divisive tweets. “When you make comments like this, what you’re trying to do is divide the culture and divide the citizenry of the city along racial lines,” he said. Crenier claims that her post is merely an innocent suggestion to help the police deal with protesters. “When you put it into context there is nothing sinister,” she told ActionNewsJax. But as we all should know, the use of fire hoses against African-American protesters in this country has a sinister past. In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) led the Birmingham campaign in the fight for civil rights in Alabama. Protesters marched through the streets, upsetting white racists everywhere include Police Chief Bull Connor. Connor warned the protesters that he would order the use of high pressure water hoses against them, which is exactly what Kim Crenier is suggesting in the present day. Here’s how Wikipedia describes what happened next. When they continued, Connor ordered the city’s fire hoses, set at a level that would peel bark off a tree or separate bricks from mortar, to be turned on the children. Boys’ shirts were ripped off, and young women were pushed over the tops of cars by the force of the water. When the students crouched or fell, the blasts of water rolled them down the asphalt streets and concrete sidewalks. It was an action that resulted in terrible images such as these that sparked international outrage. So far, Crenier has refused to resign her post and Duval GOP chair Rick Hartley has refused to remove her. Once again, the Republican Party is proving that they long for the days when whites could treat black people as inferior beings who don’t have voting rights or civil rights. Clearly, Crenier either knows nothing of history, or she’s a racist who absolutely knew what she was saying. Crenier’s post is outrageous and she should be fired and forced to publicly apologize for even thinking of suggesting the use of such an action against human beings. addictinginfo.org/2014/11/30/florida-republican-advises-ferguson-police-to-use-fire-hoses-on-black-thugs-video/
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 21:07:52 +0000

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